Sunday, May 01, 2022

Wildflowers in the Woods


(photos enhanced with a digital watercolour pencil effect)

A very quick post this evening. This afternoon we went on a hike in the woods with our eldest daughter, her husband, and their daughter. We walked 10 km (7 miles) in 3.5 hours. My daughter and I were busy taking photos and were told that if we didn't stop we would be in the woods until quite late. So we hustled more on the last half of the hike.

So many wildflowers are blooming just now - from left to right on the top: Small-flowered Blue-eyed Mary, Trillium, Yellow Wood Violet. On the bottom there is a Lady's Slipper Orchid, and unfurling fern, and Wild Bleeding Hearts. 

I'm sure we'll sleep well tonight after all the exercise and fresh air. What a beautiful world we live in. 


  1. Wildflowers are beautiful. That is quite a hike, and no doubt a special memory.

  2. Such a lovely variety of flowers carpeting your woodland floor. I have tried several times to grow Trillium without success - they do not like our soil, but I lived in hope.

  3. What pretty wildflowers, Lorrie. The only one I have seen is the Trillium - it was exciting to see them when we visited Ontario in Springtime, 2015, and I know it is their Provincial Flower. Hope we can return to Canada next year, to enjoy more hikes and scenery :)

  4. I grew up in Michigan on a lake, with state land all around. We used to hike the woods all of the time and loved seeing the wildflowers.

  5. The wildflowers are glorious! I can imagine how many times you stopped on a walk that long. I always find the return is quicker since I’ve photographed so much going there.

  6. Lovely! That filter is really neat!

  7. There is a special beauty in those spring wildflowers.

  8. Must start looking for Fiddle Head Fern in the grocery store!


  9. Interesting effect, but I still prefer your beautiful photos, as is. -smile-


  10. Loved the pretty wildflowers, Lorrie.

    Sounds like an amazing hike.

    Happy Monday!

  11. Such nice wild flowers. We also walked 30 km in three days along the North Sea among many bicycles people in the Netherlands are so found of cycling they even take their dogs in special carriage for dogs behind their bikes. So much fun!

  12. I love you collage with the clever effect. I will have to check that out :) B x

  13. Good for you! I couldn't do 10 km, my back would pain me!

  14. Pretty flowers. It's interesting how you changed them using the watercolour pencil effect.
    A 10 km hike....that's a long walk.

  15. Very nice, Lorrie! Glad you were able to capture some images before it got dark.

  16. I love wildflower season! Your enhanced photo collage is lovely. We happily finally had rain today after weeks of none and constant high winds. I was so relieved not to worry about fire danger for one day. I am praying we get rain at least once a week this summer and end this 2-year drought.

  17. You and your dear ones came across many lovely wildflowers during your trek! Yes, it is a beautiful world!

  18. Beautiful wildflowers! How wonderful to see them all.

  19. I have wonderful memories of picking wild flowers as a child in Indiana. We live in a desert area and our wild flowers are the homes of many tiny bugs. Our daughter picked me a bouquet when she was little, I spied a couple little bugs in the flowers, so I sprayed the bouquet with raid. An hour later my counter was covered in tiny dead bugs. That was the end of desert bouquets, LOL.

  20. That was quite the Sunday afternoon stroll! Beautiful blooms out there!

  21. May 4th
    I posted a question, today...
    🌸 💗 🌸 💗 🌸 💗 🌸 💗 🌸

  22. A lovely hike, beautiful flowers.

    All the best Jan

  23. Such a rewarding hike! And that you know each flower by name is also amazing!


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