Wednesday, November 05, 2014

Playing Tourist and a Giveaway

On our weekend trip we stayed in the very tiny town of Washougal, WA. Right next door was the not-quite-as-tiny town of Camas. Such a pretty little place. Old brick buildings, huge trees arching over the street, Narnian-worthy lampposts and a fun little antique mall.

Doesn't that lamppost make you want to look for snow and Mr. Tumnus?

There wasn't a lot of time for touring around - just a few hours on Saturday morning. The major item on my list was Powell's Books. Oh. My. Three floors jam-packed with books: new books, old books, rare books, used books, children's books.  Be still, my beating heart. I could have spent hours in the store. As it was I came out with a lovely bag full of delight including...

Gladys Taber's Stillmeadow Calendar. I read a couple of her books years ago and have kept half an eye out for them ever since. They have been out of print for a long time and go for crazy prices online. And here they were - two copies of Stillmeadow Calendar. Why two copies? Well, for those of you who are fans of Taber's writing, I thought a giveaway would be fun. Her books are filled with the small things that make up life and this particular book takes the reader through the year with observations on nature and life in general. 

No hoops to jump through, just leave a comment and I'll draw a name sometime next week. 

Oh, and if you have a Google+ profile, I can't contact you, so please leave an email address in your comment or send me an email saying you'd like to enter the giveaway.

Is anyone else having a hard time adjusting to the time change? It just seems so dark all the time to me. Perhaps it has nothing to do with changing the clocks and everything to do with the grey weather. The above photo was taken at 4:22 pm this afternoon.



  1. Hi Lorrie,

    What a fun trip for you! I worked in a bookstore for 4 years before I got married, and I could easily spend hours in a bookstore like this. It does look like a charming town, too. :)

    What a nice giveaway you're offering! I enjoy books like this and would love to be considered for the giveaway. Thank you, Lorrie, and I hope you have a great week!


    Denise at Forest Manor

  2. Oh what a fun find! I have my eye out all the time for her writing, too. Looks like wonderful reading material for late autumn and winter. Yes, that community looks quaint and charming. Yes, I am struggling with the time change. It feels dark all the time just as you the morning and the evening is awful. Time for some Christmas lights! =D

  3. Bookstores like that are so fun. Yes, please include my name in the hat! Thank you.

  4. What a delightful find(s)! Of course, a three-level book store is a find as well! It looks like your weekend was filled with all sorts of treasures. Thank you for your willingness to share!

    I am a night owl by nature, but the time change has me wanting to go to bed only a little late rather than very late. (Make sense?) :)

  5. I love Powell's! haven't been there for years, but have had a few wonderful visits to that marvelous store.
    I do mind coming home in the dark (at not much later than 5), but at least for a few weeks, I'll have light to run in each morning by 7. . .

  6. I could spend hours in that bookstore!

    Those books are quite the find. I haven't read anything by her but I've been reading about her and her home. So interesting.

    The time change is amazing, I always think it's later than it is when it gets dark early.


  7. Hello Lorrie
    Your photos of the Autumn colours of the trees are wonderful!
    Bookshops are my downfall too, it's a family trait with us!
    I haven't heard of Gladys Taber before but the thought of reading a Countrywoman's Journal is inviting!
    Thank you for the opportunity.

  8. I loved the Lampost, and could just imagine it as part of the scenery of the Lion, Witch and Wardrobe.
    Gladys Taber is such an evocative writer, I love her books.

  9. such a fun trip for you..looking so lovely..
    its a lovely giveaway..please count me in my dear..i love books so much and its a lovely book and i so much wanted to read it..
    thank you
    love cucki x

  10. Adjusting to day light savings? That is why I am up before the sun reading my blog list. Looks like you had a nice outing. I've not heard of your vintage books,but sounds like very good reading. Have a great week end.

  11. Anonymous4:36 AM

    Thank you for the opportunity to win this wonderful book. I live on an 1840's farmstead and would love to read it. The time change always requires a lot more coffee until I get adjusted. :-)

  12. Anonymous4:48 AM

    That is an awesome book store. I would love to enter the giveaway!

    Have a great day.

  13. Oh, please, draw my name!

  14. That would have been fun browsing there and I would love to be entered in your draw please.

  15. What a wonderful idea for a giveaway, Lorrie! Please put my name in the draw too!
    Wishing you a happy November.
    Helen xox

  16. Oh Lorrie...the darkness here is really getting me down! It is after 9 am & it looks like 5 with the heavy cloud cover & miserable, dreary rain. Yuck!
    I'm staying home to sew by the fireplace & perhaps read a good book. I thank you for the chance to win such a nice giveaway...very thoughtful of you!

    Let's hope the coming snow will at least bring some bright days our way.

  17. Please may I join in from the UK??

  18. Hi Lorrie, congratulations on winning my kitchen tools giveaway! And on having this wonderful trip. The time change always bothers me, probably mostly because the whole idea makes me cranky! I wish they'd just pick a time, *any* time, and go with it all year!

  19. What a lovely post. Pictures and story telling so interesting, makes me feel so homy.

  20. Hi Lorrie,

    I don't know this author, but if you're recommending this book, I'd love to take a read through!


  21. What a lovely, little town with beautiful parks and lampposts!
    I'm almost panicking when thinking of that bookstore, perhaps I would never come out again...
    Where I live, it's now almost completely dark at 4.22 p.m. :) It really starts to be time for Christmas lights!

  22. I have always dreamed of going to Powell's. :) I loved the Strand bookstore when I lived in NYC - also several floors and with creaky old parquet and the smell of old books...Heaven.

    I just finished "On the Black Hill" today by Bruce Chatwin, which was a gift. I think that you would like it!

  23. I've read all her books - and have several of them also. I use anytime library - it is an online library for e-books (kindle, etc) and goes through your public library. I'm not sure if your libraries up there have it - but it is worth a try. I use my Bellingham Public Library card and check out a lot of great books for my kindle. I read several of Gladys Tabor's that way. I love her books and also can't believe the prices people are asking for them. Have you tried - I found a few on there a while back that were fairly reasonable. Please don't enter me in the contest - I have that book. Good luck to all that enter.

    How's the wind up there - it is over 60 mph down here - but the sun has come out - at least for a while.

  24. I read Gladys Taber's column in a magazine many years ago and miss it to this day!
    I don't find the time change too difficult, although it does seem the sun sets far too soon.

  25. Sounds like s lovely place. Beautiful corner shot with that great awning. I'm refusing to look for snow, but Mr. Tumnus has always been a favorite. :-)

  26. Hi Lorrie. It's the grey skies alright but there is hope for this week..... sun and more sun! Have fun! xo Carole

  27. Well that settles it! I've had a hankering to watch either The Chronicles of Narnia or the Hobbitt . . . that lamp post clinches it. Hello Lucy and Mr. Tumnus. That bookstore sounds like a dream.

  28. I would love to be considered for the Gladys Taber book. She was such a down-to-earth person and author. I'm not sure whether to include my e mail address here or not. Hopefully IF I am picked you could notify me through my blog? ( I'm not at all sure just what a google plus profile is).

  29. I would love to have a Gladys Taber book. Of all the old books I have, I don't have one of these! I know I would love it! And yes, I'm still trying not to go to bed so early! haha! Happy weekend! Hugs!

  30. Anonymous2:48 PM

    It always takes me a few days to adjust to the time change, then I end up going to bed early to catch up and I'm okay. That's how I get my extra hour of sleep :)
    I'd love to be entered into your giveaway, that looks like such an interesting book to read. And with the weather getting colder by the day I'll be doing lots of reading.

  31. Never been to either town as they are on the other side of the state from where I live. The book store sounds like a great place though and that lamp post was pretty. We have similar ones here. The books sounds pretty neat so count me in.

  32. I would definitely love the Gladys Taber book. Oh you were so close to me, yet so far. I haven't been in Powell's since they remodeled. Must go sometime soon.

  33. What brilliant colour on that canopy of foliage. I can imagine how romantic it must be at night, with the lampposts aglow, and the leaves shimmering above.

    Happy Sunday, my friend!


  34. Thanks for the travel insights down south. We haven't been to Camas, but it's on the list for future trips in that direction.
    I haven't seen that Gladys Taber book; I have three others of hers, though, and sometimes use them for descriptive writing examples in my classes. It would be a cozy read.

  35. Dear Lorrie, please may I be entered in the Giveaway? ~ that sounds just my sort of book!

  36. That's a beautiful Autumn photo with the lamp post. Love book shops like that.


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