Thursday, August 20, 2009

Back from Vacation

We've been gone for just over two weeks and arrived home last night. Today was busy with laundry and catching up with the garden - I picked cucumbers, tomatoes and strawberries. I need to get to the raspberries tomorrow. I was too busy to take photos of the bounty, but these are a few from our trip. We visited friends in Nampa, Idaho and Spokane, Washington, then drove north to visit family in the Red Deer area of Alberta before wending our way home through the Rockies and seeing more family in the Fraser Valley before catching the ferry home last night.
The photo is of the Spokane River, just behind our friends' home. We took tubes and floated down the river - was it ever COLD! We had wet suits on and I was still shivering after an hour in the water. But it was a lot of fun after the first set of rapids when I fell off my tube and was tumbled about in the water.

Evening sunset, also taken near the river. The pinky purple sky and glowing sun - just magical.

I've started a couple more courses and I have lots of catching up to do in the house and garden, but I hope to reply to your lovely blog comments soon. It's good to travel, and always good to come home.
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  1. Oh Lorrie, what a wonderful vacation you had. Cool weather, cold water, I can't even imagine.

    The photo's make me want to just jump on a plane and head out-hehe.

    Good luck with all you need to do. Wouldn't it be nice to come back home and have absolutely no housework, laundry, etc. to do?

    Have a beautiful weekend.


  2. Goods like a great vacation. Welcome home. Lovely photos.

  3. What pretty pictures. Have you warmed up yet from your dunking?

    Thank you so much for your warm words.
    Writing has always been very cathartic for me.
    As I had my daughter at age 20 we really grew up together. So many times it was literally "Her and I against the world." But, I know if I am to be a truly good mother I have to let her go. I also know she will come back to me.

    Now, if I can just get the dog from out underneath the bed and eating again the world will be alright. :)

    Have a blessed weekend.

  4. Such lovely photos. Not sure if I would've been brave enough to donn a wet suit...cold is not my favorite thing to be...but it sounds as if you had great fun. It's also good to be home again after being away.

  5. Glad you had some time away. It's always good to get a little perspective before diving back into the waters of school.

    :) Christi

  6. It is good to go away but always so wonderful to get home!


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