Friday, November 07, 2014

Photo Challenge: Trees

Hooray! It's time for the personal photo challenge, always a great linkup. This month's theme was trees. I took all kinds of photos of trees this month, but it seemed like when I could get out and use my camera, the weather was dull or rainy. On the rare sunny days, I worked. 

Back to my archives went I. This photo was taken in August, on our boating excursion. It's a detail of an arbutus tree (a long green limb is seen in the background). Paper thin red bark curls away to reveal smooth green wood. In the USA this is known as a Madrona tree. It needs to be near the ocean to thrive.

On to a September tree, photo taken as the sun set over the Sooke hills. A gnarly Garry Oak stands silhouetted against the pale sky, leaves intact but beginning to dry and brown.

I'm certain I saw Jane Eyre walk by this pond and tree scene, her dark cloak swirling round her in the drizzle. Mossy trunks, hanging vines, soggy autumn leaves and rain droplets make for a bit of mystery.

There it is. Three trees. Check out Donna's photo challenge links for interesting tree shots.

Today is sunny and there are fluffy white clouds against a blue sky. No time for picture taking, though. 

Technical details: The arbutus tree photo was taken with my dear departed Nikon Coolpix P7100. It was one of its last photos. Sigh.

The next two photos were taken with my Panasonic Lumix. Very little editing was done on any of the photos beyond a little contrast enhancement.

And a reminder that my giveaway for the Gladys Taber book, Stillmeadow Calendar, is still open.  


  1. Anonymous12:10 PM

    These are awesome photos! My favorite is the last one. Wishing you a nice weekend.

  2. Trees over water, what could be more beautiful?

  3. Love it...artsy tree photos and a story! I am sorry about your camera, but the new one is certainly doing a fine job. Have you compared and contrasted them yet?

  4. Wonderful photos!! I too can see a hooded mystery person walking in the third one. I like that one a lot.

  5. I love the last photo where we can use our imagination and wander past with Jane Eyre. It really does put you in a melancholy mood. Wonderful photos for the challenge! Enjoy your weekend. Hugs, Diane

  6. OH this is a nice variety but my favorite is the mossy tree that Jane Eyre stroked before she went on her way...

  7. Fabulous shots - love the reflection. And the starkness of the large tree. The Madrone (in California it even has another name besides Arbutus, it is Manzinita). Poor tree - it must be so confused. But whatever it is - your photo really captures the character of the tree.

  8. The beauty of trees is that they look great in any kind of weather! Glad you were able to pull some great pictures from the archives

  9. I can see Jane sitting by the bank there! These are so very lovely!

  10. Anonymous2:50 PM

    I was fascinated with the arbutus trees when we visited our daughter in Sooke, and had to take lots of photos of them. Lovely tree photos.

  11. I really like your photos. The last one brought back a very happy memory from days long ago. Thank you! :)

  12. Beautiful, every one of the photos.


  13. I do anticipate some woodland fairies to pop out of the landscape in the third photo, LOL. The backlighting of the bark on the first image is quite stunning. And I'm a big fan of silhouettes, so the second photo won my heart. Lovely job on the challenge, and I'm glad that you were looking forward to it!

  14. Hi Lorrie,

    Well, after a little bit of a dry spell, (re: rain and writing!), I'm glad to be visiting everyone, again. How lovely to be greeted by these beautiful photos of your trees. They're all wonderful, my favourite being the second, for it's statuesque and silhouette mystique.

    Happy weekend!


  15. I have never heard of these trees before. They're so unusual and beautiful! Yes, I can see Jane Eyre too. :-)

  16. Three engaging photos for the challenge but I am drawn to the last one with all that's going on there. Moss on the side of a tree adds character, not to mention colour. Definitely a place for shrouded folks or winged ones to be.

  17. I do like your Jane Eyre tree, especially the light and reflection on the water.

  18. Lovely... each of your three trees.

  19. Great shots Lorrie, love your Jane Eyre tree!

  20. Each one is beautiful! The peeling bark on the arbutus branch is fascinating. Love, love the tree and background in the second. And I love how you have captured a mood in the third.

  21. Wonderful photos and a thought provoking story attached to each one.
    I could imagine Jane passing by the river on a misty afternoon Lorrie!

  22. Belas fotos! Eu gosto especialmente da ultima. È lindo o musgo verde no tronco da arvore.
    Um abraço!

    Beautiful photos! I especially like the last. It's gorgeous green moss on the trunk of the tree.

  23. Each one of your tree photos would make a gorgeous card, Lorrie! Beautiful scenes, captured in time. I think I saw Jane Eyre, too!! LOL

  24. Amazing shots. I love going on "walks" with bloggers to see what their eye and camera catches. So much beauty in the world, and we can never get enough. :)
    Have a lovely weekend, Lorrie!

  25. Hi Lorrie, These pictures are great; the first one is just amazing IMO. I've never heard of that kind of tree, but they probably grow on our west coast, I'll bet. :) You're right that the third pic certainly has an air of mystery about it. Very evocative.

    I left a comment for you on the giveaway post about the bookstore, but I'm not sure you saw it. I was having a really hard time getting the comment to publish, and I just had to exit the screen. Later I checked back and the comment was there, but there's a little wastebasket icon at the end, so I'm still not sure you saw it? I would love to be considered for your giveaway; thanks so much for your offer!

    I hope you have a lovely weekend, Lorrie!


    Denise at Forest Manor

  26. These are all gorgeous. I love the photo of the pond. I want to trail a tree branch in the water. xo Laura

  27. I just finished my "tree post" and now am enjoying looking at everyones photos. Great job on your shots Lorrie. :) Happy Saturday to you!

  28. Love your trees.
    Madrone is on my favorites list, especially when traveling along the coast in California.

  29. Love all three Lorrie- the last one IS moody and mysterious, the arbutus macro is just gorgeous, and who doesn't love a wonderful silhouette against the sky?

  30. Beautiful tree photos. I can definitely see Jane there in that one!

  31. I am loving the swampy tree photo, gives me chills!

  32. the pond photo is very evocative. lovely x

  33. Great choices Lorrie - when it comes to trees the subject is awesome of course. I feel that even old dead trees have interesting stories to tell.

    Love your pics, the second one reminds me of scenes I've enjoyed around the world.

    Hope your weekend is going well dear. Thanks for the heads-up re my stupid hip problem - you are such a dear friend.

    Hugs - Mary

  34. I love the first shot Lorrie, what a shame the camera died on you. Trees are such interesting models :-)

  35. Lovely. We don't have a huge variety of trees around here but the same tree can look quite different depending on lighting, weather and time of day. :) Best wishes, Tammy

  36. Beautiful trees, Lorrie and an interesting variety of photos. Thank you for sharing!
    Happy week ahead.
    Helen xox

  37. Neat pictures....fantastic subject for sure. Thank you for the offer of the giveaway. I'll keep my name out as I have so many books patiently waiting for me and I'm sure someone else would get to it much sooner. I'm not familiar with the author so will have to check through some of my vintage books.

  38. The arbutus is one of my favorite trees- makes me long for the island. It's such a place marker for the west coast.

  39. What a great trilogy or triptych of three very different tree pics. I do love arbutus!

  40. I like your diverse choices of trees. Especially the middle one. Striking!

  41. Great shots. Love the tree in the bog...excellent shots.

  42. Lobe the reflections.

  43. I'm sorry to hear about your Nikon camera! I agree that mossy tree would be the perfect backdrop for Jame Eyre!


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