Monday, August 24, 2009

Late Summer Pleasures

Sweet ripe strawberries, damp with morning dew

Zucchini gratin with garlic and cheese

Nasturiums glowing in mottled shade and light

Bright cosmos that never seem to stop blooming

Many signs point to the fast-approaching end of summer. Last night we went for a walk on the breakwater and down by the water the chilly wind made me glad I'd remembered my fleece jacket. Tomatoes are ripening quickly, warmed by the daytime sun and made sweeter by the cooler nights.

My husband and I went blackberry picking a couple of days ago and I have the scratches to prove it. The air had that warmth particular to late summer when the heat rises up from the ground and smells hot and earthy.

Projects include making pickles, finishing up the jam making and filling the freezer to the top with berries for the winter. We use them for cereal toppings, cobblers, muffins, sauces and more. They provide a taste of summer in the dark dreary days that will come.

And I want to cram in as much of summer as I can. Bouquets of flowers adorn my home, salads are a big part of every meal and I want to use the outside grill, not the oven. The ripening apples, the faint yellow tinge on the very tops of trees and the fading roses all seem to whisper, hurry, hurry...enjoy us now.
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  1. I am glad to hear that you had a wonderful vacation. You always have such beautiful pictures to share. YES..fall is in the air, especially in East TN. I cannot believe that some of the trees here are already dropping yellow leaves! The summer sure has past fast for me.

    I wouldn't think of not repaying that postage money. Getting that paper for me was more than anyone could ever expect a stranger to do for them! I truly appreciate it. As far as reading it, I could pick out a few words--LOL. I can't wait to put my ideas to work with it either. I have so many "future" projects, maybe that one won't be too much longer. I certainly will share it with everyone.

    Your fruits, veggies,and flowers all look wonderful! Hope you get your freezer full of Gods bounty.

    Thanks again for your kindness.

  2. It seem that every blog I go to they are talking about the winding down of summer, it seems like it just started and now the days are shorter,and the nights cooler. But there is still much to harvest in the garden. You have a lovely blog. Cheers.


Thank you for your comment. I read and value each one, cherishing the connections we can make although far apart. Usually, I visit your blog in return, although if you ask a question I try to contact you directly.

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