Thursday, April 08, 2010

Where to go from here

I wandered around the house this morning with my camera looking for something pretty to photograph. I didn't find much. The house is functional and tidy, but there's little charm just now. So much needs to be done. Everything needs painting, but some of that has to wait for my husband to fix little things first. The house has a lot of potential but has been sadly neglected.

The one room that's painted is my studio (aka sewing/craft room), a bit of which is shown above. I finished the last coat of paint on Monday and did all the trim in white. I couldn't believe the difference the trim paint made. It just seems to finish off the room, in spite of the closet doors that still need to be installed and the ceiling fan sporting hockey stickers. What I'm waiting for now is storage space. Tim will be installing shelves in the closet, and I need another bookcase or cabinet. I may make a trip to the thrift store this afternoon.

Today is the last day of the 39 days of stitching. Amy finished hers, seen on the 39 Squares blog. I've neglected my stitching for the past two weeks. The poor thing is looking crumpled. Just pulling it out to take this photo got me interested again. There might not be a lot of beauty around the house just now, but I can certainly create a little bit of it with thread and needle.

I'm realizing how much I really enjoy having order and beauty in my world. When I look around my home I want to see things that please me - be it through colour, memory, composition or order. That's what I'm missing just now. Knowing that I can work, little by little, at creating a space that reflects and pleases me helps me to get through this sense of dislocation I'm feeling right now.


  1. Your sampler is beautiful. I really love the tree!!!!!!! And the house.... Glad you joined the stitching RR on CPA!!!

  2. I hear your heart, Lorrie.... without beauty around us, our hearts pine and are restless. Methinks we're homesick for what we lost in the Garden.

    Crumbled or not, your sampler is a lovely work...... enjoy as you pick it up again.

  3. PS. I was hunting for a suitable quote for the newsletter I'm working on this morning. When I found this one, I knew I had to share with you.....

    "Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul." ~John Muir


  4. 'order and beauty in my world' I echo those thoughts.
    Soon your house will be as you wish it to be.

  5. I love your little sampler...I read your friend's post about hers and now I'm wondering what you'll do with yours.

    Creating home is one of our best assignments, don't you think? I mean, as the old Keith Green song goes, "He's been working on Heaven for two thousand years." I think those of us who enjoy creating home enjoy it just because He enjoys it, too. Have lots of fun pulling it all together! And I'm so glad that you'll be taking us along for the journey.

  6. Your sampler is beautiful, even in it slightly crumpled state.
    We humans, are creatures of habit and nothing is more difficult than change - yet change pulls us from our routines and stimulates our imaginations.
    You will soon have your new home in order and beautiful - just don't rush; enjoy the process that you and your talented husband embark on as you make each room your room. No longer will it be the master bedroom, But your Master Bedroom and so on till soon it's all done and all that is left is to enjoy your home.


  7. Your sampler is so sweet and will add the beauty you crave..Have faith it will happen, just not overnight..Bring some of your outdoors inside and you will feel better..take care and (((hugs)))

  8. I was so tempted to join in the 39 Days of Stitching but had to resist. Your project looks beautiful and I wouldn't worry about whether you kept up with the schedule or not, just do what you can when you can. That's all anyone can ask of us. And the same applies to creating the home that makes you and your family happy. It will all sort itself out as it's supposed to do. Just listen to your instincts and you'll know what to do.

  9. Love love your stitching! You colors are beautiful. Enjoyed looking around your blog! VB

  10. Hi Lorrie,
    As I read you post today I was reminded of one of my favourite quotes and one that I try to adhere to.
    Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.
    William Morris.
    Your embroidery looks so delicate & intricate, I so admire that talent as I'm not an embroiderer myself. I can do cross stich though!
    Have a great weekend

  11. Good morning, Lorrie.
    I remember that feeling of stark strangeness in a new house - before i really got things cozied up. I had to smile at the though of the ceiling fan with hockey stickers - we once bought a house that had a room totally and completely papered in Star Wars - what a chore that was to remove!
    Little by little you will put your stamp on this house, making it beautiful and restful - I'm sure of it.

  12. Hello dear Lorrie,
    I'm slowly catching up on a lot of things and also the news about your new house. Oh boy, yes, at the beginning everything seems "unfinished" and so impersonnal ! After 5 years we still have a lot to do here as well, but little by little you will make it yours and add touches here and there on this "blank canvas", until you get a whole new picture. Good luck for this process, but I'm sure the outcome will be wonderful.

  13. PS PS... you asked about using the quote on your blog.... please... be my guest!

  14. I like that quote...that we need beauty as well as bread! Have fun making something beautiful out of your new home...and keep us posted.

    Your stitchery is beautiful!

  15. With your artistic ability I know your home will look beautiful in time.

    Fierce winds and rain battering the island - are you sure that yu are not in England!


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