Thursday, June 13, 2013

Rosy Days

When I leave the house during the day, whether through the front door or the back one, I stick my nose into a rose blossom. On the deck, a pot of Secret roses, seen above, blooms. The leaves are looking a little chewed up by insects and I'll have to tackle that. I grow my plants organically, and we are prone to black spot here, so I settle for less than perfect.

In the front yard, this nameless rose bush, present when we moved here 11 years ago, has survived a couple of transfers to new spots and continues to bloom prolifically. Fragrance is important to me when choosing roses. Their sweet scent delights me. 

E. B. White wrote, "I arise in the morning torn between a desire to improve the world and a desire to enjoy the world. This makes it hard to plan the day." 

Today's plans include a physio appointment, tutoring, and time with Little Miss A. There's definitely some enjoyment planned, and we'll see about the improvement. How are you spending this mid-June day?


  1. Your roses are lovely, Lorrie. One of mine , which I've had a few years now, has never bloomed. I found a bud on it this year and then it seemed to vanish. I think I may have to say goodbye and get another bush.

  2. Such lovely roses! I have two rose bushes of my favorite type (Theresa Bugnet) and they are situated in my front and back yard. Everywhere I go, I smell the heavenly scent of roses! :) Kit

  3. Beautiful roses! I like that quote. Good we enjoy or work at improving? I think we need a balance there. Have a great day!

  4. Roses, unbelievable to think of a garden without them. My quaint candy striped one is just flowering. This is my favourite time.
    What am I doing today? Packing up the kitchen in boxes, ready for the work to start....!

  5. How did I spend this mid-June day? Hiding under an umbrella! It's so dark here but at least my roses are being watered by the natural elements. Beautiful roses, the pink is so crisp and clear. xx

  6. That E.B. So true. Such a huge difference between improving the world and enjoying the world. I'm still on the improving bit though it's my sewing room. Haven't made it to the kitchen yet. Still folding fabric and trying not to get an idea to do anything but fold fabric until it's accomplished. Enjoy your beautiful day. The photography...ahhhh...gonna go out and see if I can copy you.

  7. Wow a great quote, I think I would just enjoy the day. Hope you had a wonderful day. Jen

  8. Sounds like a good time, especially the fun part~ It's hard to let go of improving to just sit and enjoy but it's so important. A great post. And lovely roses~

  9. I love roses, but they are so picky about everything in my yard. So maybe I will just continue to love them in your photos.


  10. I planted my first rose bush!! I hope I have some luck with to follow of the garden shed makeover and it will show the spot I planted's hoping I have a green thumb for roses!! Have a great day! Rainy here today, but the sun is starting to peek out so will be a beautiful evening.

  11. THAT Lorrie is a great quote! I've never heard it but feel like I experience it often!

  12. The rose photos are lovely. Growing them organically is a good idea - especially if you are smelling them closely. I did a little walking, a little blogging, a little crafting - was a good puttering around day.

  13. Love the roses. Love the EB White quote. Can almost smell their fragrance. Yum.

  14. Your roses are stunning. I too make sure the roses have a scent before I buy them. Today I played tennis this AM and will clean house this afternoon. Have a wonderful weekend!

  15. Delightful photos of your roses!


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