Friday, April 08, 2011

Spring Buds

"Nothing is so beautiful as Spring - 
When weeds, in wheels, shoot long and lovely and lush;..."

"... And for all this, nature is never spent;
There lives the dearest freshness deep down things;
And though the last lights off the black West went
Oh, morning, at the brown brink eastward, springs - 

Because the Holy Ghost over the bent
World broods with warm breast with 
ah! bright wings."

Gerard Manley Hopkins
(God's Grandeur)

My days are filled with study, study, study, and did I mention study? Essays, study questions, readings ... they seem never ending. I have two more exams scheduled in the next month and need to finish the course work before then.

My back screams in protest at all this time in front of the computer, so I try to get out for a walk. It's been so pretty lately, I take my camera and capture the bits of beauty I see along my way. That's the only creative thing I'm doing - enjoying God's creativity.


  1. Glad you can take a break from your studies and enjoy the outdoors. Don't work too hard now! Hey, what is happening with your kitchen reno these days? We are pretty close to being finished :)

  2. Hello,

    I have seen sprouts here as well!
    These are beautiful!

    ~ Gabriela ~

  3. Beautiful springtime shots, a walk outside and a breath of fresh air revives mind and body I always find.
    Hope you can take a break from your studies and enjoy the weekend.

  4. The leaves look like butterflies about to take off.
    I was up your way yesterday and longed to call and meet for coffee, but time wouldn't allow it. Wasn't it a beautiful day?

  5. Your 'only creative thing' is the best way to take a break from studying! It looks like we are in for a beautiful day today...and I intend to make the most of it.

  6. That is a sight for sore eyes.... what a gift!

    Thankfully when we don't have the time to do something creative, He's got lots of His own He loves to share. Those budding branches are a perfect example!

    BTW, I too enjoy that Gerard Hopkins piece.

  7. His creativity will inspire you to your own when it is time. I love those photographs...they're scrumptious and would make excellent pictures to frame and hang in your home.

    I adore GMH's poetry. Thank you for sharing it.

  8. You put it so well Lorrie...the best inspiration comes from the good Lord's creations...such good gifts. :)

  9. Actually, that's quite a lot to be doing. Enjoying God's creativity means that you are using all your senses. What could be more rewarding?

    Good luck with the exams.

  10. It is easy to take God's creativity for granted so you are being creative to take note and enjoy. Good for you!

  11. Spring has sprung! Try not to work so hard that you miss it!

  12. Thanks for your visit and comment on my blog. I really do enjoy your island. Love the promise those blossoms hold...
    Have a good week.


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