Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Vintage Christmas Swap

The mail truck delivered a parcel to my door this morning. The box was chock full of treasures from Caleen. What fun I had opening each parcel. The goodness just kept coming - vintage ornaments, an old Christmas book, trims, a darling angel, stockings, and a cute snowman. I oohed and aahed over each item and will tuck them away to use next year.

Sometimes Canada Post is a little slow in getting mail delivered. Receiving this post-Christmas present is great and I'm already thinking about how to use these items next year!

Thank you, Caleen.

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  1. One more hour and it's New Year here in Finland .

    Happy New Year to YOU !

  2. What a lovely package of beautiful things! I pray that your 2009 will be filled with blessings from God. I am thankful for your friendship.


  3. Those are wonderful treasures...seems a shame that they must be packed away so soon, but what fun to find them again next Christmas later this year. Doesn't that sound funny?

    Thank you for your visit to my corner! Hope that you'll feel welcome any time.

    I've just been marveling over all your company and your house full of family. May your "down" time with your beloved be extra special.

  4. What a wonderful gift and you will be able to enjoy the treasures and memories for many years to come.

    The cookie packages look darling.

    Sounds like y u had a wonderful Christmas with family and friends. Thanks for sharing the photos which I enjoyed Lorrie. Enjoy the rest and relaxation now.

    Many b lessings for the New Year.

  5. Such great stuff!

    Have a great 2009!



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