Sunday, April 04, 2010

Easter Weekend

Christ is risen! He is risen indeed!

What a weekend! We've been in our new home for one week. My parents came over from the mainland for four nights, and all the children came up from Victoria for Friday night. The house hummed with activity and I like to think it enjoyed all the life lived in it. I know I did.

There was some of this -

some of this, especially on Friday when fierce winds and rain battered the Island and made settling down with a good book the best choice

more reading

a morning of yardwork on Saturday

including some serious pruning and pulling of overgrown bushes

and even a little painting of what we call the "snowboard room" - painted a violent yellow and blue with tons of decals and stickers on the walls. It's now a soft yellow and hopefully will become my sewing/craft room, after we get some shelves built so I can unpack my boxes.

Of course, there was much eating and laughter, lots of conversation, and hugs. Above - a father/daughter moment.

Today, Easter Sunday, is much quieter. The children left last night after our Easter dinner of ham, (with both raisin sauce and sweet mustard sauce options) scalloped potatoes, etc.

One of the very worst parts of moving is finding a new place to worship. It's something I dread. I put on my bravery boots this morning and we went to a new church. I found myself comparing it to our wonderful church in Victoria and it fell far short. I'm going to have to accept that things will be different here, and stop the comparisons. Each church has something to offer, each town has its pluses and minuses.

Tomorrow, my parents leave but Tim has the day off. I'm sure we'll be puttering around the house and maybe the yard, depending on the weather. It feels more like December than April.

I hope your Easter weekend has been full of the hope that Easter brings - hope for forgiveness of past sins, for present strength, and for future grace.


  1. Your weekend sounds wonderful, filled with happy times and happy people......:-) Hugs

  2. How lovely that your parents and your children could come up to help give your house that 'lived in' feeling!
    They certainly seem like good workers - you got lots done!

  3. what a lovely weekend together.
    I will be praying that you can find the right place of worship, it is so important.

  4. Good Morning Lorrie,

    I am so happy to see things are getting off to a good start and that the entire family is pitching in to help ease the shock of the move.

    I totally understand what you mean about settling into a new area. After 3 years, we are still trying to get our "feet wet" here in East TN. It is strange how a few hundred miles makes such a difference in the people and their customs and lifestyles--even their dialect is "strange" to me! But, we are all God's children and when God is in it--everything will turn out alright.

    I can't wait to see everything you do to your new home. I sincerely hope this journey opens up many new doors for you and your husband.

    Have a good week!

  5. Your first Easter in your new home sounds as if it couldn't have been better.
    I like the sound of bravery boots!

  6. How wonderful to have all that help! "Many hands make light work" and all that... Nice photos! I really got a sense of all the activity.

  7. Happy easter! I see we don't live too far from each other.I live in enumclaw wa.

  8. Happy Easter to you. How fun to see your family enjoying time together!

  9. Your Easter looks like a happy balance between relaxation and chores. xx

  10. What an enjoyable post - family time together in your new home.

    I'm very sympathetic about finding a new church - in England it was relatively easy for us (we are Methodists and each town has a number of Methodist churches to choose from) but over here it is very hard indeed! Our Baptist church is staggeringly different from any of the Methodist styles of worship we're used to, and developing good fellowship in your second language is even harder than worshipping in it. But we feel God is with us, and that we are learning a lot from our experiences. I'll be praying you find the right church.

    Thanks too for your kind words and your prayers for my mum.

  11. Now you have family memories in your new house. Wonderful. Soon good memories will be made in your new church,too. All is well. I'm so glad you had a happy Easter!


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