Monday, June 07, 2010

Signs Along the Way

(signs from Zermatt, Heidelberg, East Sooke Park, Italy, Mount Arrowsmith, Pender Island, Mayne Island)

I like signs. They tell me where I am, where I've been, and where I'm headed. When I want to get somewhere, following the signs is the best way to get there. Sign styles are unique - different fonts and different colours reveal some of the spirit of the place: rugged woodsy signs in parks and forests, clean cut "all business" signs for streets, swirly letters to evoke romance.

If only life were as easy as following the signs. But along life's path from point A to point B, there are many twists and turns, forks in the road, and choices to make. Sometimes the choices are of my own making, other times choices are forced upon me, and sometimes, it seems like I'm left with no choices at all. It is in these most shadowy times that I stumble my way through, wondering if the choices I'd made in the past were right or wrong and I try to second-guess my life.

I've found that the best way to make sure that I'm on the right path in life is to follow my guide, my Lord. He doesn't always choose the easy paths, nor shed a lot of light on the path, but I know that through the dark and bewildering times, as well as the sun-filled days, I can trust him to lead me in the right paths.

More Mosaic Monday posts can be found through Mary's blog Dear Little Red House.


  1. I like this mosaic of sings, and I especially love your last paragraph, for I trust in Him to be my guide, also. I must admit that i sometimes wish He would put up a billboard for me when faced with a big decision, but He always points the way when I am patient.

  2. So true. BUT sometimes, just sometimes, I wish the Lord would just hand down little sticky notes that would say--today do this. I know he tells us much of the basics and if we seek him he gives direction....but sometimes It takes work to find his direction...and sometimes it can be confusing for a time!

  3. Oh so true!! I love your signs, they are awesome!


  4. Poets Cove sounds like a great place! I think Bloggers especially like signs because we're always making banners and headers and playing about on our blogs. I like your mosaic a lot!

  5. Love the mosaic and agree with you as to who is the best to follow. Take care:)

  6. I like signs too! Though I too am following the best Guide...and know I don't have to see into the future...I still long for signs.

  7. What lovely signs. It sometimes bothers me, when other people feel they have such clear signs from God, and I am just bumbling along waiting for him to open the next door, which I can't even guess at yet! But like you I have really found I can trust him even though I see only the next few steps ahead. Thanks for your thoughts and photos.

  8. Beautifully put, Lorrie. Your mosaic is really lovely.


  9. Hi, wonderful signs and post! I hope that you ave a lovely new week!

  10. I feel the same way about signs, Lorrie. I don't have any difficulty following the one who guides me, but sometimes I wish I could just peek around the signs to see what's ahead!

  11. Enjoyed your posting..... lovely mosaic.... lovely thoughts!

  12. Anonymous11:00 AM

    hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....

  13. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Thanks Debbie,,your words were very encouraging to me today....I am navigating through the unpredicatable roadway of the "teenager"!! I am thankful that I too serve a God who knows all what is ahead for me and my teen. I just have to trust fully and many times I bumble along the path, but am so thankful for Gods grace and love for me :) Enjoy checkin in with you when I read Colin's blog :) Dawna Motz

  14. Nice post! Every path taken has lessons for learning.


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