Sunday, November 26, 2023

Sunday Thoughts: Walking, Aging, Soup-making


Autumn is beautiful this year, full of sunshine, blue skies, and often frosty mornings. We went for a long walk beside a lake this afternoon. Along the shady side of the trail I wished for gloves, but along the sunny side I was neither too hot, nor too cold, but just right. 

More mushrooms. These growing in and around a rotting tree. 

I've been thinking about two books I've recently read. One is a memoir by Abigail Thomas titled What Comes Next and How to Like It. The other is the true story of a woman in Iceland in the 19th century who became a sea captain and campaigned for justice. Woman, Captain, Rebel is written by Margaret Willson. 

Thomas' memoir focuses on aging. She writes about drinking too much, smoking too much, napping too much, and becoming lazy. I was surprised to read that she was in her early 70s as she sounded much older. 

In contrast, Thuridor, the Icelandic woman, remained active and involved with her community throughout her life, working hard, challenging the status quo, and caring for others. 

We all age differently, but I know that I would much rather stay active and engaged as long as I have a choice. I look at my parents who continue to volunteer and who remain active in their church and community well in their late 80s. 

On another note, I made Hungarian Mushroom Soup from the Modern Proper again this afternoon. How good it is, hearty and warming on a cool day. Making soup is one of my favourite things to cook - the activity of chopping, sauteeing, and stirring - followed by gentle simmering while the remainder of a meal is prepared. And then the satisfaction of slowly spooning mouthfuls of savory goodness. 

One last week in November. I hope my American friends had a good Thanksgiving. Wishing you all a lovely week. 


  1. Intrigued by those books. Your autumn sounds perfect especially with mushroom soup. Have a good week. B x

  2. They say it - that doing brings blessings -
    With that in mind, I wish you a nice week.
    We are starting our first preparations for the Advent season today...
    The photos you took on your walk are great... best regards to you from Viola

  3. Thank you! That is a good looking soup. I bookmarked the website.
    There is something about mushroom soup that has a big comfort vibe like French Onion Soup.
    A wonderful week to you!

  4. Ageing is very difficult as non of us knows what the future may hold.
    I think for example of Margaret Thatcher who was intelligent and active but still she ended up with Alzheimer's when she was 75 years old, which she suffered with for 12 more years.
    On a happier note why is it that I now fancy a steaming hot bowl of your Hungarian Mushroom Soup?

  5. Your soup looks to be just what I need right now, suffering from a horrible headcold. Fortunately I have leek soup in the freezer! Your photos are so lovely.

  6. That mushroom soup looks absolutely phenomenal! So hearty and warm for the winter! And your autumn photos are lovely.

  7. Soup season is upon us on the east coast too. Yours looks delicious!

  8. Your photos are so lovely! How beautiful God's creation is . . . and autumn scenes are some of the finest from my perspective.

    I think much about aging these days, having recently lost my father and am now very involved in helping my mom who no longer drives. So much is out of our control, but I, too, would prefer to continue to be active and involved as long as God enables me to do that.

  9. Aging is a tricky thing. I've lost so much motivation between COVID and social anxiety. I am happy to putter here.

  10. Anonymous3:24 PM

    The Mushroom soup looks delicious and I have mushrooms in the fridge. Maybe that's an idea for our supper. It was going to be Cauliflower soup but this sounds better. GM

  11. Aging, like many other things in our life, is individual. Some achieve longevity by keeping socially active,
    some by preferring the opposite - quiet and solitude.
    Your first picture is amazing!

  12. The mushroom soup looks great, Lorrie.

    During my first year of undergrad, I took an intro course to gerontology, where the prof shared a super active Senior at the beginning of each lecture.

  13. Your soup looks and sounds wonderful. You have a way of writing about it that makes me want to be knocking on your back door, spoon in hand :)

  14. Lorrie - thanks so much for your kind comments on my blog. I highly recommend Waterton for the scenery, and for the town. It is just the right size to be enjoyed, but not overwhelmed with too many people.

    Like you, I hope to be active for many years to come. Of course, things (accidents, injuries, unforeseen medical conditions) happen, so I work hard at enjoying every day.

    Thanks for the soup recipe. Just today, my husband (the cook) was looking for new soup recipes, and kept calling them out to me - I finally had to remind him that I have never met a soup I didn't like!

  15. You're right - being active brings joy.
    I love the colors of autumn. Here it is white very early this year, the snow came early.
    Your soup looks delicious.

  16. Good morning, Lorrie! I always love coming to your posts with your beautiful photos of nature and thoughtful words of hope. I must look up the recipe for the soup as it looks a comforting meal. Have a beautiful week!

  17. Lovely pictures of your autumn walk - Fall has long since departed here, but we don't have much snow. So lovely to see the beauty as you hike, isn't it! Enjoyed your reviews about the books you read, and your thoughts on aging. It is approaching all of us, indeed. As we watch our parents age, it is hard to think about ourselves in that place, someday. Your parents are amazing to continue doing so much into their 80s! I love soup making too. It is comforting to be able to have it ready for dinner, without any last minute hassle, and it tastes so wonderful too :) We eat a LOT of soups and stews in the winter.

  18. Autumn walks are so special. Glad your weather was good for one. I heard somewhere that mushrooms are in abundance this year. I know our yard had more than we've seen before. Thank you for you Thanksgiving wishes. It was good. Blessings.

  19. You captured the late autumn beauty so well. I particularly like the reflection of the trees on the water.
    Your parents seem to have found the secret to aging successfully. What a wonderful example they have set.

  20. I made butternut soup and it’s nice to eat soup when it is cold.
    Our weather is getting colder. Every weekend we had a night forest walk in an arboretum decorated with many lights I don’t know if I will be able to walk this weekend.

  21. I watch programs or read articles and I'm always surprised when people act like they are SO old and I find out they are in their 60s! I know good health helps me to stay active and I hope and pray I can keep it up for a few more years....LOTS more years! hahaha! Hugs, Diane

  22. Beautiful reflections on autumn and aging. I too hope to stay active as long as possible and am thankful for good health and mobility at my age (something I can't take for granted). I have never made mushroom soup from scratch. I think I will give it a try. Looks yummy!

  23. Marilyn M5:16 PM

    Thanksgiving was indeed good. A new tradition of having my daughter host. It was so special. Yes, I am certainly seeing that people age quite differently. Definitely must keep moving and stay active as long as possible.

  24. Thank you for visiting my blog again after I had been away for so long. The soup look fabulous - my son and his girlfriend are avid foragers; they would love that recipe too. I have heard very good reports of Margaret Willson, who I believe comes from Seattle - a wonderful city when I visited it, long ago now...

  25. That mushroom soup looks scrumptious :)

    All the best Jan


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