Monday, February 11, 2013

A Parcel from Afar, A Little Sewing, A Misty Day

Elizabeth, who writes the blog, Cornish Cream, held a recent giveaway and I was lucky enough to win. How fun to receive a parcel bearing the mark "Royal Mail." Makes one feel positively queenly! Barbara's gifts included a book on Cornish Gardens that I'm looking forward to perusing with a cup of tea nearby, a tube of scented L'Occitane hand cream, a tea towel featuring the fruits of England, a map of the great gardens of Cornwall, and a pretty bookmark. Oh, and a tissue holder stitched of beautiful rose printed fabric. Thank you, Elizabeth, I'm thoroughly enjoying this parcel.

 I had great plans before Christmas, but then ended up working more than expected, so my plans went sideways. One of my goals was to stitch up this cute vest for Little Miss A. It's made of rose-printed floral flannel and lined with pink polka-dotted flannel. I used a pattern won from Running with Scissors, although the pattern itself is by Sweet Charlotte. I like the asymmetrical zipper and collar. Size two fits well.

On our province's first-ever Family Day, we went hiking to East Sooke Park, with friends. Mist hung heavy over the hills and the water, covering our hair with diamond droplets. But the temperature was pleasant and the mist cleared a bit while we ate lunch and sipped our tea on the rocks overlooking the water. A fine Family Day it was.

And what's up for the week ahead? Valentine's Day preparations, of course, some sewing, some writing. All dependent on whether or not I get called in to teach. What does your week look like?



  1. Sweet parcel..I love the pretty dress so much
    Have a happy day x

  2. I'm so glad it arrived safely. Now you can explore Cornwall a little!

  3. hi lorrie,
    what a sweet the tea towel.The dress looks wonderful.
    have a nice day,

  4. What a wonderful gift - this parcel. Enjoy it and feel well with this products.
    Best regards, Synnöve

  5. Anonymous5:57 AM

    I'm amazed by how often you win a draw. How fun.

  6. What a treat to receive such a lovely package! The wee vest is adorable - I predict much more sewing of girlie garments in the next few years :)
    Family day wasn't a holiday for the federal government, so I worked, and ended up working late. I did, however, have a lovely dinner with The Great Dane afterwards, and that is always a celebration!

  7. Ohhhh...packages like this in the mail are so exciting. What delights! You are surely going to enjoy your tea time.

    The FedEx truck arrived just minutes ago leaving me another package. I opened it right up and now I believe that I have opened my birthday gift. Maybe. Hope so. Nevertheless, I might have read the recipient's name, which was NOT mine. I've got some explainin' to do. Believe me, I'm feeling a bit flushed.

    Oh that outfit looks so darling...I like the asymmetry of it, too. Cute AND unique.

    Sounds like a fun time yesterday...getting out and enjoying the day no matter the weather. As it turns out, I have a Valentine supper to make for returning guests. So that should keep me well occupied.

  8. What a delightful package to receive! Little miss looks adorable in her granny-made vest. Glad you had a sweet family day adventure.

  9. Cute little vest!
    I'll be sitting down to {hopefully} finish up some V-day stitching after making my online rounds.
    Have a great day, Lorrie!

  10. A wonderful package for sure. Glad you enjoyed your first B.C. family day! The vest is really sweet!
    Lots of activity here this week and so it begins...

  11. Lucky you to have such a lovely package arrive from England! That vest is so cute and perfect for Valentines Day. Lucky little lassies to have a loving Gran like you...

  12. Such fun to open a wonderful package of goodies. And how cute is that vest AND your little girl!
    It was a misty moisty day in Vancouver yesterday as well. . . back here on my island, it's grey today, but still, the days are lighter longer, and spring's clearly on its way.

  13. What sweet English treats from Cornwall, I know you'll love looking at those stunning gardens.
    Gorgeous vest, makes Little Miss A look even cuter!

  14. That is a VERY cute little girl in a very cute vest!!

  15. Oh yes, a vest such as lucky little Miss A's would be a great addition to my pretty, and I'm a huge lover of anything asymmetrical, especially fasteners on clothing.

    Congrats. on winning the Cornish items - it's the county next to Devon where I'm from and just as lovely. They also make amazing clotted cream (perhaps even better than Devon's - never thought I'd say that!) for afternoon scones and jam, and their pasties are awesome too! Gorgeous coastal scenery and moorland - hope you get to visit there some day.

    Hugs - Mary

  16. Darling Miss A is a true Valentine. Thank you for linking up!

  17. What a glorious Giveaway. I knew who it was from before I read it. Such a cute vest for Miss A who is growing up quickly and sounds like a great family day out with a very atmospheric picture.


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