Thursday, February 07, 2013

On the Topic of Home

Mary, of the Little Red House, suggested a weekly prompt to spark inspiration. This week's word is home. Click over to her post to see what others have come up with.

Home is more than latitude or longitude. More than a building. Over the years we’ve made our home in a number of places around the world. Home does not depend on a particular house, although each one I’ve lived in contributes to my collective idea of home.

Homes are not built; they are created, with intention or without it. 

Home evokes shelter and warmth on a blustery night.

Home expands to include family and friends gathered round the table: laughing, eating, sharing life.

Home began in my childhood, with a father and mother who loved me and cared for me, with a widely extended multitude of aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents. 

Home is where I continually learn to love and be loved. 

Home began afresh when I left childhood behind and married. Soon home expanded to 3, then 4, then 5 of us.

Home evolves. Now we are two again, but the ripples of our lives expand outwards, yet return to the centre. 

Home protects. Home challenges. Home restores. Home equips. Home comforts. Home remembers. 

Home is where I feel most intensely, where I create unabashedly, where I dream freely, where I pray and cry and laugh until tears run down my face. 

Home is where I am most me.


  1. Well said, Lorrie,, and from the picture you have shared I am inclined to think there is a lot of love in your home.

  2. You have a wonderful way of expressing those deep sentiments that so many of us have about home. Thanks for that.

  3. What a beautiful post, Lorrie. I love the photo but the way you shared in words about home was especially heart warming. Thank you. Blessings. Pamela

  4. Beautiful!!! Describes Home perfectly.

  5. Anonymous1:36 PM

    First of all, the primroses and the heart shaped stones are lovely.
    Secondly, your post is wonderful. What an insightful description of Home. I think at this place in time, if I were to describe the bottom line of home for me, it would be with my husband, as we are basically empty nesters at this time too.

  6. Lovely take on the theme of home!

  7. Oh my goodness, what a wonderful post! I love your photo, so beautifully composed and shot from above. And your words are pure poetry! Thanks so much for sharing your inspiration! xoxo

  8. Beautiful, Lorrie! I could have written this it is so what I feel! The photo is wonderful.

  9. This is wonderful and your basketed primroses are beautiful.

  10. Amen - just what I believe, just what I feel about home.

  11. Oh Lorrie you have written that so beautifully!
    I agree with you a home is not bricks and mortar but a sense of place filled with love, memories and nurturing.

    Shane ♥

  12. Oh, so true! Home is where I am most me.

  13. So beautifully expressed...

  14. So powerful! Thanks for expressing it so beautifully.

  15. Cool photo.
    I agree entirely with your observations about home, but am refraining from saying, "Home is where the heart is" - or did I just say it?

  16. Home is where the heart is....

    Oh, I'm laughing because there is it in a comment above mine..

    Great minds, and all that.


  17. Lorrie - your words tell a story each and every time. The best thing about home for me is the comforting feeling that envelops me each time I come in the front door. no matter where i've been I'm always glad to come home.

  18. What lovely and heartfelt thoughts Lorrie!

  19. Lovely and you were/are Blessed.


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