Friday, August 13, 2021

On Friday: Heat, Flowers, Panna Cotta


As the afternoon heat builds, the garden stills, everything quiet under the baking sun. I do the same. This morning, in anticipation of guests arriving, I made salads (mediterranean pasta salad, green bean and radish) and a marinade for the flank steak. Before we eat I'll slice red juicy tomatoes (alas, not from our garden yet) and drizzle olive oil and balsamic vinegar over them and toss torn basil leaves atop. 

I cut flowers this morning, too. There is a lot of colour in the garden just now although the blooms do not last long in this third heat wave of summer. 

On the mantel a cool arrangement of hydrangeas.

On the dining room table a fresh bouquet of roses. 

Last night I made Panna Cotta for tonight's dessert. I find that having dessert taken care of ahead of time frees my mind when I'm preparing for guests. This is an easy one to make, along with a cherry, blackberry, and blueberry sauce. I did unmold one ahead of time, for two reasons. One, I wanted to see if unmolding would be successful, and two, I wanted a photo for this post. 

I did refrain from eating it and put it in the fridge until later this evening. 

For the rest of the afternoon I'll be sipping on ice water and reading a book. It's too hot to do anything else. Oh, and to compound the heat, our skies are smoky from wildfires that cast an eerie orange glow on everything. How we (and other parts of the world) need rain. 

Happy Weekend, dear readers!


  1. It’s hot and humid here now too. We’ve had a lot of rain this summer.

    I like to have dessert done a day ahead too. Your looks great!

  2. Smoke and heat just are not a good combination. Hoping it clears soon.
    The panacotta looks delicious and refreshing on a summer evening.
    Your flowers are all gorgeous!
    Stay cool!

  3. Your flowers look beautiful and the meal sounds delicious.

  4. I could not have resisted that delicious pannacotta!

  5. The pannacotta makes a perfect dessert to enjoy in hot weather - I am sure your guests will enjoy it.
    I am feeling more and more anxious about these wild fires around the world - the whole of southern Europe appears to be on fire, California and now Sibera.

  6. Your dessert looks beautiful! I hope things cool off a little for you and the smoke goes away.

  7. It has been eerie the last few days. Waiting eagerly for the Tuesday rain they are predicting and the cooler temps, too. Beautiful dessert!

  8. Lovely photos...

    Delicious looking dessert...

    Good plan for the afternoon...

    Oh my, more 'smoke'...

    Too bad we can't send you some of our rain....

    🍂 🍁 🌻 🌰 🌻 🍁 🍂

  9. It sounds lovely. Stay safe and have fun.

  10. I don't know how you could resist eating that delicious looking Panna Cotta right away. It looks wonderful.
    I love your bouquets of flowers. So pretty.

  11. I always love seeing your pretty flower arrangements. I’m like you with deserts trying to make them well in advance. I have never made pan a cotta, will have to give it a go. B x

  12. You are strong resisting that beautiful dessert to save it for later. Lovely flowers

  13. Your open roses 1ook as 1ove1y as peonies.

  14. Yes, rain would be lovely. I hear we will get some on Wednesday. Very Smokey here the last three days. I just putter around the house. Have a great week. Kit

  15. Sorry I'm so behind with comments dear - things are moving slowly around here, worn out from our travel north (it was lovely though), the garden chores and the rotten hot/humid weather day after day! Read all your lovely posts though, such beautiful photos of all you've seen and done these past few weeks.
    Hugs as always.

  16. Your fresh cut flowers are a riot of pretty! Love that recipe too. I make a sugar free pudding that I like so I'm sure I would love this! Enjoy your week!

  17. Your flowers look beautiful! I don't think I've ever tried panna cotta.

    Let's hope that your area will see some rain soon!

    1. P.S. I didn't know that you also had a food blog!

  18. Hello, Lorrie. I am certainly late with my comments, but have been a bit under the weather. Feeling better now though.

    Your roses are beautiful and your Panna Cotta looks scrumptious and with the blackberries I don't think I could have resisted the temptation of a big bite. And your china is lovely. My mom had a similar pattern.

    I do hope you have some rain soon. We had a nice rain today and the temperatures are much cooler. Those fires are so frightening - I hope they stay away from you.

    Have a great week, Lorrie.

  19. Your company meal sounds like a great one for a hot summer evening. I am a lover of savory more than a lover of sweet, but I think I could make a meal from that panna cotta. I hope that your heat wave has passed by now, and that you are getting some of that much needed rain.

  20. My earlier comment disappeared again. Will keep trying.

  21. From beautiful fresh flowers…to delicious dishes…and that yummy dessert…it all sounds most appealing. Your guests will have had a delightful evening, despite the high temperatures and smoky skies.

  22. From beautiful fresh flowers…to delicious dishes…and that yummy dessert…it all sounds most appealing. Your guests will have had a delightful evening, despite the high temperatures and smoky skies.

  23. You have a beautiful home, I loved your colorful bouquet. It is so wonderful to be able to meet friends and family, the delta variant is expanding here, too. Sad.


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