Saturday, December 17, 2022

On a December Morning


Sunrise is around 8 am now. We were both awake early and decided, on a whim, to go to the beach when it was still pitch dark. Dressed in heavy coats, gloves, and toques, we stopped by Starbucks at 6:30 for two breakfast sandwiches, coffee for him and tea for me. 
We sat in the darkness of the car and ate breakfast while watching two beacon lights across the water blink alternately red and green. A tugboat chugged by, its bright headlight shining a path across the inky water. 

On this overcast morning sunrise was almost imperceptible, a mere gradual lightening of the sky in the east. Breakfast finished we went for a short walk. Gulls, and Bufflehead ducks were just awakening and beginning their mornings. Sparrows flitted from their nests across the path, still almost invisible in the half-light. 

From a distance we heard the faint honking of Canada geese. Then, there they were, high overhead, long trails of dark shapes swirling and shifting in loose formation, now over water, now over land.

How beautiful they were, greeting the morning together with us, wild geese against a grey December sky. 

And so the day began. All through the tidying and vacuuming, the folding of laundry and washing of dishes, the peace of that early morning has stayed in my mind, a few moments of delicious beauty in God's marvelous world. 


  1. Great photos here. My favourite is the first! Exceptional.

  2. My heart went thumpety thump when I realized that was such a large group of Canada geese flying in the sky above you--is it a skein of geese they call it? I would be out of my mind with joy if we ever had that many here. I think the most we've ever had circle and land were 12, usually only 6 or 8. You were so privileged to see such a sight. It sounds as if you had a lovely Saturday morning, Lorrie. And I forgot to tell you when you wrote about the Three Pines episodes on Prime that we're enjoying them. I have to stop myself from telling RH "that didn't happen in the book" and just let him enjoy it. I am enjoying it. It's visually beautiful and I love the actor Alfred Molina but I have to admit I've always pictured Armand as much more handsome. The plots are somewhat different but still, Prime has done a much better job at adapting Penny's books than Hallmark did with the first Jan Karon book. I hope it is popular and they will continue with them.

  3. What a lovely way to spend a winter morning with your sweetheart.

  4. Such a beautiful description of your early morning. Great pictures too.

  5. I love geese, the only one I can hear and see in the sky is when they leave in Autumn and when they come back in spring. This was a nice beginning of the day, mine was just open the window and look at the beautiful sky. I wish I could walk with you. Have a nice weekend

  6. A perfect way to greet the day. Love to see the birds as they begin their daily ritual. B x

  7. That must have been a very lovely way to greet the day. The geese reminded me of the Cranes that flew across France once a year, making the most incredible noise!

  8. Sounds like a wonderful start to the day. Lorrie.
    Sublime photos as always.

    Hugs and blessings!

  9. What a LOVELY and beautiful morning i December...some great pictures you have captured!
    Have a great Sunday and take care :)

  10. What a lovely plan for the morning! We are buried in the white stuff, here!

  11. What a wonderful way to start the day!

  12. Love these inspirations that greet the dawn. So peaceful.

  13. You have a lovely way with words. Wonderful photos, too. I saw a v formation the other day but wasn't able to get my phone out fast enough. :/

  14. Beautiful morning!
    Great Nature entertainment of geese flying over. That is special.

  15. Wonderful morning photos. It looks cold like here. I am ready for some morning sunshine here. I love that last picture of just the bare growth reaching to the sky with the water behind it. xo Diana

  16. It's so nice to do something like that. It makes you feel young and adventurous! Love the Canada geese! WOW! And enjoy the holiday week ahead. Hugs, Diane

  17. I hope you enjoyed your early morning trip to the beach! I've raced to the beach (over an hour away) to catch the sunset but never the sunrise. Merry Christmas!

  18. What a delightful and peaceful post!!!!!!!


  19. What a lovely way to set the tone for the day.

  20. I would love a morning such as this. What a beautiful sight. The second geese picture almost (if I use my imagination) looks like they are forming a huge bird in flight by their pattern.

  21. What lovely avian shots! The snowbirds will also be heading down south for the winter soon.

  22. So absolutely lovely, Lorrie. You live in a most beautiful part of the world. The Canada geese look amazing. I thought they all flew South for the Winter! Maybe they are on their way. What a great way to start the day, in this busy season. Merry Christmas Lorrie.

  23. A wonderful way to start the day - amazing how it only takes Nature in all her beauty to thrill us almost beyond words. I love that you and Tim did that - much more fun that turning over in bed and going back to sleep for another hour or so!!!!
    I think all those geese flew here perhaps - we have SO MANY in the neighborhood!!!
    Enjoy these pre-Christmas days - blessings to you and your precious family dear Lorrie.

  24. Your early morning sounds good, and I enjoyed seeing your photographs.

    All the best Jan

  25. I have no idea how many times I have heard geese high overhead calling to each other and thrilling me with their flight. It never gets old. On Monday it happened while I was shovelling my driveway and I stopped to watch and listen. It sends chills up my spine.

  26. I have to tell you that I have never gotten up white it's still dark just for the sake of getting going. Somehow you make it sound like an adventure and worth doing.


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