Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Beautiful Scandinavia

I wish I could read Danish (I was wrong, it's Swedish). At least, I think that's the language of this blog. The photos are luscious. Here's a link to Min Lilla Veranda Do you think it might mean My Little Porch(or Veranda). I'm just guessing here.

I love the serenity of Scandinavian design and all the white used. I have a Finnish friend whose home is filled with light - she says it's because of the long dark winters.


  1. Hi there! My little porch,that´s me! but I´m not danish, I am from I have to look at your blog and you are welcome back again. A swedish hug from Marie

  2. Hi! I'm Andi from Florida. I'm your Deck The Halls Swap partner. Looking forward to reading your blog. Stop by and visit me as well.

  3. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Hello from another Scandinavian. I am Britt-Arnhild from Norway.

  4. Hi Lorrie!
    Thank you so much for all the sweet comments you leave on my blog ~ I'm sorry I haven't visited before now! I love the Swedish blogs as well, one of my favorites is if you'd like to visit....I hope you're having a wonderful weekend.
    xxoo, Dawn


Thank you for your comment. I read and value each one, cherishing the connections we can make although far apart. Usually, I visit your blog in return, although if you ask a question I try to contact you directly.

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