Thursday, September 10, 2009

Hanging On

When times are uncertain, I have to remember that God's love never ends. I'm hanging on to his promise of love these days. This blog is, for me, a place to connect with other wonderful bloggers and to share the beauty of the world I live in - the world created by God, and the world in which I can create beauty. But blogging these past few months has been a bit of a struggle.

My husband lost his job at the end of May - just one week before my long-planned trip to Europe with my mom and sister. I debated staying home, but everything was paid for and we decided that I should go. The summer was long - it felt like we were suspended in uncertainty. We are certain that God has plans and purposes for us, but completely uncertain about what they are. I'm studying full-time, working on getting my French degree so that I can go back to teaching. Any job leads Tim has had have turned into dust that drifts away in front of us.

Uncertainty and waiting - hard stuff. I know we're not alone in this, I hear of many who are worse off. We have much for which to be thankful - our children are doing well both personally and career-wise, we have savings, we have health, we have each other. But another job dissolved into dust just yesterday - after two interviews, numerous reference checks and a month of waiting they decided to make an offer to the other candidate.

And so, today, I'm holding onto God's promises of love and faithfulness which we've so often seen in the past. Daily grace for daily needs. Today.
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  1. Oh Lorrie...I am so, so sorry this is happening to you. In this economy, it is so hard to feel like anything is certain and guaranteed. As you say, you need to hang on and hope that everything falls into place before too long. I'm sure it makes studying a little harder, but you will succeed!!

    I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
    Hugs, Nancy

  2. You certainly are be tested. It is a diificult path to walk.
    Hang in there. A friend of mine whose husband is in his 60's was out of work for over a year and he just got a job. Ditto for my daughter.
    I will be praying for you.

  3. Oh Lorrie,

    You hold onto God's promises. He has something bigger in store for you and your husband. I truly believe that. Hang onto your faith. I can tell you from personal experience that it is so easy to be thankful when things are going well. When those tests come, that's when God really shows up in supernatural ways, as long as we are faithful and believe his promises.

    Honey, I will be BIGTIME praying for the two of you. You have the right attitude and I know that a miracle will be on its way to you.

    Much love,

  4. Lorrie, hang in hubby was laid off in Jan and returned to work in May..we used our savings that we wanted to use for a special trip...however we are healthy, happy with each other..take care and blessings to you...

  5. Anonymous10:41 PM

    It sounds as though you and your husband have been putting your time to good use - and when he's back at work and has no time for renos, you'll be thankful for the summer you had together.
    I'm sorry to read about this challenge. I truly believe that we're never given more than we can handle, however I also hope that one of the job leads will be THE one.

  6. I have a favorite song that comes to my memory when I am facing a trial, AND BELIEVE ME, I have faced and am facing my share! It is says that "our God on the Mountain is STILL our God in the valley". Sometimes, those valleys are long and the walk gets treacherous but God LEADS us thru them so that when we reach that mountaintop we have MUCH to praise HIM for.

    When we moved to the farm ALMOST 2 years ago, our plans were that I would get a job and work while my husband (who is disable) would supervise the work around the farm. WELL, OUR plans did not work out. I have 40 yrs exp in Admin work and was "beat out" on numerous job interviews by YOUNGER applicants with ZERO job experience. Time after time after time. Believe me--I know the pain of that scenerio!

    Then one day--I gave up. The key word there is "I". "I" gave the situation to God and He has not let me down. I am getting to stay at home, take care of my 87 y/o mother and husband, while fulfilling my lifelong dream of remodeling an old house. And, we have managed to do more with less because that is just how God's promises work! HOW COOL IS THAT??

    YES, YOU do have the FAITH that will see you thru this trial AND GOD's plan for your life will soon be revealed. I know it! I believe it! Keep hanging onto the hem of His garment for there is much POWER there.

    Thanks for that testimony of faith. I needed it this morning!!


  7. I know how hard this is.... I do pray the right job will appear very soon and you will see why the wait was worth it. I will be praying. I love the stitched piece.

  8. Sorry to read of these trials Lorrie, not a nice situation but I do know that you are a woman of faith and in my own life it is in the dark places (and at times they were very dark) that I learned the truth of what it means to walk in faith and not by sight. It's only when we look back that we realise we would not change these times for anything.It's OK to praise on the mountain tops but it is in the valleys that we really find God. Blessings to you and your family, and prayers.
    I actually popped over to check your caramelised tomatoes again (just in the middle of doint that now) and see you have posted a lot in this last week. Kitchen looks nice and how interesting the enlarged photo looks of the stone building, not tomention your beautiful collage. I did lots of Blackberrying too, 6lbs in all.
    I agree it is so nice to have summer goodies out of the freezer during the winter. Well I'm off to the tomatoes.

  9. Lorrie, bless your heart. I know... just because you know there are others out there going through worse things does not make your journey any easier. I pray that God will give you both His peace through this time and that you will sense His presence more than ever before. I was listening to David Jeremiah's "A Bend in the
    Road" today and while he was dealing with health issues, the truths are still applicable. He said God is never more near that when we are brokenhearted. Psalm 34:18 says it: "The LORD is near to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit." I am claiming that promise in a situation of my own now.


  10. Lorrie, I liked your comment on charm and grace so tracked you down. =) I am so sorry to hear about your husband losing his job and it being hard to find another.
    I know the fears that come to our minds during such trials. I will pray for you and for him.
    Gentle hugs,


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