Friday, September 04, 2009

Square by square

I recently organized my fabric stash. It took awhile, but now I enjoy looking at the piles of fabrics, all sorted by colour. Then I visited my sister-in-law in Alberta. Her living room is painted pale grey and she has dark leather sofas. Pale blue-green pillows accented them. She told me that for fall and winter, she changes the pale pillows to red. When I got home I was inspired to make this little pillow for her. I went through the red fabrics and chose a variety. There's a remnant of a skirt I made my daughter, a blouse, and a few odds and ends I picked up. Fifteen 3 1/2 inch squares combined to make a pillow I hate to give away. But I will.

Sewing is the leisure activity that is a constant in my life. Others may come and go, but sewing remains. Now with the shorter days and cooler temperatures, thoughts of sewing projects fill my mind.

This weekend, though, will probably be filled with canning/roasting/saucing tomatoes. We have a bumper crop this year and I'm loving it!

I hope everyone has a wonderful Labour Day weekend (in North America).
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  1. Hi Lorrie...I'm catching up on blog you latest little pillow. Perfect project for leftovers!
    I am so jealous...look at all of those tomatoes. I am still waiting for my first one to turn is just starting to turn now...a few more days. These are large ones...I hope the taste is worth the wait. I am going to use your roasting method. Looks yummy!

    Have a great long weekend!
    Hugs, Nancy

  2. Happy Labor Day Weekend Lorrie (don't know if you celebrate it in Canada)

    I am so far behind on posting reading blogs that I will never get caught up! Got one of those nasty computer viruses and had to put mine in the shop. No picture progam on this one either! Anyway, there are plenty of other projects calling me!

    I have started a "quilt as you go" duvet cover. It is going to be white on white, with hopefully a simple machine quilting. My machine didn't have a quilting foot attachment, so my sister has sent me her "walking foot" to try. I sure hope it works!! If not, I may holler at you for some advice. I may have to change quilting loft--but hopefully not. I have a plan to use white buttons in the center of each square. I hope my plans come together in the end.

    I love that pillow! It looks "French" to me..LOL You have such a "giving" spirit! That is so sweet of a thing to do for your sis-in-law!

    The only thing that I planted this year were heirloom tomatoes, GERMAN QUEENS, and they are really good! They were the ONLY variety that former lady of this farmhouse ever planted and her sweet daughter brought me some plants this year. I got them planted late but they are producing enough right now for our family. Next year, we will plant another garden, this year I just didn't have the time to devote to taking care of one. "Too many irons in the fire"!!

    You and I enjoy some of the same leisure hobbies. I hope you have great success with your canning! Don't you just love to cook something that you grew yourself! It is so rewarding, isn't it?

    Have a great week! I will catch you later.

  3. Oh Lorrie! This is just beautiful. What a true treasure~ a gift from the heart and fingertips!

  4. Oh the pillow. Your sis-in-law should cherish that. Love the colors.
    Hope you have a blessed weekend.
    Hugs from Texas.

  5. What a sweet thing for you to do, and the pillow is just beautiful. We've been fortunate to have a late bumper crop of tomatoes, too. Is there anything better than a real summer tomato? Mmmm. Happy canning/roasting/saucing.

    :) Christi

  6. Love, love, love the pillow! And I reallllllly like your banner, too.

  7. Anonymous8:03 AM

    What a beautiful pillow! I love the mix of fabrics. Great job!

  8. Hello,

    Just passing by and saying hello!
    Love this pillow you made!

    ~ Gabriela ~


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