Friday, November 28, 2014

A bit of eating, even less sewing, and sweet playtime

Roasted vegetables. One of my favourite things to eat. Even my sprouts hating husband will eat these little choux de Bruxelles when they emerge tender and slightly caramelized from the oven. And sweet potatoes - best roasted, in my opinion. 

The dining room table is where I like to sew. These days it's piled high with projects of various sorts. I'm hoping for a finish of at least one project soon, to encourage me along. I'm making new stockings for the family. (again? I hear them say) Yep, again. They don't take long and I had the fabric lounging on the shelf, looking very smug. 

For years I've stored my sewing machine feet in a ziploc bag. Then I saw this idea via Pinterest and had an aha moment, as well as some vinyl in the fabric closet. The above bag is my first attempt and you can be sure there will be more of them. So useful.

A little man came over for a visit yesterday while his mother took his sister for a medical checkup. He napped (very short), knocked down towers, cried a little, ate a snack (loves grated cheese), and cuddled. Such sweetness.

The fabric stack on the dining room table won't be going down this weekend. In a couple of hours I'm walking to the bus stop (hope the rain ceases soon) and heading across the Strait to Vancouver to help our youngest daughter and SIL with their move to another apartment, this one closer to her work and in a newer building. It's a quick trip - I'll be back tomorrow night. Then it begins - Advent! 

I hope all my American readers had a wonderful Thanksgiving yesterday.  


  1. That little man is so cute! How nice of him to stop by even if for a short one. Your new bag reminds me of a fabric one a friend made me for crochet hooks. A slot for each. Hope the move went well!

  2. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Little Man is adorable. Best wishes with helping out with the move.

  3. I can certainly understand why the sewing machine foot was standing still...what with such that Little Man to adore and hang out with. Indeed! A real heart stealer.

    Have fun.......

  4. Anonymous2:16 PM

    So surprising that this Sunday is the first Sunday of Advent. That little guy is so cute! That's great that you can travel and help with the move!

  5. That little man is adorable! He looks like a lot of fun.

    Have fun with helping your daughter move.

    I am in love with roasting veggies! And I've never eaten a brussel sprout in my life, but I bought some to roast because my friend said that is how she eats them! I'm going to try something new!


  6. Love Brussels sprouts! Your little boy blue is such a cutie . . . love his sweater, too.

  7. Your zippered pouch is so cute! And so is your 'little mister'. He is adorable. Have a great weekend. Sounds like you are busy.

  8. Oh my, Mr. F is precious. There is something about baby necks...and baby hair...and baby sweet!

    Hope your trip is full of fun as well as hard work!

  9. Such a cute little one! I'll have to try roasting sweet potatoes. I think I've always cooked ours on the stovetop before, but I love other veggies that I've roasted.
    Have a safe trip and a blessed beginning of the Advent season.
    Blessings, Aimee

  10. The little guy is cute and looks like he is a huggable sweetie.
    I hope the move goes well for your daughter and that the rain holds off.

  11. I like your projects - that clear bag looks like a great idea.

    Our grandson loved shredded cheese when he was little - he never wanted it sliced. Your grandson is darling.

  12. Such a sweet boy. The roasted vegetables look so good. I do roast sweet potatoes quite often, such a quick way to fix them. Hope the move went smoothly. Have a great weekend.

  13. What a little cutie! My grandson loves the grated cheese as well; always has.

  14. That little tiny man is so adorable. I could just kiss his skin off. :)
    I know your girl was happy for you to help with the move.

  15. How did that 'little man' get so soon?

    I'm smiling about the new stockings...again. I'm using stocking from over a decade ago.

    I have two lovely poinsettia plants here...delivered by your sister on Thursday. We had a nice chat!

  16. What a cutie, that little man is! I hope you had an easy time moving your daughter in to her new place. Fresh snow on the ground and colder temps have made it a great day to get most of my decorating done. However...I am off to bake some cupcakes, as a special little neighbor nephew of ours is 9 today!!

  17. I never thought of roasting sprouts before!I'm glad you had a sweet time with your little Grandson, how cuddleable he looks!
    Blessings to you, Lorrie.

  18. Love the see through zippered pouch, so many uses for that idea! Your sweet grandson is so adorable, what a happy baby :O) Hope the moving went smoothly and that it didn't rain too much, nothing worse than moving in the rain!

  19. So glad I stopped by on this first Advent Sunday morning, your grandson is adorable so lovely to see him sitting up and smiling at you.
    Hope the move is going smoothly.

  20. How fun to cuddle this little one and then venture to Vancouver to spend time with family there.


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