Friday, August 06, 2021

On Friday: Zinnias, Books, and Apricots


Zinnias are such cheerful flowers, so bright and pert. I cut a little bouquet for the patio table where I can see them from inside the house, as well as enjoy them outside. They last a lovely long time. 

A little visitor decided the flowers needed washing, so she pulled them out, one by one, poured water over them and stacked them more or less neatly on the table. You'll notice that the bird is getting a bath, too. Give a child access to water play and she entertains herself for long stretches of time. 

The other day when I was downtown having my car serviced, I wandered into Russell Books, one of our local stores. Books old and new fill two stories of inviting shelves with books that beg to be taken home. I'm not one to resist the siren call of books and picked up the little stack above. Thrush Green is an addition to my collection of Miss Read books. I never really got into reading the Alexander McCall Smith's No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency series, and I thought I'd try again with this book. As for the Little French Kitchen, well, with its colourful photos that feature dishes from various regions of France, it fairly jumped into my hands. 

With all three children living in town, there is a LOT of interchange between our homes. Furniture is used here and then there, baby toys make their way around, as do items of clothing. Books are passed around. Recently a food dehydrator and a portable barbecue are being shared. One daughter had no further use for the bookcase above, so it arrived here in our guest room. It's larger than the bookcase previously there, which will likely be taken to the thrift store. I spent a pleasant time rearranging books, taking some to other bookshelves in the house and bringing other books here. I recently culled quite a few books and it's good to have some empty space on the shelves. 

The little painting above the bookshelf is a watercolour done by my sister-in-law of the farm where my mother-in-law grew up, and my husband and his siblings spent many happy days. 

When I went to the market earlier in the week, the sign by the apricots said "last of the season" so I knew I needed to do something to celebrate apricots. This apricot tart was the result, a variation of one in Will Torrent's Pâtisserie At Home. It was most delicious to share with friends. 

Late yesterday afternoon the trees began tossing in the wind blowing in from the Pacific, bringing cooler air and, hopefully, a bit of rain to slow down the wildfires. Not enough is forecast to make much of a difference to any outdoor weekend plans. We just might have to dash for a bit of cover for a few minutes. 

Have a wonderful weekend, and thank you for reading my blog. 


  1. The tart looks delicious. Rachel Khoo had a television show where she cooked out of her tiny little Paris apartment. It was fun to watch.

  2. You can see her show on youtube - here:

  3. I love zinnias! What a sprightly bouquet you have there. Such fun to see the Little Miss enjoying them too! You're right, children and playing with water do go hand in hand. I do love that Russell Bookstore you popped into - we always try to visit it when we come to Victoria - it's been a few years now. Your wee pile of books looks most inviting and your new bookcase appears right at home. What a pretty watercolour - a real family treasure. Happy Weekend, Lorrie.

  4. Iris is very concentrated on getting that zinnia washed. So cute.
    It's rare to find a used copy of any Miss Read books. You were lucky.
    Your Apricot Tart is picture perfect!

  5. Rachel Khoo is one of my favourite cooks. She used to do a TV programme here which was filmed in her tiny Parisian kitchen. Well, it was hardly a kitchen more of a cupboard. She would turn out the most amazing dishes, proving that you do not need a huge area to work in or loads of equipment. She was born and brought up in London of mixed parentage but now lives, not in Paris, but in Sweden.

  6. I remember Rachel Khoos Little Paris Kitchen series, and so admired the way everything fitted in a tiny space, including diners!
    How lovely that the flowers were being watered, with great care, I'm sure. A photo that in years to come you will look at and remember that moment.

  7. I love your sweet granddaughter watering the flowers. Her pink watering can is adorable. And the bookcase and watercolor painting are perfect in your guest room. I love arranging books!

  8. It is a pleasure to read your blog. What a sweet photo of your granddaughter watering the flowers in such a unique way. Now what were you saying about empty space on the bookshelves?

  9. Zinnias are so pretty and for me often overlooked when deciding on what to plant.

  10. Sounds like you have had a beautiful week. Stay safe and enjoy your weekend.

  11. Yes, those little visitors do love water play. She's so cute. That apricot tart really turned out beautifully. Happy weekend. We're waiting for that rain!

  12. Adorable post!Made me smile!

  13. Water play is the best! What a sweetie!

  14. What a helpful little visitor. Adorable!

  15. I treasure my sisters
    paintings. she does waterco1or. I am g1ad you have a fami1y heir1oom. That todd1er is too cute . So serious!

  16. I love the colour of Zinnias too, and they make a great Summer arrangement. And they are tough enough to come through a little water bath from your sweet granddaughter. Water play is always a favourite. Your apricot tart looks fantastic, and I am sure your friends agreed.

  17. Hello, Lorrie! Zinnias are indeed cheerful flowers and your bouquet and the patio table are a refreshing view.
    Books and bookshelves, a cute child and delicious baking - your post is perfect.
    I hope you will get more rain. Here it's grey and dark today but we are really happy it's raining.
    Happy August to you and yours!

  18. That is one cute little girl and she is doing a fine job of washing the flowers! I hope she will grow up sharing your love of books.

  19. Iris looks so sweet watering the flowers. Well done on the book case. We’re a bit like you with circulating furniture around the family. Very satisfying. They apricot tart looks delicious. Have a good week. B x

  20. Good morning, Lorrie. I so enjoyed seeing Miss Iris busy at work with her own pink watering can. She is most definitely a future gardener. I should do a little thrift shopping and search for another bookcase, mine are overflowing. Thanks so much for information on your selection of books, I always appreciate that.

    Hopefully, you will see some rain soon. We have enjoyed a rather normal summer with our temperatures in the low to mid 80's. Although, it has been dry here as well.

    Wishing you a great week, Lorrie.

  21. Lost my comment again....

    Is anyone else having this problem, here???????????????????????????????????????

  22. Try again...

    Your little "Water-Player" is the sweetest part, of this delightful post. -smile-


  23. The flower washing made me smile.

    Great book haul! Your new-to-you bookshelf looks great. My parents and I swap items between households too.

  24. Awww, I do like the photograph of your grand-daughter.
    That Will Torrent recipe, and your variation of it looks delicious.
    A definite YUM for your apricot tart :)

    All the best Jan

  25. I smiled when I saw Iris washing the flowers! Yes, water play is fascinating for children. A sink full of soapy water, a few plastic cups, and a stool to stand on would provide long-lasting entertainment for my children. (Until they were old enough to actually wash the dishes and then it didn't hold the same appeal. 😉)

    Your apricot tart looks yummy. What a great way to celebrate those end-of-summer beauties!

  26. the colours of your zinnias are beautiful, so is your granddaughter. Looks funny to wash a flower!
    I always loose my comment and have problems to leave comments on blogs. I noticed somebody had the same problem.

  27. Zinnias do make fabulous cut flowers -- whether clean or straight from the garden ))) ... It's so lovely to watch grandchildren play and learn (and now great-grands, in my case). That apricot tart is making me hungry. A slice of that, a cup of tea, and any one of those books would make a great late summer afternoon.

  28. Ah! The cute little Miss! ❤

  29. That is a very pretty and colorful bouquet.

    And your little visitor is most adorable!


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