Sunday, December 28, 2008

Merry and Bright

What a Christmas! It was full of tender moments, gales of laughter, delicious food and the wonderful company of family. The celebrations just seemed to go on and on. It was a beautiful white Christmas - here's Ashley triumphantly holding up a sprig of rosemary she dug up from under the snow.

Christmas dinner for nine of us - our three children, two spouses, and my parents. Turkey with all the trimmings, then an afternoon spent opening gifts, and a walk in the fresh air.

Boxing Day (26th) was filled with preparations for the next day when 30 of my family gathered at our home for a ham dinner, carol singing, games and lots of old fashioned visiting. Seventeen people spent the night, with others staying at our married children's homes. It was indeed a houseful - full of people, but full of love, too.

Grandma and Grandpa played a round of Guitar Hero, babies were cuddled, a Canadian Christmas explained to two Korean students, the dishwasher ran constantly and oh, what wonderful times we shared!

Almost everyone left for the mainland around noon. My parents leave tomorrow. Today was spent laundering sheets, towels and pillowcases, and slowly getting the house in order again. I'm so tired, and so very happy.

I'm looking forward to a few days spent with my husband - he's taking some time off. We have no real plans, but we'll be in and out, enjoying the season.

I hope you all had a very merry Christmas!
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  1. Mr. Decor goes back to work today which means I can finally clean up the remnants of the Christmas bomb that went off in our house. :)

  2. sounds like you had a lovely time and spent with those you love.. Did you receive my Swap gifts? I was so worried you had not.. please let me know.. I also feel like the christmas bomb exploded but, I feel blessed and grateful. It was a beautiful christmas.. Hope you have
    a Happy new Year..

  3. What a fun fun time this sounds like. So much family, and so many memories. I'm happy you had a wonderful Christmas, Lorrie.

    Wishing you a happy new year, filled with love, joy and a few surprises.
    xo Lidy


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