Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Find Joy in the Ordinary

The camera sits on the shelf these days. Reasons there are a-plenty: busy days of work, darkness closing in earlier and earlier, and a lack of motivation.

 Over the weekend I picked up my camera and snapped a few photos of life around here. The stack of books I'm reading above - mysteries, writing inspiration, biography.

I'd like to move into this room. Evenings find me sprawled on the carpet with a pillow and a throw in front of the fire. The book there is a new one - I was the first to check it out from our public library. A Year in the Life of Downton Abbey, by Jessica Fellowes, niece of Julian Fellowes. Luscious photographs, recipes, and 12 chapters (one for each month) giving more insight into the world we've come to enjoy.

One caveat - if you haven't watched Season 5 (just finished in the UK) don't read this book quite yet as there are spoilers. I've watched the season on line so nothing untoward was revealed. I'm awaiting the Christmas special.

Candles on the kitchen table add coziness to our evening meal. Finding cozy is important these days. We've enjoyed a good run of sunshine, but the clouds are moving in and the rains will come. 

Jen of Muddy Boot Dreams wrote a wonderful post yesterday about finding joy in the ordinariness of life. It happens to all of us - ordinary things make up most of the day. Jen challenged her readers to find joy in these small things.

What's giving you joy today? Where are you finding cozy?


  1. Hi Lorrie, All your pictures show wonderfully cozy images and scenes of everyday life. As you say, most of our lives are made up of little everyday things, not so much drama (which is probably a good thing). The Downton Abbey book looks like just the thing for me; I may have to put that on my Christmas list. :) I'm not taking a lot of pictures either, at the moment -- too much else to do around the house before the holidays are here.

    What brings me joy today is the warmth of our house from the cold outside -- it's 32 degrees out right now and probably won't be much warmer today. I enjoyed your post and hope you have a good week!

    Warm hugs,

    Denise at Forest Manor

  2. Lovely photos, Lorrie!
    Candles, books, and cosy corners that invite you to sit comfortably and enjoy a good book!
    Many things, big and small, give me joy today: my influenza vaccination, my mother's phone call to a neighbour whose husband died very recently, the lovely blogs I can visit, a Vivaldi CD I'm listening, with bread and Nutella...

    Stay warm!

  3. It does look like you've created lots of cozy where you live. I place high value on that, especially in the colder months. It has gotten so cold here so we've started the fires already. The D.A. book looks so inviting!

  4. What lovely 'warm'photos.
    I love the feel of coming into our warm house from a cold outside.

  5. Lorrie, your photos warm my heart, and my frozen toes. It's cold here, but no snow yet.

    I am thrilled that there is a new DA book out, going right over to the library website to find it.

    Well, after I pin your post to the board...thanks for the mention.


  6. Candles definitely have been burning for a bit of cozy. Books, yes! Comfy bed, yes! Orange twinkly lights on the mantle until after our Thanksgiving. Baking cookies tomorrow with my grandson.

  7. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Looking forward to watching Downton Abbey come January. Simple joys these days have been getting a handle on the fallen leaves and organizing some spaces in our home that have gotten a bit out of hand. Love the cozy photos you took inside...

  8. Always in the ordinary...great joy in the littlest things. And, then they seem so very big actually.

  9. I love the Downton Abbey book and put it on my wish list. And how nice to do the extra things to enjoy these winter days. Sweet hugs, Diane

  10. I had a bit of joy in the ordinary yesterday as I walked around the yard and took pictures of ordinary things in the lifeless gardens. Then it snowed. :) It's very windy and getting colder here tonight. The weather is up and down this month. You are blessed to have a cozy fire to snuggle near. It looks very cozy.

  11. It is so true about our days being mostly ordinary...like you I find joy in the simplest of things and am grateful just to be snug and safe. On my walk today I snapped a few photos of the peacocks in Beacon Hill Park...it was a crisp outing and I am sitting with a pot of tea in my comfy chair reading blogs before I pick up my latest novel by Nancy Horan. I see you patronize the local library too...I love the variety of books they have in their collection and I frequently reserve books before they are even processed for circulation!
    Keep cozy Lorrie

  12. It is always a joy to me when photos shift from the outdoors to images like this of hearth and home. Cozy scenes of domesticity make me feel relaxed as if I were reading a book, though you're not going to find me on the floor. Today I comparison shopped for Thanksgiving groceries and decided that it would not be worth my while to trek further than the local grocery, which really was having good sales.

  13. You have a very comfortable spot, Lori and a good reading list. Winter might not be so bad after all. I read Jen's post, too, finding joy in the little things is what keeps us going, isn't it? Stay warm, friend.

  14. I love this season even though right now it's much colder here than is usual for this time of year. I love our fire burning in the hearth these evenings and, as I stayed in today, I even enjoyed cleaning my kitchen, including the woodwork, so all smells nice and gleamed in the candlelight at supper time. We sipped a lovely warming roasted red pepper soup and were grateful for our comfy, simple home.

    Stay snug Lorrie.
    Hugs - Mary

  15. I could curl up right there with you, Lorrie. It looks perfectly cozy and the best spot for enjoying a good read.

    This time of year I love adding handmade quilts throughout the house - and making lots of homemade soup to warm us from the inside out.

  16. I am waiting for season 5 to begin here on TV in January so I will be careful about not looking at this book in my library because of the spoilers, Lorrie! It does look enticing!

  17. Anonymous2:16 AM

    Beautiful photos, Lorrie. Cozy candlelight or lamplight is so important on these long, winter evenings. I am reading a lot now too.

  18. I love cozy! Cozy candlelight, cozy wood stove, hot coffee...all enjoyed in the past few days. It has gotten cold here!

    Love seeing the scenes from your cozy home!

  19. I like your stories very much for reading them will bring the joy of my day. Also, think of Christmas, the open fireplace on cold nights, dark and short days, and yesterday, mulled wine and gingerbread yesterday with my daughter and my husband .-- Yes - and the new inspiration to a write a blog.

  20. I'm glad to read that another season of Downton Abbey is coming up for us ...looking forward to it. I like your cozy place. We lit our first log in the fireplace on Sunday and these days I feel like doing a whole lot more of that.

  21. All is looking very cozy at your place, Lorrie. My hands currently feel like ice cubes and I'd love to be curled up in front of that fire.
    Your candle display on the table is so pretty. I love the candleholders.
    Giving me joy today is the sun shining brightly despite our cold temps and the scent of pumpkin spice in the air from the bread I baked earlier in the day.

  22. A lovely post. The quiet...the ordinary is my favorite place to be. Enjoy!

  23. Nakina is located in the Greenstone area. take highway 11 to Nipigon, then the road to Geralton 580 and go north road 584. There is Nakina.

  24. I'm about to climb under my favorite down quilt...so cozy at the end of a winter's day! I'm not finding much time for photos and blogging these days...with many projects waiting to be completed.

    It's all looking mighty cozy over there! Thanks for the 'heads up' about the Downton Abbey book.

  25. Just read Jen's post and what a lovely idea she has come up with! Your ordinary looks lovely Lorrie and the Downton Abbey book looks fabulous! My joy came from our three pups today, their enthusiasm for life is never ending. And my cozy came via our big old wood stove that's been stoked and glowing through this cold snap.

  26. I recall reading Writing Down the Bones years ago...she's a fascinating writer. I am familiar with Gladys...have a book or two of hers here and my mom probably has every one. If you like her, see if you can pick up a used Jean Hersey book online or find one at your library; you'll like her.

  27. Hello Lorrie! I've been reading a lot too, but haven't had any cozy fires yet - perhaps this weekend!


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