Sunday, April 18, 2010

Around Home

Our weekend has been a quiet one. On Friday night we headed to the big town about 30 minutes away to do some shopping. Driving in the dark after shopping I thought about the pleasure of arriving home, putting on my robe, making a cup of tea and relaxing. With a start I realized that I was envisioning our former home, not our current one. Waves of homesickness washed over me. It's been just three weeks so I need to give myself time, but it's still a bit hard.

The rhododendrons are beginning to open their buds into full flower. We have three large bushes in the front yard. I planted some strawberry plants in pots up on the deck out of reach of the deer, and two blueberry bushes behind a fence for the same reason. The soil here is very different than in Victoria - very shallow sand before hitting hard pan.

In the front yard is this flower bed that holds a non-functioning and crumbling fountain. For now we'll leave the fountain there. The bed was overgrown with weeds so we dug it out, dividing daisies, trimming cotoneasters (I think that's what they are) and planting herbs - rosemary, sage, lemon thyme, oregano and chives. Deer don't like them, but I do!

Talking with the neighbours we discovered that the very tall tree in full bloom just now in a corner of the driveway is a Bing Cherry tree. Oh yummy! I love cherries. I can see Cherry Clafouti, Cherry Cobbler, Cherry Jam, Dried Cherry Biscotti and more in my future.

And inside this weekend I painted the main bath. It's still not put back together, but will be soon. And I made this French Silk Pie. It's a recipe that doesn't use raw eggs like the original. It's rich and chocolately - very small pieces suffice. Find the recipe on my recipe blog.


  1. Lorrie, what a treat to see your rhodos coming into bloom.

    And I do know that homesick feeling -- I hope that yumptious French Silk Pie helped create one of those memories that will make your new house a home.

  2. Lorrie, I'm so sorry you are feeling homesick. I know in time it will get better, but that isn't much consolation right now.

    And that old fountain would look lovely filled with soil and plants! More herbs maybe, or something with a draping habit would be great in there!

    Have a great week, Becky

  3. I still miss one of my houses, desperately! But as time goes by you will feel more at home, I'm sure.
    How could you publish a photo of that wicked pie!!! I'm on a diet!

  4. Good morning, Lorrie.
    I felt a pang for you when I read about your homesickness. You left a lot of yourself in your old home - in time this one will feel right. You certainly have done a lot of work on the new place!

  5. Gosh now I am DYING for a piece of pie!

  6. French silk pie is one of my favorites so I am off to go visit your other blog.

  7. The pie looks delish. I'll be visiting your recipe blog momentarily. Oh wow! A bing cherry about all that you'll be baking with those cherries when you're not just popping them in. Wonderful treasure to learn about. Don't worry, one day soon, you'll be dreaming of coming home and home will look like this one...only better!

  8. Hi Lorrie!

    BING CHERRIES???? WOW,I know you will be putting them to good use! Don't you just love them!

    It won't be long until this new home will have start storing up so many memories...

    Have a great week!

  9. Hi Lorrie,

    I have been reading through your past posts. I know what you mean about missing your old home (still miss one from years ago).
    I love the blue in your breakfast nook. Very cheery.

    Finding a new place of worship....ask the Lord to lead you and he will.

    Jeff and I both thank you for your comment.

    big hugs,


Thank you for your comment. I read and value each one, cherishing the connections we can make although far apart. Usually, I visit your blog in return, although if you ask a question I try to contact you directly.

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