Sunday, August 13, 2023

Birds Galore!


Cape St. Mary’s lies on one of the long peninsulas of Newfoundland. We stopped there after a very rocky ferry trip. The mists swirled up and around us.  Here an ecological reserve has a trail high on the cliffs above the roiling sea where we walked. We could hear the birds far sooner than we could see them. Gannets with their young, common murres, and black-legged kittiwakes covered the rock faces where they nested. 

A beautiful wild place of wonder. 


  1. What a sight that must have been! You taught me some new species today.

  2. I imagine there was quite a noise!

  3. somewhere I would love to go. B x

  4. Love that area. The birds are always a wonder!

  5. Anonymous12:56 PM

    I can imagine how noisy those birds were. I hope the rough ferry ride didn't have an unwanted effect on you. GM

  6. What a wonderful experience it must be to see so many birds in such a beautiful place.

  7. Glad you survived the trip! You'll be in photo paradise!

  8. What an incredible looking area. The birdlife sounds amazing, and glad to see you survived the rough ferry trip. Great photo!


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