Friday, November 14, 2014

Sit a Spell

seen from the boat as we headed home last Sunday afternoon

Four o'clock in the afternoon. Just home from school. Long slants of light filter through the trees outside my window. A few birds flit here and there in the bare branches. Darkness is near.
I have my feet up, a cup of tea beside me. The fire flickers. Time for a little break before moving on to dinner preparations (just leftovers tonight). 
Thinking ahead to the weekend:  municipal election tomorrow, some house cleaning and cooking, time with one grandchild tonight and two on Sunday night, giving parents time off. 
For now, I'll sip my tea and read a chapter or two of a P.D. James mystery. 
Looking forward to catching up with my favourite blogs over the weekend. What are your plans?   


  1. I'm going to look up the mystery you're reading. I've read a string of just so so books and I'm ready to get back into some mysteries! Enjoy your weekend! Hugs, Diane

  2. We had a snowy day today. Did a quick run out to buy a new mat for the front door and dinner. Home to stay now! Hoping to finish peeling wallpaper off the kitchen walls and get the cabinets finished too. Enjoy the little ones this weekend!

  3. We had snow last evening. Today I went to lunch with my husband then did my bi-monthly grocery shopping trip. It is truly cold with the wind. But it makes it feel like the holidays, so I am okay with it.


  4. What a fantastic shot - and a glorious location to sit and watch the world go by.

    This weekend - we have a little grocery shopping to do - maybe re-wire a favorite lamp that is acting up - plan the Thanksgiving menu with our daughters - one birthday party - looks like another good weekend.

  5. Tonight we lit our first fire - enjoyed the warming glow, and crackle of the logs as we watched our current Netflix series finale of 'Luther'. Temps. will dip below freezing during the night so won't be going out early in the morning! Later will do a run perhaps to SuzAnna's Antiques - check the Christmas decor and chat with granddaughter who works there on weekends. Grocery shopping done so will bake something and make soup of course. Love these cooler days - and there's no place like home for peace and comfort. Oh, may start on the Christmas cards this weekend too.

    Enjoy your weekend Lorrie - have fun with those sweet grandkids.
    Hugs - Mary

  6. My plans are- first I try to make a little loger commens than usually, no matter how bad my english is. See - give a comment using dictionary is dull. You forget what you were going to say and there is no feeling . SO, these are my plannigs -so far.

  7. It's been a pajama kind of weekend around here and I am finally getting to catch up on some blog reading. There are many things I should be doing but I've cast them aside so that I can do what I really want. Have a wonderful day. :) Best wishes, Tammy

  8. A day trip to Victoria and back home again in time to mind a grand baby while her parents went out. Voting tomorrow and then a day in the studio. Happy weekend to you, Lorrie.

  9. No major plans for the weekend apart from a lunch with friends at out nearby National Trust restaurant.
    I can just imagine sitting in one of those chairs, gazing across the water.

  10. What P.D. James Mystery are you reading? I just finished The Lighthouse. Enjoy your book and tea!

    Mersad Donko Photography

  11. Anonymous3:56 AM

    Beautiful shot. I'm working on a Lee Child mystery, have a quilt top to work on, some errands and a lunch or maybe two out. Have a good weekend.

  12. I like the sound of your plans. In an hour or so, I'm off to meet a friend for a long walk by the lake, dressed warmly on this chilly, sunny day. Then I'll get started on some household tasks and a bit of cooking.

  13. Sounds like a good plan to sit a spell before the busyness of the weekend begins.
    I'm planning to clean my closet and get the winter wardrobe in place. It's gotten downright cold here.

  14. I do love an "around the house" type of weekend!

    We started out with a ladies' game party last night...and the rest of the weekend is the beginning of the culmination of something big! More details on my blog later in the week. Oh dear...I'm not meaning to sound cryptic. But there are some things still hanging in the air...

    Enjoy your time with the little grands!

  15. Confined to the house today; it is snowing. Hubby is away working corn harvest--still. Will it ever end now that weather has turned so bad so early. I am reading the Outlander series, book 3 Voyager, so I will linger by the fire, too, reading. I will also start to shingle my little dollhouse ballet studio, the last thing to finish it. Sounds like we have a peaceful weekend.

  16. It all sounds good to me, Lori! It's really cold here and we are enjoying the change.

  17. Hi Lorrie, I just stopped for a moment from cleaning house and preparing dinner for company. I got smart and planned a dinner that will all cook in the oven, so everything is ready to go into the oven and I have two hours before doing that. Right now I have a cake in there. None of us need cake, but you know . . . company is always a great excuse for eating dessert, LOL.
    Here's wishing you a very pleasant weekend.
    Connie xx

  18. I'll be hard pressed to find time for afternoon tea this weekend.
    The Scandinavian Church bazaar was last night, a board meeting this morning and quick trip to the County Museum bazaar with dinner out to celebrate daughter #2's BD. Tomorrow the wrap up and AGM of the garden club with a pot luck.
    Whew! Tis the time of year.

  19. Anonymous1:19 PM

    I mowed the lawn/leaves on Friday so today has just been a spotty project here and there and aiding dear hubby who is painting and moving some wall art around.
    What a blessing to your kids that you can give them a night off here and there. I can remember how good it was to get away for short periods of time. Is it as cold on the island as it is down here? Makes for great indoor projects!

  20. Marking in a quiet house while husband's in Vancouver . . . mostly indoors by the fire with an occasional foray out into the gorgeous, but cold, day.

  21. I love this photo of the two chairs on the deck next to the water. What a beautiful place to unwind. I've been doing a bit of Christmas decorating today. Just a bit. I usually start with my china hutch and that is done for now. I went to a Steeped Tea Party at a friends this afternoon. Got a couple of things for Christmas giving. Enjoy your weekend.

  22. We're trying to take it easy this weekend. Reading our Kindles. Jim is watching a football game. I'm trying to catch up on the computer (a doomed, exercise if there every was one). Laundry still to do. I need to work in the flowerbeds too.

  23. What an idyllic spot, if it was warmer it would be a lovely place to sit and relax! Weekend plans include cutting and stacking firewood (it's darn cold up here!) and finishing up some projects that have been languishing on the back burner. Enjoy your weekend with the grands!

  24. have painted a cozy picture...except for the book, I have done similar things. The boys were here yesterday all morning until 1...always lovely and today I am visiting my friends. Enjoy your time with your grands this evening.

  25. Your plans sound perfect! I love P D James books. We have had a lovely weekend with lots of cosy family times, and walking our recently acquired little dog. Hope you had a good time and wishing you a great week ahead.
    Helen xox

  26. I like that phrase 'sit a spell'. And I'm wondering which PD James you are reading. We sure enjoyed PD's sequel to Pride and Prejudice (the PBS movie of it).

    Happy day....

  27. I love your idea for relaxing. :) Been a lovely weekend. Lots of hot coffee, projects and family time. Kit

  28. Anonymous3:49 PM

    You have a lovely spot to read and/or drink tea. Thanks for the get well wishes. I know you are enjoying the grands.

  29. Oh, I just read a P.D.James book for the first time this year. Loved it! Nothing better than tea and a book and a cozy fire. Hope you had a nice weekend Lorrie.

  30. My plans for the weekend?

    To read and read and read. And have a jolly good Sunday lunch with my Beloved.

    All duly accomplished.

  31. Hi Lorrie,
    Enjoyed catching up with you.
    Loved the pic of you and Tim and the apples, especially!
    Our daughters have birthdays in the same month; mine reckons Christmas starts as soon as hers is!!

  32. I love your photo of the landing - a nice spot to sit and enjoy the last of the suns's rays!

    Your weekend sounds perfect to me Lorrie!

  33. Getting recipes together for our family Thanksgiving feast...:)
    xo bj

  34. Is it a Dalgliesh? Anyway, that's a cool photo. Looks like a giant deer with huge antlers coming out of the ground behind the chairs!

  35. That photo looks so idyllic.

    It's around zero degrees here right now, so no wonder, lol...

  36. Oh that photo sings to my heart. When I bought my camera several years ago someone asked me what I would take pictures of, my response was Adirondack chairs sitting by water. I am always looking for them and this is perfect. My favorite find was in Victoria along the water front. My husband actually painted that picture for me.


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