Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Quick and Simple


I'm just popping in to say a quick hello before getting back to doing not much of anything. This week between the years is delightful for its lack of expectations. We had a lovely Christmas with family - full of delicious food, laughter, and happiness. 

Our 16 or so inches of snow melted in less than a week due to temperatures above the norm combined with rain and wind. For the past two days we've noticed a Varied Thrush hanging about, picking up food from under the bird feeder. This elusive bird lives in coniferous forests and comes more into the open after cold and snow. Such a handsome fellow! 

Wishing you all a wonderful week, and a very happy beginning to the new year - 2023! 


  1. Your grandies look adorable, and so does the bird visiting for food!
    Wishing you and your charming family a Happy New Year!

  2. Beautiful holiday pictures
    Great photo of the interesting and feather stylish bird.

  3. Happy New Year to you, Lorrie! The varied thrush is beautiful!

  4. Beautiful images of Christmas and the kiddos are such cuties! Have a great week!

  5. Such darling photos. Hope you're enjoying the holiday season and staying nice and warm, dear Lorrie. All the best for the new year!

  6. Beautiful mosaic . I wish you a very Happy New Year!

  7. We have been watching the weather in BC with some degree of amazement. All that snow, coming on the heels of wildfires and floods earlier in the year could make one think that the province has been singled out for harsh treatment! It can only get better. The Varied Thrush in your yard is a delight. We have nebulous plans to visit Vancouver Island again one of these days and I will look forward to seeing them anew. Goldstream Provincial Park is my most reliable spot to find them.

  8. What a lovely bird. I have a shy Thrush who visits, but they are becoming more and more rare. Happy New Year Lorrie.

  9. Okay. I don't always remember to copy and paste and I don't always have enough oomph to give it another go. This time, I do.

    Your collages have always been lovely and serene and tell a wonderful story.

    I am glad your Christmas went well. The weather has been fruit loopy all over. We have no snow either. Good thing I am old because I am over the White Christmas thing.

    The in between week is a study in contrasts. On the one hand it is peaceful and a time for reflection on the past year and on the other it is a let down after the high of Christmas preparations. Mostly, I putter and laze about through the day and catch up on the missed Christmas movies. There is not a lot to put away and I am not ready to pack up Christmas quite yet.

    The Varied Thrush is so interesting to me. He doesn't live in the Northeast so I have never seen one. I understand he has a beautiful song, which I am going to track down if possible.

    Wishing you and yours a blessed 2023.

  10. Very nice collage! You got a good picture of the Varied Thrush too. We rarely see any here but during the worst of this past week or so we had a flock of them in the back yard at the feeders. Today there are a few left but I doubt they'll stick around.
    Happy New Year!!

  11. Lost my comment... sigh... but this week, to-do's intruded.

  12. Beautiful Christmas pictures, and the bird is gorgeous too. I really like the week between the years too - we have done practically nothing since Sunday, and it is very peaceful. Happy days.

  13. Your Varied Thrush is a handsome bird and your lovely grandchildren have obviously enjoyed christmas - their happiness is plain for all to see.

  14. It must be nice to see all the snow melt away. I am so tried of worrying about falling on the ice, it's been a very slippery season in our area. Beautiful photos and family.

  15. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas! Wishing you all the best for the new year :)

  16. That Varied Thrush is a beauty! That's a lot of snow to come and go so quickly. Makes it easier to get around, though. A very Happy New Year to you and your happy crew!

  17. That thrush is beautiful very different to ours. Wishing you a very happy new year. B x

  18. Each photo in your collage has something of beauty, and none more beautiful that the faces of your dear ones! I hope that you are continuing to enjoy this week of "in between." Blessings to you and yours in the New Year!

  19. Lorrie - I am also enjoying this week between Christmas and New Year's! With our son visiting, it has been a relaxing time for all of us. A few tears will be shed when he leaves tomorrow ... May 2023 bring you joy, peace and hope!

  20. Anonymous5:35 PM

    A beautiful collage of photographs.
    So pleased you had a wonderful Christmastime.

    Happy and Healthy New Year wishes to you.

    All the best Jan


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