Sunday, August 25, 2013

Another Item Ticked Off the List

What's wrong with this picture (above)?

"Nana, this chair has a HOLE in it."

Well, yes it does. In March (time really flies) I found a set of 6 dining room chairs for a really good price. The seats were in terrible shape; someone had attempted recovering them and the foam was thin and squishy, and the fabric improperly applied.

The cherry wood chairs themselves were in good shape with labels inside from a very reputable Canadian chair manufacturer.

I did not use the new-fangled Chalk Paint on these chairs - my husband (Mr. Woodworker in his spare time) is highly suspicious of things that don't require proper preparation like sanding, washing with TSP, and a coat of primer. I did all that and then I applied 4 (FOUR) coats of white paint. Thin coats, and there are still a few drips.

Then I took the seats to the foam store where they cut and glued firm foam to the chair bases. Last week Tim and I spent a couple of hours one evening and managed to cover one seat. Things were not looking good. But the next night, the remaining five seats were covered lickety-split. We'd figured out the system the first night. First a covering of polyester quilt batting, then the fabric tightly, tightly applied with a staple gun, then a dust cover underneath. Then Scotch Guard and finally, on Saturday morning, we screwed the seats back onto the chairs. 

And I'm very, very happy with the way they look and how comfortable they are. Very happy. I like the mix of painted and wood finishes in the dining room and how the light paint makes the room brighter. The walls are pale blue and go well with the grey hutch. Another wood piece sits behind this chair at the end. And I love the upholstery fabric - a Robert Allen print from

This was a bigger project than I'd anticipated and I'm happy to see it completed. Just one more thing to tick off the list. Have you ticked any projects off your list lately?


  1. They look great - well done! My lists are never ending as each time I tick off one thing another couple are added to the list!

  2. That's quite a project, Lorrie. The chairs look very professionally done. i have a friend who uses Annie Sloan chalk paint everywhere and says how marvellous it is. Like yours, my husband wonders about it!

  3. Good to see someone else , than me , has a projects this summer . Yours is beautiful and neet work . Lucy thing you found those chairs .

  4. You and your husband made a gorgeous transformation of the chairs. Blue and white is so fresh and the chairs look great with the table. I think I might be more in the midst of a few projects rather than checking them off the list. I'd better get on with things!


  5. Your chairs are beautiful! Love that fabric! Time well spent. (I also love the parade of blooms on your tabletop.)

  6. Turned out so beautifully! You and Tim did a great job. The paint job is terrific and the fabric is wonderful. Have to confess that until your granddaughter had her head in the chair, I had not figured out what was wrong with them!

  7. Lorrie, these chairs are just beautiful! What a transformation. I love the fabric. The natural wood of the table top makes a nice contrast. Great job!! Enjoy the day.

  8. Love your new chairs... beautiful fabric... congrats on a very nice job to you both!

    Your dining room looks so inviting. Did little Missy see the new chairs yet?

  9. Wow, that is a big job to have checked off. My list just seems to grow without anything being checked off!

  10. Love this great renovation of those chairs! Beautiful. Oh yes, we've been ticking lots of things off the list this summer!
    I'm sure you'll have many wonderful celebrations around that table with comfy seats!

  11. They are so lovely - the fabric is perfect.

  12. Absolutely gorgeous, Lorrie! Your fabric choice against the white paint is perfect.
    Thanks for you kind words about Mayo. Have a great week.

  13. My project list seems to be growing rather than being checked off. You did such a nice job here and it does sound like a huge project especially with your husband's methods! They look just lovely!

  14. The chairs look wonderful, much better than I had imagined when I saw them and heard what you were doing with them. I am truly impressed! Good job!

  15. Great job! They look fabulous!
    My whole house is one big on-going project. lol

  16. It does feel good when something is ticked off the list. Haven't felt that for awhile. Love the combination of white and wood too. Nice job! Good find.

  17. It is looking just beautiful in your dining room. Good job! And how nice to be able to tick it off the list.

  18. So gorgeous! Wow! You must feel very content now, being able to walk through that room and know you made it all look so wonderful.

  19. Bravo! It looks beautiful! I don't know that I have much ticked off my to-do list. I do that I've probably ticked off more people lately than I have tasks, LOL!

  20. Oh, they turned out beautiful!

  21. They are indeed beautiful. What a big job but now you will enjoy them and appreciate the work you put into them.

  22. Lorrie, these turned out FABULOUS!!! I bet it was a lot of work, but soooo worth it. I love the entire look of the set & that photo of your grandgirl looking down the hole in the seat is priceless! LOL

  23. I adore it! Great job!!! I practically gave away my cherry dining room set when we moved a year ago. You would've loved to get your hands on them. But I just didn't have time to redo them...... they were from the 40's or 50's. I am dying to use that chalk paint..... I have a chest of drawers from the 70's that I know I would never paint if I had to do all that prep work. And it's not an expensive piece anyway. No, I haven't checked much off lately.


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