Friday, August 20, 2021

On Friday: Summer on the Wane


Reddening apples are a sure sign that summer days are numbered. That, along with much cooler temperatures and cloudy skies. The bright greens of early summer mellow and soften into duller shades. I'm not nearly ready to let go of summer yet, and we have at least another six weeks of reasonably good weather. 

I've been preserving the harvest lately. Applesauce is a hit with all the grandchildren and I make it to share. Our apple trees are loaded this year. I also made 6 apple crisps, and partially baked them before tucking them into the freezer. Fig jam joined the apricot and raspberry jars made earlier. 

The garden is producing steadily - green beans, zucchini, lettuce, and tomatoes. I harvested onions a couple of weeks ago and yesterday put in some winter kale, broccoli, and leeks. We are fortunate to have such a mild climate. Ratatouille was on the menu last night and I spent several hours chopping eggplant, zucchini, red bell pepper, onion, tomato and garlic, along with thyme, rosemary, and parsley, then sauteeing each vegetable separately before adding a squeeze of lemon and some basil. I made enough to put three more meals into the freezer. 

My sweet mother celebrated her 85th birthday this week. My sister held a party on Sunday. We didn't attend, but on the morning of her birthday I called Mom before she went to her regular day of quilting at MCC to wish her a happy day. I had sent a package over earlier. Then, I drove to the ferry and crossed to the mainland. My dad met me outside the quilt room (he was in on the surprise) and together we walked into the room. I'll always remember the look of surprise on my mom's face - priceless! I took them out for lunch and we visited for a bit at their home, then I drove back to the ferry and was home again shortly after 7. It was a long day, but so worth it!

I have no idea what this dahlia's name is, but she's a showy creature, producing bloom after bloom of coral-coloured flowers. 

Cosmos are growing taller than I am, with cheerful pink blooms. Zinnias, roses, hydrangeas - the garden is awash is colour as the flowers put out their best effort knowing that the season is short. 

Sunset arrives earlier each day. We took a walk along the water around 8 pm and watch the sun slip in and out of the clouds on its way down behind the islands. 

I'll be tackling the job of cleaning out the deep freezer tomorrow. It would have been easier to do it before starting to fill it up, but that didn't get done. I want to organize it better as it's in a bit of a shambles just now. Do you keep a written inventory of what's in your freezer, or is it all in your head? Mine is the latter, but my daughter is inspiring me to consider the former. 

Happy Weekend, dear readers. Take time to enjoy the beauty of each day.  


  1. Happy Birthday to Mom!
    what a lovely smile, happiness shines in her face.
    Yay for applesauce! In winter mostly, I use applesauce as a condiment, and mixed with mustard and ketchup.

  2. My freezer is all in my mind! How lovely your mother looks,and what a surprise you must have given her!
    Your Dahlia looks very similar to my Labyrinth, a wonderful plant and very prolific with flowers.

  3. Happy Birthday to your mother!
    Is apple sauce with sugar, like what we call « compote » which is a dessert or a sauce to eat with something?
    Your garden gives you lots of vegetable, nice for the winter.
    Nice weekend.

  4. The sunset is beautiful!

  5. Great Mom Birthday Story and YUM cake. Thanks for the beautiful photos. Our cosmos are at the same spot as yours!! I need them for the autumn and they don't disappoint

  6. Your mother certainly doesn't look her age, and it is lovely that you arranged such a very special surprise for her. I also have similar feelings at this time of year, you can feel the atmosphere changing day by day as the days rapidly grow shorter.

  7. What a great surprise for your Mother! It sounded like a lovely day. Your jams and crisps sound so good. Have a wonderful weekend! Kit

  8. From the first picture with those luscious apples to the last ones of the lovely flowers, this post is uplifting and inspiring .I organized my freezer recently and thought about doing a written inventory, but once again, it was a passing thought. I used to do that and may have to resort to such again.

  9. Happy Birthday to your Mother!! How lovely that you came over to surprise her. It must have made her day.
    Beautiful Dahlia and Cosmos. I must have hoed too thoroughly because no volunteer Cosmos came up this year.

  10. Happy birthday to your mother!
    Well done with the produce. I've lost my mojo for that.
    It does feel as if summer is over. The girls are gone. Yet, it's a heat wave! I miss the birdies the most.

  11. Happy Birthday to your Mother! Your canning jars look delicious. We don't have a freezer anymore, the condo does not have room for one, but I am also not growing a garden so I don't have much to freeze!

  12. How lovely the memory will be of taking the ferry to see your dear mom on her 85th nd giving her such a great surprise!
    She really looks fabulous and I wish her a belated happy birthday.
    Your apples are amazing - bet they make delicious apple sauce. I don't have a stand alone freezer and the one in my fridge is always over-packed so I have to pull everything out to find things, which is a pain!
    I've had a craving for ratatouille this week - must make some soon while the summer veggies are so tasty.

    No cooling off here yet - awful humidity and still in the 90's. Your sunset is so pretty - I need to see some water soon!

    Hugs - Mary

  13. How wonderful to surprise your Mom they way you did. I bet it was such a wonderful present to have you with her. She will alwys remember how special you made her day. Stay safe.

  14. Hello, Lorrie. How special that you were able to surprise your Mom and spend the day with her. Memories to cherish. Your garden produce sounds amazing. I am buried under tomatoes at the moment. Made sauce yesterday and had basil/tomato pizza for dinner. It so so good made with fresh tomatoes and basil.
    We have been spared the heat from other states, although we are to have a few really warm days this week. Yes, summer is moving along and we will have warm days through the middle of October. I'm not ready to move away from summer either.

  15. Your photographs are all so lovely.
    Your Ratatouille looks delicious.
    What a lovely photograph of your Mom, belated birthday wishes for her. I think that was so nice to surprise her :)

    My good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  16. I adore that dahlia but I love that You surprised your mother on her birthday!

  17. What a happy post, Lorrie. Your mother looks wonderful and not at all 85. I love that she still goes to her quilting group, and that you could surprise her this way. She would have loved it so much. It must be lovely to have an apple tree; I eat an apple every day but it is too hot for them here. Your ratatouille looks so delicious and great to have in the freezer. We have just planted an olive tree, and hope one day to enjoy a little harvest.

  18. How lovely that you got to celebrate your Mom's birthday with her! You are lucky to be able to enjoy speaking with her, seeing her and sharing these special occasions -- I know you are so grateful!
    Ah, the freezer.......we only have the freezer in our side-by-side fridge/freezer in the kitchen and it is a minefield. It is all in my head, which frustrates my husband as he cannot understand why I save bits of this and that for so long. Every once in a while I try to cook meals only using what's on hand in the freezer, it is so hard to keep up. But when I make bouillabaisse or stews or stir fries with treasures from the freezer, it is immensely satisfying!

  19. How wonderful to celebrate your beautiful mom's 85th birthday with a surprise visit and lunch. How great that she enjoys quilting and keeping active with her hobbies.
    You've been busy in the kitchen with all your canning and apple crisps. What a great idea to partially bake several to then freeze and enjoy later.

  20. Happy 85th Birthday to your mom! Your surprise visit must have made her day!

  21. A quick trip to surprise your mother is priceless.
    Yummmmmm! applesauce! Your flowers are gorgeous!

  22. Love how you surprised your beautiful mom! You sure resemble her!


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