Friday, August 28, 2009

Tomato Season!

It seems like I wait for months for the first ripe tomatoes from my garden. I start thinking about them in January, buy seeds in February, start the plants inside in March, set the seedlings in bigger containers in April, finally plant outdoors in late May, stake them in June, prune them in July and then...August comes and I am rewarded for my efforts. This year is a bumper crop and I'm delighted. I plan on canning them, drying them, making sauce from them, and of course, eating them fresh with basil and mozzarella cheese on fresh bread. The best lunch ever!
This platter of tomatoes is what's left from yesterday's picking. The remainder I roasted.

Roasted tomatoes are so good! I just core them, cut them in half, sprinkle on salt, fresh thyme, fresh oregano, a grind of pepper on each one, a generous drizzle of olive oil and a sprinkling of chopped onion. I roast them at 300 degrees for about 4 hours, or until they are collapsed and just starting to caramelize.

What to do with a roasted tomato? Tonight I'm going to combine them with pasta, capers, leftover salmon and some fresh basil. I'm going to freeze some in batches of 6-8 halves. Combined with sauteed onions and garlic and chicken or vegetable broth, they make a wonderful soup for chillier days. I just simmer everything, then puree the mixture and add a little cream. The best tomato soup ever!

What do you do with a ripe tomato?
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  1. Lorrie, your ideas sound absolutely wonderful! I'm definitely making notes.

    What do I do with a ripe tomato? I love slices on toast with sour cream and a thin sliver of onion.

  2. PS. I just mentioned your posting on my food blog at

    Come and see......

  3. Lorrie, your roasted tomatoes look just fabulous. I usually drizzle mine with olive oil and seasonings, and then sizzle a little in the skillet. I have only done them in the oven once, but I never would have thought to cook them that long. They look so yummy... much better than how mine looked!! I also loved seeing your zucchini with garlic and that fantastic tablescape.


  4. It's the first year I've sowed and planted my own tomatoes ! They are cherry tomatoes, but some tend to grow bigger. The "real" ones my mother has in her garden, I love to use them in ratatouille, or use them as sauce with a sprinkle of basil or oregano, on spaghetti (with fried mushrooms sometimes as well). Yum !
    Your roasted tomatoes look very good, my mom used to make something that looked like this, with grounded meat inside.
    Have a good day !

  5. yummy..I love tomatoes any which a child my fav was fresh picked from the garden with toasted home-made bread...

  6. I munch them straight from the plant , given the chance . But they're also delicious in a salad made with fat white beans ( what we call butter beans in England ) , feta , olives and olive oil and lots of basil and a squeeze of lemon juice .

  7. Mmmmmm, there is nothing like tomatoes at this time of the year. Mine are ripe as well.

  8. Just caught up with you b ut stopped at the tomatoes. Have been using up mine but still have lots more to ripen so I will try this long slow roasting. I have made some soup but was wanting to try a different recipe and I know roasted tomatoes taste different so will have a go.

  9. What do I do with a ripe tomato?

    I make delicious tomato sauce that carries me through the dead of winter and creates the most delicious chili and spaghetti sauces!


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