Sunday, June 13, 2010

What's Going on Around Here

Major renovations have begun. This cabinet, between the kitchen and dining room, is now totally gone, leaving me with more counter space and more light. It's very rough - we spent a lot of time figuring out the timeline of what has to happen first around here.

And the first step turned out to be moving the laundry room to the basement. We lifted the laminate flooring to discover water on the cement. Not a good sign. We had roto rooter out. Our lovely curly willow tree's roots are clogging the drain tile. So that's going to disappear soon. Meanwhile, this week, the roto rooter boys are going to install another cleanout so they can get access all around the house. And they'll cut the roots and clean out the drain tiles.

After the laundry room is moved downstairs, then the staircase will be turned around.

The picture above was taken while we were still thinking about the house. The front door is about 10 feet from the staircase opening and my first impression on walking in was this gaping staircase leading down. We have drawn and played with many ideas and the easiest solution is changing the staircase direction. It will give us more space between the hall and living room, and will improve the access to the basement as well. 

After the staircase is moved and the walls redone, then we can install the hardwood flooring. I can hardly wait to get rid of this oh, so green carpet. But I need to be patient. Tim works full-time and does all this renovating during the evenings and on weekends. I do what I can, which isn't much in the way of construction. 

So I will live in a construction zone for many months. Our bedroom is done, the green carpet is banished. I study, cook, and clean, and did I mention study, with a bit of gardening and wedding planning and sewing thrown in. Thursday I'll finish my current list of courses and then I'm going to sew and garden more.

Here's a bit of stitching that I did recently - on a round robin sampler. This stitcher sent along a bag of threads, beads and other inspiration to use on her sampler. After I took the photo, I packaged it all up, wrapped it nicely and took it to the post office. When I returned home I was shocked to find the sampler neatly folded up, sitting on the table. I had sent the supplies without the sampler. Not too smart. But the sampler is now on its way and will catch up with the threads.


  1. Well that is going to be one ambitious project or two. I can see why you'll prefer having the openness in the kitchen. Not so sure about the basement laundry...can we trade? I'd love to have an upstairs one as I did in my former home. I hate traipsing to the basement. And moving the staircase is another big one that I can really tell why you'd prefer it. Best wishes with it all!

  2. Well, I thought I had left a comment on your previous post, but when I looked it wasn't there. I so appreciated your comment on my most recent blog post and thought I had had the good manners to come by and let you know. Your new home really is lovely, and I love that you are planning its future so beautifully. I would never have the courage to try to switch a staircase, so you have my admiration on that one! I am glad, at least, that your bedroom is fixed and can be a getaway during the long days of waiting for the rest to be completed. Oh, I have heard stories about willow roots and the damage they can do. I have always wanted one, but maybe I should re-think that idea. Love your stitching, as always.

    Pray you're having a blessed Lord's day,

  3. Lots of things going on as well, I see ! Today I have a day OFF all by myself at home !! WOOHOO !! I badly needed the rest. Thanks a lot for the gardening magazine, I got it last week and it made me really happy !!!
    Now I'm going to take a nap... the third today. I really need to catch up. Good luck with all your preparations as well.

  4. You've got a lot on your plate, haven't you!? I had to smile at the story about mailing the supplies without the sampler - time for a break!!

  5. Hi Lorrie,

    Oh my, you two have your work cut out for you. I know it will be worth it in the end but sometimes when you are in the beginning stages, it doesn't feel like it.

    I have had to reopen pkg's because i forgot to put something in. You need a small break dear one.

    big hugs,

  6. It looks like you have projects lined up for a long time! Eventually it will all be done...and it will be just like you envisioned. Enjoy the summer!

  7. Hi Lorrie,
    Thank you for sharing your renovation here. Adore seeing the process! Sorry about your tree(s).
    Sending happy thoughts,

  8. Hello Lorrie - You and your husband are certainly ambitious. I hope all goes well with your renovations. It sounds like such a great idea to move the staircase. Never a dull moment at your abode!


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