Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Victorian Pastels


When I was younger (teens through thirties) I thought of myself as one of those "gentle, pastel-clad, always elegant" Victorian women. I dressed in pastel colors, had longish hair and dreamed of alabaster skin. Well, I discovered that wasn't me.
While I continue to strive for elegance and grace, I've learned that I can do that while still being myself - crazy as a loon at times, ready for adventure, with short hair.

My youngest daughter feels much the same as I do. We laugh over our idealization of the wispy floaty pale dresses that continue to appeal to us although we dress in definite colors. But monochromatic palettes still appeal. This morning I came downstairs to find this oh, so lovely paper rose in a silver vase on the breakfast table. Made by my daughter, the card accompanying it said, "soft, victorian pastels - sigh. Have a Happy Birthday, Mom." And we laughed together.

It's my birthday today and I'm blessed with a wonderful family. My official party will be on Saturday, together with my eldest daughter who also celebrates this week. But today is THE day. My husband is taking me out for a casual dinner this evening. My mother called (we don't live in the same town) and I opened her gift to me - a lovely crystal cream and sugar set.

I have a few hours to myself today, before heading off to teach. What will I do? I can't decide between sewing something fun or wandering through a used bookstore. I may just head down and see if I can find the new Victoria magazine on the newsstand. It's supposed to be out today. I signed up for a subscription, but was informed that I won't be getting the first issue.

A day filled with potential!
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  1. Happy Birthday Lorrie!!!

    Looks like your day started off perfectly. Hope the day is special and happy.

  2. Happy birthday, Lorrie! What a beautiful and precious gift your daughter gave you... truly a treasure from an obviously kindred spirit. Isn't it wonderful when our children become kindred spirits; I know my daughter is and it is one of the more special things in my life.


    Charm & Grace

  3. Happy Birthday, Lorri! (Sorry I'm a bit late) I hope you had the best day with your sweet family.

    Thanks so much for visiting my blog, I entered your name for the give away.

    I love visiting your blog,too!
    xo Lidy


Thank you for your comment. I read and value each one, cherishing the connections we can make although far apart. Usually, I visit your blog in return, although if you ask a question I try to contact you directly.

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