Monday, August 23, 2021

Mellowing Days


This morning dawned still and cloudy. We turned on a few lights at 7 am. Whispers of change are in the air - a bit more wind, temperatures that require a light sweater, and leaves that are losing their brightness. 

We are very thankful for cooler temperatures. On southern Vancouver Island we have not had measurable rain for weeks and weeks. Last week a wildfire began close to the town of Ladysmith. My husband was very busy all week working on evacuation plans for long-term care homes. Fortunately, as of this morning, the fire is contained and the seniors' residences are safe. 

I picked up a case of peaches last week and they were so hard that I wondered if they would ripen. I set them out on sheets of newspaper, socially distanced from each other, and within a few days they were perfect. Sweet and juicy. Okanagan peaches are the best! I canned seven pints and we will easily eat the rest fresh. 

On Saturday evening we enjoyed dinner with friends. They have a beautiful garden with the back border a forested park. We sat outside, with cozy wraps and a tall heater going, talking and laughing until the fat moon rose high in the sky and illuminated everything in a clear light. 

My contribution to the meal was a Cherry Almond Tart. Cherry season is all too short and I thought this was a good way to bid the season a fond farewell. I combined two recipes from Laura Calder's Paris Express

After Tim left for work I sat at the table overlooking the garden with my tea and yogurt, berries, and almonds. The light was so dull that I lit the first candle of the season. I'm hoping for many more sunny days, but enjoyed the stillness of this morning and the cheery glow of the little light beside me. 

The garden beckoned after breakfast. I fertilized the squash, pulled out the sweet peas (they've given me bouquet after bouquet this summer), pulled a few weeds, and cut more dahlias. They are so flamboyant! 

The rest of the morning (it's 10:30) is open and I think I'll do some sewing. This afternoon I'll be watching 2 little girls while their mother goes to an appointment. 


  1. Your tart looks so good and you evening dinner sounds perfect! Glad to hear the fire is no longer posing a threat.

  2. I’m glad that fire is contained! Good news.

    The blue color of that vase is lovely.

  3. What lovely photographs - simple things, beautifully displayed. Like the best of life perhaps.

  4. Your cherry tart is a thing of beauty and, no doubt, delicious. Trying to imagine needing a sweater to dine outside. Sounds delightful to me. So glad to know the fire is under control and hope it stays that way.

  5. Beyond delighted that my previous comment was a success!

  6. Your canned peaches look wonderful. I'd be tempted to leave them out on the counter for a few days just to admire them. My unripe ones are coming along and some were frozen today as well as a peach crisp I made for supper. Now I'm off to see the recipe for Cherry Almond Tart.

  7. Ahhhh... what lovely photos of food and flowers. I must check out your cherry almond tart recipe.

  8. Glad to hear that the LTCH were safe from the fire!

    I'm also noticing signs of autumn creeping up on us...

  9. Enjoyed your cozy post. Your cherry almond tart looks delicious and so do the canned peaches. I so enjoyed seeing your breakfast nook overlooking your garden. So restful and snug.

  10. Those fresh peaches look and sound so good. Most of what we get here are too hard and by the time they ripen, they turn brown. I have also been enjoying cooler weather plus we had about an inch of rain over the weekend. Not nearly enough, but it’s a start.

  11. Wish I could eat breakfast with you, we enjoy the same things!
    Your cherry pie and the canned peaches look so tasty.
    Yes, I saw a few leaves turning color today on our little road trip south - I think the lack of rain and such intense heat - we're back close to 100F - may bring an early fall with regard to trees changing. I just long for cooler days and nights.
    Glad the fire is contained - stay safe.
    Mary x

  12. Good work on both your parts. There is so much work to be done. So good to see rain forecast your way. Our kids, in downtown Vancouver, bought themselves an air conditioner it's been that bad.

  13. Our temperatures haven’t cooled yet. Yours sound perfect! Your pie looks yummy!

  14. It looks wonderful with you ... those wonderful peaches, the compote looks seductive, just like the cake :-))) Thank you very much for the recipe ... I'll try ... is guaranteed to be excellent with the almond filling.
    I like cakes very much :-))) Greetings to you in Canada. Viola

  15. Your cherry tart looks divine, Lorrie.

    And your peaches looks so fresh and juicy!

  16. So pleased the danger of the fire has passed. I have been seeing so much in the news about all your wildfires. You put me to shame with all your bottling and preserves. It’s time I got busy with some jam making as our stocks are quite depleted . B x

  17. You will be pleased to have the cooler days with less chance of the fires which have plagued the world this Summer. Your day sounds so serene, from your breakfast table, the canning of peaches, a little sewing and gardening: Perfect :) In the frequent lockdowns we are experiencing here, such joys make us grateful for a good home and garden. Take care.

  18. Good news that the fire was contained. Those Okanagan peaches look delicious. We are noticing the cooler nights and mornings. Enjoy your day.

  19. So glad the fire was contained and no one had to be evacuated. Your weekend sounded wonderful as did your morning. Stay safe.

  20. Our sweetpeas have not done well. I miss them.
    Your tart and the canned peaches both sound so delicious.
    Glad the fire didn't cause evacuation.
    I have certainly enjoyed some cooler temperatures too. Whew!

  21. Every sensory detail contributes to a delicious post!

  22. I need to pick up some local peaches the next time I am out. I have been tempted by a couple of peachy posts this morning! I am relieved with you that the fire did not reach the long-term homes. We have watched with sadness the devastation that fires have caused in a community where my son and his family once lived. I'm sure you enjoyed your time with the little girls. Time with grands is precious!

  23. That tart 1ooks amazing!

  24. Lorrie - we are enjoying cooler temperatures, too. And RAIN! Thus far in August, we have seen two times the rain we normally receive. Consequently, most of the Northwest Montana fires are contained - what a blessing! I lit some candles tonight - fall is ALMOST in the air!

  25. Everything sounds and looks wonderful! I wonder why I just got Kit

  26. Good morning, Lorrie. Somehow I missed this post. Your peaches are beautiful. I don't think there is anything prettier than peaches sparkling in their jar. A breath of summer you will have in January. Your tart looks delicious, I'm sure your friends loved your contribution. So glad the fires are under control. Here in the US the folks on the Gulf are preparing for a dreadful hurricane. Have a great week, Lorrie

  27. So pleased that the fire was contained and no one had to be evacuated.
    Your tart looks delicious and I love the colour of the flowers.

    Enjoy these last few days of August, September is almost here.

    All the best Jan

  28. BC peaches are the best, making it hard to understand why Costco canned peaches come from Greece. =)
    Your cherry tart looks so pretty - too beautiful to cut!

  29. Hello dear Lorrie! I am catching up with your lovely soul lifting blog this morning. Your gorgeous images always fill me with delight. Have a wonderful weekend!


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