Thursday, May 07, 2015

This and That

The mostly empty garden beds are calling out to me - "it's time to plant." While preparing the beds for seeds the other day I picked a bunch of Swiss Chard and 5 asparagus stalks for dinner. Asparagus takes a very long time to establish. And then the stalks appear overnight and if I don't cut them right away they stretch upwards into long, gangly things that are too tough to eat.
The remedy: spend more time in the garden. I intend to do that.

We came home from our weekend to see the front bush covered in pink roses. So early. So pretty. This is a mongrel rosebush, of unknown heritage. It's a prolific bloomer. 

The Weigela is frothy with pink blooms and variegated leaves. The man of the house commented this morning on the preponderance of pink in the front garden just now. 

An easy dessert. A bit of butter and brown sugar melted together, add some orange slices/sections and orange juice, bring to a simmer, add a sliced banana or two, a teaspoon of vanilla and sprinkle with cinnamon. Really easy. Good over ice cream, if there's some in the freezer, which there was not, and that was fine by me, the one who shrugs at ice cream.

More pink. Maybe the front yard does look like a Sweet Sixteen party. There's barely a leaf visible on the rhododendron.

One more exam to invigilate (for my American readers, that's proctor) next week. Three done for this week. It's mind-numbing. I make up stories and poems in my head, recite verses, come up with recipes, and so on, all the while keeping my eye on the clock so as to give the correct direction at the correct time. 

Today, however, I'm spending some time helping our daughter paint Miss S's new bedroom. Wishing you a glorious May day!


  1. Oh my, those pink blossoms are simply stunning! Have a blessed time with your daughter, dear Lorrie! And may you have a wonderful Mother's Day. Hugs!

  2. I love pink in the garden, so I would love the "sweet sixteen" look. I have done that recipe with just bananas, but hadn't thought to add citrus. Sounds delicious! Our asparagus is being allowed to go to seed this first year after planting, but it is amazing how quickly they pop up and get too big to eat. Next year I will need to also spend more time in the garden.

  3. Lovely garden!

    I hope you've taken some photos of Miss S's newly painted room! That will be fun to work on.

    Glad for you that the school year is almost over.


  4. A beautiful May day it is today! Love the sweet shade of your rhoddy!


  5. hi,

    second try...

    am now writing in an email and, if all else fails, I'll just mail you the comment...

    it was a glorious May day here, no pink in my front garden, though I do have one lonely brilliant yellow daffodil and a few grape hyacinths

    on the side deck, i have some pink pansies and purple and white with purple faces and miniature yellow roses

    have fun working on the new bedroom for a growing little lady...has she had any input?

    1. Was going to say that your little recipe is very like mine except that I add just a spot of cream to the butter and brown sugar.

  6. I love pink flowers - yours are fabulous. I never shrug at ice cream - I think your topping would be wonderful any time of the year.

  7. It does sound like May is bursting all around you. What a wonderful month. I hope you are getting in the time in your garden you desire.

  8. You are right about asparagus. Some of mine gets too big too fast. Your flowers looks so lucious for the spring. Here we have rain and more rain and perhaps snow Sunday. No gardening just yet. And by the thime we do get in to the vegetable garden there will be weeds to contend with. Until then I am enjoying the rain because when it quits we won't have any for a very long time summer. Have a wonderful week end.

  9. LOVE your pink rhododendron! We have one blooming right now too and I just love to watch it glow in the sunlight. I need to get some gardening done too...but first there's more housework to finish.
    Blessings, Aimee
    PS: Yum to your fresh asparagus and Swiss chard! Love them both.

  10. May on the west coast is what we'll look like by July! Hope your hubby doesn't mind all the pink, it's such a pretty colour to have in various shades throughout the garden.
    I love Swiss chard but don't grow it because my husband won't eat it, the bright light series is a favourite.
    Happy Mother's Day Lorrie.

  11. Deliciousness of pink and of dessert!

  12. You can never have too much pink the garden at this time of year - or yellow!!! They are definitely spring colours I think. xx

  13. Last year, I planted young asparagus plants in our kitchen garden, and now I am dreaming of harvesting lots of asparagus stalks. It may take a long time until that, but the longer one waits, the more excitement there is.


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