Sunday, May 31, 2015

Ruffled Beauties

Oh, the peonies. Their season is almost over, the ruffled petals falling to the ground. We've had the driest May since record keeping began in 1937. Warmer weather than usual, too. Makes one wonder what the gardens will look like come July and August.

I toy between wanting to cut them all to bring into the house to enjoy and leaving them outdoors to grace the garden with their faint perfume and gorgeous layers. The garden wins.  

I have three plants of the dark pink variety and one of the pale. I love the mix and hope to get more of the pale pink ones.

I had a lot of fun playing with these photos, creating mosaics with Picasa and PicMonkey. With such photogenic subjects, the mosaics can't help but be pretty.

Linking to Mosaic Monday, hosted by Judith of Lavender Cottage.


  1. Stunning! I am loving mine, too. Such gorgeous flowers.


  2. Lorrie- Those are just gorgeous!!! One of my favorite Spring flowers. They always remind me of overdressed ladies on their way to Sunday church. lol xo Diana

  3. Ohhh! They are so beautiful!

  4. Such pretty photos - I love the variety of shades. I too wonder what our flowers and gardens will look like by the end of summer, so dry, though they say a little rain this week.

  5. I've just been admiring Judy's peonies, and now yours! So lovely. Mine have not flowered, but the plants are very young. Maybe next year.

  6. Yes your mosaics are lovely--such a good subject. I love the pale pink.

  7. Anonymous5:16 AM

    We also had the driest May, but yesterday and today we have been getting a nice steady rain. Hooray. Choosing whether to bring some of those pink beauties inside or outside would be a tough decision. In my case, I usually pick a few to come in - can't stand it. :-)

  8. Look at all of that lucious pink. I love peonies. I am still waiting on mine. The buds are getting fatter, ready to burst open. While you have had a dry month, May was our wettest, breaking records, I am sure. Now time for the sun. We are terribly behind in the garden. I'd bring some peonies in. Not all, but I'd make a nice bouquet. Enjoy your week.

  9. Oh wow, your peonies are just lovely. I just love the pretty pink colors. Gorgeous images. Enjoy your Monday and the week ahead!

  10. Your lovely photos will keep the enjoyment of those gorgeous flowers after the petals have all blown away. My peony is only in the tight bud stage now.

  11. Gorgeous! They certainly rival roses, in the luscious flowers department!
    I think there's one called Sarah Bernhardt, a paler pink, which I have always wanted...perhaps that is what your paler ones are?
    Picmonkey is so good to use... you'll be especially glad to look at this feast of pink when the snow's on the ground next year! : )

  12. They are just gorgeous! I always think about the neighbor in Anne of GG talking about how showy her peonies were. Enjoy your week! Hugs, Diane

  13. Anonymous9:02 AM

    I noticed the ladies hats to the Derby Horse Races were showing on t.v flowers on hats like your flowers. Large and put on huge, huge hats. Love them. That reminds me of those hats when I see your magnificent display of flowers.

    These flowers are so magnificent.

  14. Now those are so beautiful...they never last long in the house, do they? My peony bush is decidedly unhappy this year...we cut back an azalea beside it last year and I am wondering if we upset the balance. Anyway, just two...only two...buds this year. I could cry.

  15. So many lovely peonies! Fantastic. And the mosaics are so beautiful too

  16. Wonderful peonies, Lorrie! I too like especially the pale pink one.
    The weather has been strange lately; our May was one of the coolest and rainiest ever. In these days we are finally enjoying the lovely green foliage and the first flowers.
    Your mosaics are very elegant.
    Have a lovely week!

  17. Oh Lorrie, your peonies are gorgeous! I love their fragrance. Their smell brings back memories of my mother for she had a row of them along her driveway. So very beautiful! I love the pale one with its little splotches of darker pink...

  18. Your peonies look absolutely beautiful Lorrie! Mine are still full of buds. I am waiting for them to open.

    Have a lovely week!

    Madelief x

  19. I'm always a bit sad when peony season is over. I've given so many away this year because otherwise they just go to waste. My last bush the japanese peonies are now in full bloom and the soft pink ones are almost at their end .. which reminds me I need to go out there and deadhead them before the showers start tomorrow. Your photos are beautiful.

  20. Oh your ruffled layered ones are so pretty!

  21. Gorgeous! I'm so envious -- somehow I've never cultivated this in the garden although I have one plant someone gave me years ago, languishing in the back. . . My mom had a wonderful collection of tree peonies in many wonderful colours. Love the flowers and the fragrance!

  22. Oh my your peonies are just fabulous in color and form and I love, love, love the collages!

  23. What a beautiful mosaic you've made of the your peonies, Lorrie. Oh how I miss them, but lucky for me to view them through your photos.
    Thank you for your concern for my son. I'm hoping and praying that this procedure will work for him.

  24. Oh what incredibly beautiful peonies!!! I have decided that when mine flower I am going to treat myself to picking just one to bring indoors! I hope that they come out soon. It was delightful to see yours in the meantime though, they are gorgeous!!! xx

  25. Be still my heart - I love peonies and pinks are my favourites. I've never found the single blooms appealing, do you have any of them Lorrie? My peonies might be open by next week.
    Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday.

  26. Aren't they just beautiful? Lovely pic's.

    Some of my peonies are hand-me-downs...from my mom...and maybe even my grandma before that. That makes the blooms even more special!

  27. They are incredible! Cannot be beat. And I would be torn too, cut or leave.

    We had so few blooms on our one bush this year, too much rain here?

  28. Very, very pretty... your peonies and mosaics.

  29. Lorrie, both the peonies and mosaics are gorgeous.

  30. Your peonies are gorgeous. I don't have any but I enjoy my neighbors ! :)

  31. Your peonies are gorgeous. I don't have any but I enjoy my neighbors ! :)

  32. Oh what glorious mosaics of these lovely peonies! I can almost smell them!

  33. I use to form mosaics on Picasa, but now I can't send them to my blog. Not sure what the problem is with Picasa, very frustrating. Oh how I love peonies and do so want more in the garden. The soft pinks are my favorite, but I would take any color.

  34. Peonies, always seem magical, just beautiful. Mine had to be transplanted and I may not see blossoms this season, still waiting~


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