Tuesday, December 20, 2022

When Snow Falls


When snow falls in our coastal city, the corners of my mouth turn upwards. I can't help but smile, inside and out. We had a huge snowfall overnight, well over a foot, so I've been practically grinning! 

When snow falls, I don boots, toque, gloves, and down-filled parka to take a walk. The transformation from dull greens and browns to glittering whiteness never fails to astound me. 

When snow falls, contrast is highlighted and the world becomes a soft geometry of snow-capped seed heads, fence posts, and bird baths. 

When snow falls, little flowers like this feverfew blossom peek out with brave and pale colour.

When snow falls, I am happy to come indoors and enjoy a cup of tea and baking in front of a warm fire. And I know that here, snow will not last long, which is precisely why I love it so much. I grew up in the north where snow lasted long into March and April, and grew very, very weary of it. 

Today, however, I am reveling in the snow, drinking tea, looking out the window, puttering in the kitchen, and finishing up a little sewing. 

How do you spend a snow day, if you ever have them? 

PS I've posted the sugar cookie recipe on my other blog, here


  1. Wish our snow didn’t last so long. Enjoy it while it lasts.

  2. We also got quite a lot of snow. You describe it so much better than I can.

  3. I would love to have just a few snowy days, but so far only a few parts of Cornwall have had a light flutter of snow. Yours looks magnificent!

  4. We had about a foot, too, but it was wet stuff. We're into a deep freeze Friday. This isn't fun! I spend snow days moving snow around here!

  5. Like you , if it ever snows, I’m out there enjoying it all. How very festive to have snow now. B x

  6. Beautiful photographs.
    We have had cold frosty days but no snow ... although some areas of the UK have.

    I like your idea of being indoors and enjoying a cup of tea by a nice warm fire :)

    All the best Jan

  7. We have been watching the snowy scenes from southern BC, Lorrie, and talking to Miriam's sister, Jan who lives in Victoria, and it is pretty incredible. What with forest fires, floods and now snow and ice, BC seems to be experiencing climate change writ large. But, I would gladly go for a walk in the snow with you! Best wishes for the holidays. David

  8. What a pretty winter wonderland you have captured. If we get snow I treat it just like you. It is something to be celebrated, enjoyed and photographed because it never sticks around long here. We're due for very cold weather by Christmas. My Florida grandson wants so badly to see and play in snow. I don't think it is in our forecast, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

  9. Hi Lorrie! What beauty you've captured for us to enjoy. We don't get snow too often here in Texas, but we did in other states that I lived in. We are supposed to get very cold here tonight (in the teens), and I used frost cloth on some of my plants, and covered my outdoor faucets. Your cozy scene by the fire is enticing. I'm sipping a cup of tea right now. Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  10. Such pretty snow scenes you have shared! We have much the same weather here in WA, and it is always such a thrill when it snows. I love just staying in my jammies and catching up on my reading on snow days. Hope you and your family have a lovely Christmas! x K

  11. When snow falls, we all get a little excited. I always wish nothing needed shoveling, because it wrecks the look.

  12. I can feel your excitement as you welcome the big snow today! The world certainly looks beautiful blanketed in fresh snow!

  13. Lovely snow photos, Lorrie, but the tea by the fireplace is the best. :)
    We too greet the first snow with cheer because the snow adds so much light to our long nights. Our snow season, however, lasts from November/December to the end of March or April and seems to have moved later (because of the climate change? - in spring to have some snow, and falling, even in May is exhausting). So snow days are beautiful but like any other days.

    Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  14. Your snow photos are beautiful, and convey what I love about snow! It makes everything gorgeous. I love to visit it when we can, but opportunities are rare for us. Your baked treats look for beautiful too. Enjoy, and Merry Christmas.

  15. An irritating year passes now and we hope for better time in 2023. Wishing you and your family a wonderful Christmas and a healthy good year.

    Thank you for sharing your wintertime.

    Hugs from Bavaria, Heidrun

  16. I grew up in a country that could have snow in April and became weary of it as well. But I always enjoyed a walk in the snow, especially on a sunny, but cold day. It is beautiful, and yes, coming back to a warm place with cookies and hot chocolate played an important part.
    I wish you and your family a peaceful Christmas and a happy and healthy new year.

  17. Like you, I love that magical feeling discovering that snow arrived silently through the night - the world always looks so exquisite when newly dressed in white.

  18. A foot overnight...quite the snowfall. Ours has been an accumulation but none of it has melted so there is quite a pile. Looks like you made the most of your winter wonderland. Your photos are beautiful.

  19. I also like to cozy up indoors with a cup of tea on snowy days.


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