Monday, November 10, 2014

Weekend Fun

This photo makes me laugh every time I look at it. Aunty and Uncle with a niece and nephew, trying to get the littles to look at the camera. Real life.

Our Vancouver kids came over for the weekend and we all gathered on Saturday night for birthday festivities. We like to lump close birthdays together in a joint celebration. Here are two little hugging cousins with their matching blue eyes.

Mister F is now mobile and interested mostly in the things he can't have, like the fireplace and technology. He's awfully cute.

On Sunday we took Owen and Ashley out on the boat. Such a beautiful day. Blue skies, blue water, and all the glories of creation. 

This was the first boating trip with my new camera and I snapped away. The zoom lens enables me to take different kinds of shots.  Such fun. 
I did have a very scary moment. On the way back the water was a bit rough. I stood in the boat and took photos sort of leaning out a bit. Suddenly a wave hit and I stumbled, my knees going onto the seat and my camera forward. I managed to keep hold of it, but promptly put the neck strap around my neck.

"That's what it's there for," reminded Tim.

We stopped at Russell Island for a little exploration. I've written about this island before, here, and here

Rocky outcroppings, arbutus trees laden with berries, paths scattered with yellow maple leaves. So much loveliness.

These colours make my heart sing - the blues, whites, greys and tans in infinite shades. Intense.

And just look at the design on these Harlequin Ducks. Isn't it amazing? They are slate blue on the top, which doesn't show up well in this photo. Such a handsome pair.

The weekend feeling continues around here. Although Tim had to work today, he has tomorrow off for Remembrance Day. The Vancouver pair are still here so the pace is slow and relaxed. So lovely to visit. And the sun shines.



  1. Weekend memories to treasure! The little ones are growing so quickly - where does time go?

  2. Oh, I do love the Harlequins, a perennial favourite of ours!
    Looks as if yours was a wonderful family weekend as well -- it's impossible, isn't it, in a family group photo to get every pair of eyes looking at the camera!

  3. Wow! Such beautiful photos and those eyes are as beautiful as the colors of the waters. It looked to be a fabulous weekend!

  4. Lovely weekend!

    Glad you are enjoying your time with family. Your new camera takes some beautiful shots.


  5. Ah, sneaking in some outdoor fun before the weather changes to winter. The children are just adorable. Eyes of wonder and innocence. Glad you are enjoying the camera and zoom lens. Yes, use that strap! I confess that I usually keep it around my neck even when it is on a tripod. One never knows when I will hit a tripod leg with my foot (been there, done that). I use a strap that is extra long so that I can sling it across body. No neck pain!

  6. Your new camera took gorgeous photos, but then you were the one snapping away. I had to smile at almost losing the camera to the water. I did fall a couple weeks ago and my camera went in the mud. It was a good reminder I should be using that strap too. Sweet grandchildren, how special to see. Love the blue eyes.

  7. So glad to know a disaster was averted. You are doing wonderful things with that new camera, Lorrie.
    Oh my, that photo of the rocky outcropping is a beauty. Breathtaking.
    Although I have not met you in person, I see a real resemblance between those precious little ones and you. I am thinking it is the blue eyes??
    Enjoy your time together.

  8. Oh I'm gal you are ok! And the camera safe. The little grands are so sweet!

  9. Your little grandchildren are adorable! Such fun times with family. How nice to get out boating and enjoy the beauty around you. I'm glad you didn't lose your new camera!

  10. Always nice to have the family around, especially when there are little ones to amuse the adults. :-)
    Every time I use the point and shoot I carry in my purse the strap goes around my wrist. Hubby asked the other day why I'm not using my iPhone camera more and I'm just so afraid of dropping it since it doesn't have a strap.
    Enjoy the family visit.

  11. Those eyes! They really are like carbon copies of each other in the eye department. Both so cute.

  12. What lovely family photos - and the adventures sound wonderful. The ski and sea are gorgeous. What good luck to see the Harlequin Ducks - maybe some will stray down this way - I've never seen them.

  13. What lovely family photos - and the adventures sound wonderful. The ski and sea are gorgeous. What good luck to see the Harlequin Ducks - maybe some will stray down this way - I've never seen them.

  14. Oh, that first shot is a fun one, full of life! I know you're enjoying this relaxed family time. (Glad your camera is safe!)

  15. Beautiful! I can tell your heart is full!

  16. Just lovely... Glad to hear your camera and you did not go into the salty seas!

  17. I can almost smell the fresh air on seeing your boating pics! Well photo'd! I'm glad it wasn't 'R.I.P' for your new camera!
    So enjoyed caching up with you Lorrie, + seeing your Grandchildren ~ oh how cute...They'll keep you busy!
    Family: a priceless gift : )

    Blessings to you,

  18. Haha, ...spelling error from an ex ~teacher(me) to an ex~teacher(you).
    How lamentable, my dear.

  19. Sunny there- raining here!!

  20. I don't think that I ever get good shots of little kids trying to pose. I usually give up and holler DON'T LAUGH, make a face, and then go for the candids.

    That blue intense of a blue...just gorgeous. Looks as it you had a wonderful weekend :)

    Yes hold on to your camera! That sounded scary.

  21. Oh I can close my eyes and her the sounds of being near the water like this. Just beautiful glimpses into what had to be a wonderful weekend~

  22. Anonymous8:21 AM

    Looks like one mighty fine weekend! Love that first photo and I see why you enjoy it, too. Made me smile real big!

  23. A weekend to remember. I can see why your heart is singing!

  24. There must have been plenty of little smiles from the young ones.

    The scenery is incredible, Lorrie, and I'm glad the camera didn't come to an unfortunate end.


  25. The children are growing and very cute. I have got to the point where I never take a photo now unless the camera is around my neck having previously dropped one on a stone tiled floor!

  26. Wonderful family shots, looks like everyone was enjoying a great time. Such a wonderful outing, gorgeous views and oh I'm glad you didn't drop that camera.


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