Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Commonality between my home and Versailles

First off, you'll have to look beyond the ornate gates to see the similarities between my home and Versailles. There are no gold plated gates here.

This is one of my favorite photos, taken in the Salon d'Hercule. Once again, look past the ornate. See it? There, on the window frame.

Chipped paint? Wear and tear? Dirt? Mold? We've got it all. Just like Versailles.

Here's where the similarity ends. Unlike the owners of Versailles who lifted nary a finger, our home is maintained by the Mr. and Mrs. 

Here's my brave and daring husband, up three stories on a very tall ladder, scrubbing the gutters and siding. I stayed nearby, ready to help if needed. You can see the difference. And while I waited and watched and worried, I scrubbed the deck railings. 

The mold and dirt are gone, but the shabby chic look is still there. A new deck railing would be nice, but it's not in the cards this year. Hey, if Versailles draws in millions with its weathered look, I think I can live with a little of it here. The clematis doesn't seem to mind.

We'll call it patina. I'll add some pretty flowers, like these pots of pink geraniums and hey, ho, it's summer in Versailles - I mean Victoria.

Any similarities between your home and Versailles? Tis the season of home maintenance. Should we send a memo to France?


  1. Well there you go then. I don't see much difference either :D I'm sure I could find some similarities of this nature as well.

    Mersad Donko Photography

  2. :) The season of home maintenance! Yes, it is here once again!
    Enjoy your beautiful weather!

  3. Yikes, your house looks about as tall as ours in the back... three stories with the basement windows there.
    While my hubby powerwashed the lakehouse and patios and helped our son-in-law put in a lawn and plants etc ... we hired someone to wash our own house. LOL It's looking beautiful in your yard in Victoria.

  4. Have been working on the "patina" here as well. I've been on the ladder most of the time as the Gardener is a bigger risk with his health than I am. I don't mind if it's a sturdy ladder (and a tall step one, not a leaning one!) It's quite rewarding to have a cleaned up vista again!

  5. I know exactly what you mean! The patina inside my house needs to be worked on as well. It must be scary to see your husband on such a high ladder. Good luck with the cleaning!

    Madelief x

  6. Yes, I fear there are similarities, and we also try and keep after them so they don't get out of hand. I have some pretty pink geraniums this year too - so you and I have some similarities. Isn't the weather grand in our corner of the world - I am really enjoying it.

  7. Well, if they just had a pipe break in a wall and flood an area of a finished basement I can give them a run for their money. lol Everything is looking pretty spiffy at your house- xo Diana

  8. You mean the patina's not part of the charm? Uh-oh, we're in trouble here, then. :) Yes, our front porch definitely has some patina. Like your deck rail, we really need to replace some things, but I doubt we'll be able to afford it this year.

    Just looking at your husband that high up on the ladder makes me a tad nervous. Yikes! Your geraniums are really pretty, Lorrie, and everything looks so nice all cleaned and spiffed up. You inspire me to get to work here, as well. I hope you have a great rest of the week!


    Denise at Forest Manor

  9. Surprising what a little (or alot) of elbow grease does to spruce the place up! Haha and your right if its okay in Versailles, its okay in Victoria! Your plants look lovely,,,we are just getting started with the bedding out plants here. :)

  10. Very clever! And yes, my home and garden has some of the same touches as Versailles! Glad to know I am not the only one! Patina is a perfect word for it. We did the big house cleaning of siding etc, last year! It's a big job!


  11. A good story, Lorrie! So even Versailles has it's shabby touches? And how many maintenance crews do they have? Hope yet for my husband and I then. But you and your husband are motivation for much needed outdoor maintenance for me. But I love clematis vines for concealing much!

    Happy spring clean up to you!

  12. Hi! Look for email...

  13. Well, no similarities - other than perhaps shabby bits! - between my home and Versailles, but..... two of our paintings from Basildon Park are at an exhibition at Versailles right now, so in that way there is a similarity!! How about that!!! True story! Your garden and home look lovely, it is so nice to see such pretty flowers, and to know that your home looks just as good - probably better!! - than Versailles! xx

  14. Shabby chic is so much nicer than pristine.

  15. You did a great job! Love the weathered look...

  16. Awww I loved this charming post, Lorri with your comparisons of your home to Versailles!! With terms like "shabby chic" and "patina", I can relate to very well. Your flowers seem very happy in your yard and I sure admire your hubby for climbing that high!

  17. . . . . . oh yes, plenty of patina here too, and much of it definitely unwanted Lorrie! I hate it when Bob climbs high ladders - I'm usually there right behind him with one foot on the lower rung - thinking that will save him!!!!!

    We came back to such a garden/porch/deck mess from pollen, rain, wind, and now such high temps. to contend with. Just doing a little at a time - the old back won't allow more I'm afraid.

    Hugs - Mary

  18. Oh Lorrie I just loved your comparison with Versailles. It's the same here at our home and the holiday house we let in rural France. All the algae to be cleaned from paving and the deck with a high pressure hose machine. That's the job for Mr France. I do the titivating arranging pots of flowers when it's all cleaned.. Love your shabby chic fencing with the Clematis climbing through the slats.

  19. Indeed! Patina outside and inside too! I like to think it's well-loved.

  20. Anonymous3:40 AM

    Love it. I have some fence panels, lattice work, and siding that all need a little TLC and are on my DIY list of things to do. :-) Hats off to your brave hubby.

  21. Thanks for the morning smiles! Shabby chic =well loved! Your home is lovely. And I don't think tiny canal cottages bear any resemblance at all ...not even to the servants quarters I'm sure. But we lself maintain too, and we love it like this! As one of our friends is fond of saying, we have the same river in front of us as the mansions we boat past.

  22. Lovely post, Lorrie, how pretty your house looks! Plenty of shabby chic here matter how much work we do on our old house there is always somewhere in need of attention! I still like old places though, simple or grand :)
    Helen xox

  23. I read the Lady Carnarvon's blog as she writes about life at Highclere beyond the cameras and the TV drama. (I don't watch the show.) Here she is Lady of the estate doing all of the work of a regular lady, albiet with the help of a staff, but regular things happen there: leaky roofs, dogs eating TV remotes. Her horse Bill escaping from his stall and wandering into the the gift shop. Our home is our castle. I always wanted the white picket fence, too. Our house is brick, so no painting and no mold--too dry--most of the time. Have a good week end and relax.

  24. Definitely there are similarities...oh yes, I can see We had a fog from well who knows where last fall...days and weeks of it, our little white house was grey all winter. So I can completely understand your worry and concern when he goes up the ladder.

    Your flowers are charming, your patina perfect, that beautiful palace is getting a run for it's money here.


  25. A positive outlook always goes a long way, huh? ha! fun post!

  26. I have a little water fountain. Oh and red geraniums planted around the patio. No gold though.

  27. Ha! I'd never have thought my moldy front porch had anything in common with Versailles. I will think of your comparison as I tackle that job this weekend. The transformations at your place are most admirable. That tall ladder would make me nervous, but the progress he has made is amazing.

  28. Well the home itself has a long way to go but I do have a few mirrors and chairs....
    Your home is looking fantastic!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  29. What a fun post. We enjoyed our visit. 💐😔

  30. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Oh this post made me smile and I can see the comparison! Clarice


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