Monday, September 14, 2009

Warm and Woolly

These are some pillows I made over the weekend using thrifted wool sweaters. I washed them in hot water and dried them in the dryer to felt them and refashioned them into cozy winter pillows. Isn't this argyle fun?

Fair Isle patterns are so pretty. I'm hoping to make more of these to sell at a local craft sale at the end of October. I used to do craft fairs, but they seem to have not been as successful as they once were. However, I've seen more interest and perhaps there's a resurgence. I'm going to give one a try. I have lots of ideas and projects - but I'm trying to stay focused on recycled items, or what I have on hand.

During the week I need to study, but Saturdays and some evenings I can stitch and craft. I'm looking forward to it. Crafting with a purpose!
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  1. As always, you amaze me with delight at your creative energies!

    This is a perfect idea for 'recycling' old sweaters.

    Hope the fair goes well!

  2. love these "sweater" pillows..just perfect for these times..

  3. Oh how cool Lorrie! Great I mean GREAT thrifing~re~invention!


    I ADORE thrift reinvention~
    Can you tell?

  4. ps
    I could I made an A in this class!
    Think you just did.


  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. WOW...what a great RE-cycling idea! I actually never gave that a thought--that is very KEEN and in my opinion, would make a successful venture. You might consider ETSY also!

    Thanks for sharing. I LOVE YOUR NEW BLOG PICTURE!

  7. Hi Lorrie
    I posted a comment and then deleted it, thinking that perhaps I was a little close to home and not quite so interesting as those faraway visitors! Thanks for visiting my blog. Anyway, I'm sure we've never met, although I'll be looking for those pillows at all the craft fairs this fall!

  8. Lovely pillows ! Good idea !

    Love from France .


Thank you for your comment. I read and value each one, cherishing the connections we can make although far apart. Usually, I visit your blog in return, although if you ask a question I try to contact you directly.

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