Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Late Summer Dining

See how long the shadows are? Evenings are becoming shorter and here on Canada's Vancouver Island we're trying to squeeze the last bit of warmth and enjoyment from summertime.

A dinner on the patio with the table dressed in cool blues and greens while we soaked up the late sunshine.

A flickering candle set on a pile of collected sea glass that reminds us of days spent wandering the beaches. A jug full of fresh rosemary provides texture and fragrance. And an iron bird stopped by to chirp a friendly hello. Leisurely conversation and good company made this dinner for two special.

Wonderful tablescapes can be found at Between Naps on the Porch where Susan hosts a weekly Thursday Tablescape. Thanks so much, Susan.

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Lorrie, This is such a calming and soothing tablescape ~ I would love to be seated at your table.

    Vancouver is such a lovely place; lucky YOU!

    Happy Tablescape Thursday! xo

  3. Oh I very much love these soothing colors! Beautiful!

  4. A lovely relaxing and serene tablesetting. I love what you did with the sea glass in the voitive candle holders. Great idea.

    Carolyn/A Southerners Notebook

  5. This looks so welcoming! I love the colors.


  6. Beautiful colors!
    I love the centerpiece!
    Pretty post!
    All the best,

  7. Oh, what a delightful place to relax and enjoy a late summer meal!

    Love the colours.

  8. Ahhh, the late days of summer. Wonderful. Love the rosemary and the sweet little bird.


  9. I am glad I live in the South and not up at your end of the woods! I love rosemary and ours grows year round---although I try to pull it under the carport when really cool weather comes. I love the smell---so wonderful--cute idea to put it in the vase/pitcher. I love that little iron birdie. The sea glass candle idea is great too--got to write these ideas down!

  10. A gorgeous setting for these beautiful colors....

  11. Very pretty, soothing little table.


  12. Yes, I can see the seasons starting to change there. Very soothing colors. Love the idea of the rosemary.

  13. Hi Lorrie,
    Your table is so fresh and soothing.. I love anything blue. Thanks for sharing.

  14. Lorrie, it's gorgeous ... and yes, squeeeeze in all of the summer you can. I know how cold it can get up there in Canada - I'm in Niagara Falls! :) I hope you can stop by and enter your name in the giveaway at Color Outside the Lines. I know you could do some fantastic things with the loot! :) Cheers!

  15. Hi Lorrie! I am only mustering up the courage to join in still, but wanted to say I loved your colors today, and most especially your little feathered friend who made himself "center of attention"! Very pretty tablescape, and enjoyed my visit here today! ~tina

  16. I bet that meal smelled divine with the rosemary on the table! And the bugs probably left you alone!

  17. On the contrary, here in South America we are happy that each evening is later.

    That is a very pretty tablesetting. I loved the colors!

    Have a great day,

  18. What a lovely way to enjoy the last evenings of summer! Your tablesetting is so soothing...

    Jane (artfully graced)

  19. What a relaxing table. So calm and serene.


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