Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Cherry Blossoms

"Early oats greened over the red fields;
apple orchards flung great blossoming arms about the farmhouses 
and the Snow Queen adorned itself as a bride for her husband."

"Anne liked to sleep with her window open
and let the cherry fragrance blow over her face all night.

She thought it very poetical. Marilla thought she was risking her life."

"It seems to me, Marilla, that a pearl of a day like this,
when the blossoms are out,
and the winds don't know where to blow from next 
for sheer crazy delight,
must be pretty near as good as heaven."

(L.M. Montgomery)  Anne of the Island


  1. I love the PBS Anne of Green Gables movies. It was sweet to see how she won Marilla's heart!

  2. Ohhhhh.... I loved seeing the cherry blossoms... and it was PERFECT to pair the photo with Anne Shirley sharing her heart on the matter....

    I loved LMM's Anne books, and that beautiful old series.

  3. To tilt one's head to look at the sky through a froth of cherry blossoms has to be one of life's great pleasures.

  4. Oh and did you enjoy just such a day? I hope so...fervently.

  5. What a delightful pairing and words and photos . . . beautiful, Lorrie.


  7. Love it...the blooms and the words.

  8. There is nothing quite like the mist of cherry blossom.

  9. And I have snow. So unfair. ENJOY

  10. We love Anne here!! And, you from Canada must really be able to connect. My daughters (one in particular) have watched the movies so many times. I keep thinking I want to put some of her quotes framed and up on the wall. Beautiful photos to go with your text.

  11. Hello Lorrie - your pictures and the quotes bring back memories of living in the Okanagan for 9 years. With 26 fruit trees, each spring was delightful! I grew up on a street that was lined with ornamental flowering trees and remember well how beautiful it was. I know how you must be enjoying springtime on the island!

  12. Beautiful! Oh how I love the cherry blossoms. Wonderful post.

    Thank you so much for visiting my blog today and for your kind comment. Aren't these kinds of renovations exciting?!

    Have a great day.

    God Bless,

  13. LOVE this post Lorrie...especially as I am a true "Anne" fan...makes me want to pull out the book and begin re~reading...perhaps pull out the movies too...seems I get so very much work done when they are on!
    P.S. Gorgeous photos!

  14. Hello Lorrie,
    your cherry photos are really outstanding. The lovely pink against the sky is so gorgeous. Thank you for sharing this sweet photos.
    Greetings, Johanna


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