Thursday, February 09, 2012

On A Thursday Morning in February

Grey. Misty. A fine rain. A day for just made for ducks. 

Tiny rain droplets bead on this duck's feathers, reminding me of the saying, "like water off a duck's back." I was glad he ventured close because ...

although I taught school Tuesday and Wednesday, and will be teaching on Friday, today I played with our Little Miss. She loves the ducks, watches intently, and then jabbers away in gleeful baby-speak.

On our way home we stopped to look at a magnolia tree, its buds swelling with promise. 

And this bush, getting ready to bud, too. It was a good thing we took our walk when we did, early in the morning, for rain set in and the rest of the day we read stories, climbed stairs, chased a purple ball, and sang songs. 

What made your day fine?


  1. Those ducks and I know one another very well. I'm sure that the little female on the left starred in one of my blog posts last year!
    I dodged rain drops all day - and was very glad that they weren't snowflakes!

  2. Quack, quack!
    I had a fine day with breakfast out with a friend and then the rest of the day spent in thrift shops and libraries.

  3. Oh what a sweet babe to have a fun walk with! I, too, noticed some great buds today. The other thing that made me happy was to see the new growth and buds on my Lenten Rose...
    Small group fellowship tonight rounded the day off nicely...

  4. Wonderful shots Laurie, especially of those gorgeous long eyelashes.
    Yesterday was a horrible day, I spent an hour in the dentist's chair being measured for a new crown! Did I mention thatI have a morbid fear of dentists?
    Believe me, you had the better day all round!!

  5. Good Morning Lorrie!

    And, I bet that was the best Thursday morning in February that you've ever had! What a sweet day to share with your little sweetheart! She is precious.

    You are a great photographer as well! Looks like you could reach out and touch all your subjects!

    Thanks for sharing. Have a great weekend!

  6. Your little girl looks charming -- I'm sure she must have been delighted with the ducks. I, too, noticed magnolia buds swelling (on campus) yesterday -- they always lift my February spirits!

  7. Beautiful pic's! My favorite...Little Miss.

  8. I'm so glald you get to spend lots of time with your little one. I may be a little bit jealous :)

  9. Lorrie, such delightful pics, and that Little Miss is such a gorgeous baby. Is she your granddaughter?

    Have a wonderful weekend - hope the sun shines for you.

    Hugs - Msry

  10. Sounds like you had a great day with your grand baby...she is a sweetie! Have a great week end.

  11. What delightful pictures. Your little Miss is so beautiful. New life in the family makes it all worth while.

  12. What a sweet photo of the baby! I can hardly wait to see buds swell and then burst open... but it will be a while. :)

  13. Oh Friday my son and I saw mallards swiiming in the desert aquaduct near our home. So funny.

    Love your sweet valentine cherub.

  14. Anonymous9:18 AM

    A perfect day! Little Miss is adorable. :)

  15. Such beautiful photography, Lorrie! Your grand daughter is so precious.

  16. Simply beautiful!

  17. She's beautiful and great to see the buds appearing.


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