Thursday, May 14, 2015

Good Things in May

noun: hipster; plural noun: hipsters
  1. a person who follows the latest trends and fashions, especially those regarded as being outside the cultural mainstream.
Apparently, serving individual desserts in mason jars is "hipster." Don't believe me? Just Google "hipster mason jar" and you'll end up with more ideas than a chicken has feathers. 
Hipster it may be, but these made cute desserts for our Mother's Day picnic last Sunday. A ginger cookie oatmeal crust, topped with an unbaked cheesecake mixture, topped with a raspberry blueberry sauce, a dab of whipped cream and a fresh mint leaf tasted mighty fine.

The grand girlies at the picnic obediently saying "cheese." 

And the grand boyo enjoying a cheezie while seated on the grass. These little ones are all so good about wearing hats to protect their eyes and skin. 

I'm not teaching full time any more, but I did work 3 days this week. I've been sewing more and recently finished the above dress. It swishes. I do love a swishy dress. And it twirls. So much fun.

What I'm reading. Walking on Water is a re-read, a book to pick up, read a few pages and then think a lot. The Language of Flowers I'm just beginning. Far From the Madding Crowd is on the list because I saw a preview of the movie and I like to read the book before the movie rather than the other way around. I hope it's a happier tale than one of Thomas Hardy's other novels - Tess of the D'Urbervilles. If you love vegetables, as I do, Plenty More will make you drool. Such inventive deliciousness. I'm still at the marking stage, not the cooking stage, but I'll get there. Yum!

That's what's been happening here. How about around your place? Are you reading, sewing, cooking anything you'd like to share?


  1. I guess I'm going to have to Google that recipe and maybe buy some small mason jars. Yum! I LOVE your dress. It looks so retro and pretty. A picnic with the grandkids looks so fun. How I wish I could do that with mine. I may have to make a trip to Alberta this summer. :) Have a great long weekend!

  2. What a pretty dress, Lorrie! You have certainly been busy!
    Moi? I am in Edmonton playing with my grands and visiting with my son and daughter-in-law. The weather here is wonderful. Typical prairie spring - snow one day and scorching sun two days later!

  3. The mini jarred cheesecakes look delish, Lorrie! The grands are simply darling and so are you in your swirly dress!! What have I been doing?...the grandchildren take up my time, which is a good thing!

  4. What a yummy looking cheesecake treat! I love anything in a mason jar, so cute. Your dress is perfect!! I need a seamstress!! I find that things just don't fit me in the right places anymore and tailoring would be wonderful!! I just don't know how to do it !! Guess I should have gone further than high school home ec classes! :(

  5. I'm reading a great biography about Audubon - spell binding to read how his life was before he was famous. Not sewing anything. We also had a grand Mother's Day. I am just resisting eating or drinking from jars - my grandmother would have had a fit and I guess she passed that down to me. We've been to restaurants that serve their cheesecake desserts in little jars - I much prefer a dainty, fancy dessert dish - guess I'm not a hipster. Your dessert did sound fabulous!!!!

  6. I love your mason jar desserts Lorrie! I think mini and individual desserts are really cute. Swishy and twirly are great--makes me wish I could sew! As for reading, I am currently midway in a book on prayer and soon to start a book about Icelandic horses. Cooking--planning on making my first hand pie and some Nordic recipes this weekend or first of next week. And, this eve, my DH brought me home our first local strawberries of the year--yippee!
    PS: Adorable grandkid photos!

  7. When I was younger hipster referred to a pair of jeans that hung on the hips!
    Your dress is so pretty.
    I watched some of Ottolenghi's programmes recently . He is such a vibrant character.

  8. Great dress! I recently bought a swishy one. It's been a long time since I sewed a dress. Your desserts look delightful. Presentation enhances the taste I think. I'm catching after a very busy spring which followed knee surgery recovery, so there is a lot to do!

  9. Anonymous4:45 AM

    Good week - beautiful grandchildren, delicious dessert, swishy dress that looks really nice, and a good book. Wow - you are living right. :-) Mulching, mulching and more mulching going on here and in between there are those ice bags on the back so I can do more the next day. Not glamorous but I really don't like spending all my gardening time weeding. Happy weekend.


  10. Hi~

    Second try. Just documenting.

    I am rereading To Kill a Mockingbird. Loving it all over again. Other than that, my favorite blogs provide more than enough reading material.

    Your swishy dress is so pretty. You look great wearing it.

    The grands are all as cute as can be. My grands are good about wearing hats, too. I still can't stand wearing a hat.

    Yummo dessert! I love my little canning jars for picnic desserts.

  11. Oh, those desserts already looked wonderful, but then it was getting even better... The children are so incredibly cute and you look great in your new dress!
    Have a lovely weekend!

  12. We have a local restaurant that serves their salad in mason jars - I wouldn't mind playing with this idea.
    The grands are sweet and so good as you say to wear their hats - so much more awareness these days. Haha, we never lose the little girl excitement of a twirly and swishy dress, do we? :-) It's pretty Lorrie.
    Enjoy the long weekend.

  13. Your twirly dress is wonderful. Your deserts inspire me to make a favorite yogurt pie recipe and put it in mason jars for individual servings.

    I am busy gardening and painting and planning parties. One daughter is graduating UCB and the other is moving away to transfer to University from community college.

  14. Love your twirly dress! So cute! Those desserts look perfect for a picnic. Sweet grands! Have a wonderful weekend.

  15. A lovely dessert and a beautiful dress. Your grandchildren are adorable and sooooooooooooooooooooooo cute in their summer hats:)

  16. Your dress and the dessert resemble each other...both so pretty and pink.

  17. Boy does that hipster dessert look and sound amazing...and simple. I like the idea of using ginger cookies in the crust! Well, your dress is oh-so-vintage and just so cute! I remember as a little girl I loved wearing swishy dresses. The little ones are just precious! :)

  18. How cute are you in your darling dress! The desserts look wonderful and Thomas Hardy's book is on my list as well. I did see the movie last Monday and it was very good.
    Have a wonderful weekend dear friend!

  19. Those desserts look fabulous and the grandkids so cute. I bought The Language of Flowers last summer but haven't started it yet. I have a whole pile of books to read and then I can donate them to the used bookstore to clear out some space around here. :) Have a good weekend. Tammy

  20. Hipster, eh? That's news to me, but they sure are cute and look delicious. I need to remember this idea as I think it would be lovely for taking on the boat this summer.
    The grand girls and boy look so cute in their hats. Great idea to start the sun protection early.
    You are most definitely the brightest flower in the garden in your twirly dress. Love it!

  21. Thanks for your comments Lorrie, you could be on a runway in that gorgeous dress. It looks lovely on you! Gorgeous pictures of your special little ones!

  22. Love your swishy dress. Sweet grandchildren. Mason jar desserts are the best for a picnic.
    Here I am getting ready for a teaparty for 30 women on Sunday. Oh my, I have so much to do
    I don't know where to begin and then there comes other interruptions in the day. Some good
    interruptions like my grandson visiting and some not so good like attending memorial services.
    Have a great weekend!

  23. What a fabulous dress and you look lovely in it!!
    Love your "hipster" dessert. :) Of course, the grands are always adorable. Wonderful May!

  24. I love your watercolor dress swirling about you! Beautiful! And those sweet grands! I bet they loved the hipster dessert!

    I remember reading Far From the Maddening Crowd my senior year for school but can't remember if I liked it or not, but I do want to see the movie. Sometimes I like seeing the movie first and then when I read the book I'm surprised by how much better it is.

    Are you liking the book?

  25. You are a vision of loveliness and seamstress magic! :) You are a bit...hipster there, swishing around :)

  26. You are a vision of loveliness and seamstress magic! :) You are a bit...hipster there, swishing around :)

  27. That dress is very cute on you! No sewing here. . . but cooking and baking more than I really want to sometimes.

  28. I love your swishy dress! Perfect on you.

    Who knew those were hipster desserts? Definitely a good thing...any time of the year! I bought a few dozen of the wee mason jars several years ago...just to serve 'hipster' desserts in. :)

  29. Those desserts served in Mason Jars, look wonderful and refreshing. I need to think of something like this for our family day celebration next month. Your dress is really pretty and looks even more beautiful on you. The grands are all adorable little ones, such fun it shows great love. Happy Week~

  30. The desert looks yum and the Grands are very cute. I read the Language of Flowers and loved it.

  31. Cheesecake in a jar, then I'm a hipster lover I guess...funny how they labelled something that our grandparents had to do out of necessity as a movement against society.

    Your dress!!! Stunning, I love it, and you look lovely. I have a really nice swishy skirt that I wear all summer, I love the feeling of it swinging against me legs as I am roaming outside in the garden.

    That's the book I got for my's beautiful!!!


  32. Cheesecake in a jar, then I'm a hipster lover I guess...funny how they labelled something that our grandparents had to do out of necessity as a movement against society.

    Your dress!!! Stunning, I love it, and you look lovely. I have a really nice swishy skirt that I wear all summer, I love the feeling of it swinging against me legs as I am roaming outside in the garden.

    That's the book I got for my's beautiful!!!


  33. Cutie grands! And your dress! I love it!


  34. Nothing but the ordinary swishing and no new recipes...trying to get our garden in but it's been sooooo cold!

  35. Lorrie, you look so pretty in that dress! It's beautiful, perfect for twirling!
    My book club read The Language of Flowers, and everyone liked it.
    We've been drinking out of mason jars for years. Does that make me a hipster? haha


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