Thursday, May 28, 2015

Five on Friday and an Anniversary

1. Happiest of Anniversaries to my parents, married May 29, 1955. 60 years of marriage is something to celebrate! We had dinner with them at the beginning of the month and today (Friday) they are going out again, this time with friends, some of whom attended their wedding. They will laugh uproariously and have a wonderful time!

2. The Little Misses each received the book Miss Rumphius for Christmas. Little Miss A decided that lupins were her favorite flower (for the time being). I noticed the lupins in bloom here, just one plant too close to the hedge. Miss A and I ventured in behind the plants to see it. When I asked her to pose close to the lupin, she hugged it. Adorable.

3. Siberian Iris - I like them much better than the bearded variety. They are not quite so messy. Pretty in a cluster.

4. Little Miss S stopped by this week. "Nana, can I draw on the tablet?" she asked. 
Since the tablet is new and belongs to Grandpa, Nana doesn't even know how to turn it on. So we resorted to drawing the old fashioned way. She was very agreeable to the alternate plan and got almost as much marker on her hands as onto the paper.

5. Peonies are in full bloom, gorgeous in their ruffled elegance. Transient beauties that must enjoyed in the moment, for they will not linger.

Thanks for the reading suggestions offered in response to my earlier post. I'll be writing them down and exploring possibilities.


  1. Have you hugged your lupin today? As you said, "Adorable!"

  2. Really wonderful wholesome impressions from your families lives. Have a great weekend ahead.

    Mersad Donko Photography

  3. I'm sure the lupin enjoyed it too!

  4. Lots of 'sunshine' in your family pics, Lorrie ~ so sweet.
    How lovely to see the happiness of your parents together ~ I hope this will be a wonderful time and occasion to remember for them.

  5. I am sure sweet girl enjoyed it so much xx

  6. Happy Anniversary to your parents. 60 years is definitely worthy of a celebration and it sounds like they have that covered in a most wonderful way.
    Such cute pictures of your little lupin loving granddaughter and your budding artist.
    Interesting to see what's blooming in your garden. Those are the same flowers I just deadheaded in my garden last night.

  7. Lots of good memory making in this post. Your parents look wonderful!

  8. I'm adoring my peonies too!

    I bought Miss Rumphius for my grandgirlie too! Such a neat story.

    Happy anniversary to your parents! Mine are at 56 this year!


  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. This was a fun "Five"!

    Happy anniversary to your parents as they celebrate 60 years of marriage! What a blessing for them...and for their family...and for those around them as they show a picture of Christ and the Church.

    Your little misses are adorable as they hug lupines and draw the old-fashioned way. :) (I love Miss Rumphius!!)

  11. The Little Misses are just darling - and what a special anniversary. We will hit 51 this year, what a treasure to make it to 60. The flowers are wonderful - hasn't our weather been fabulous this week???

  12. Happy 60th to your sweet parents, Lorrie! All the very best to them. What a lovely week you've enjoyed with the Little Misses. I am admiring your pretty peonies, and am awaiting the burst of beauty from my brother-in-law's, here in Unionville. They have been planted in a rather shady spot, so their debut is, understandably, late!

    Happy weekend!


  13. Pure bliss! My happiest of congratulations to your wonderful parents. True inspiration!

  14. Lorrie, your parents look like such delightful people! Please extend my congratulations and best wishes to them.

  15. Oh good choice in a book! Love Barbara Cooney's work. We consider her a writer of Maine as she lived here for years and years and died here. How precious are the lupine hugger and the artist!

    Hope that your parents have had a blast celebrating 60 years! Still smiling that's for sure...

  16. Congratulations to your Mom & Dad on their 60th anniversary, a true testimony of their love and comittment. Absolutely, love all your photos today, a richness in them all. Aren't grandchildren the best!

  17. Congratulations to your Mom & Dad on their 60th anniversary, a true testimony of their love and comittment. Absolutely, love all your photos today, a richness in them all. Aren't grandchildren the best!

  18. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Life is good for you this week. :-) Congrats to your parents, a hug for the two beautiful granddaughters, and oh those beautiful flowers. :-)

  19. Congrats to your parents Lorrie, they look very happy as they celebrate 60 years. Your granddaughters are sweet, an artist and a flower hugger...good choices.
    A couple of weeks and my peonies should open, they're my favourite perennial.

  20. What lovely parents, best wishes to them.
    The peonies I just love. How can you not resist
    cute grand daughters. I much prefer this iris to the
    bearded ones, in fact I had my husband take our
    bearded ones out of the garden and plant the other.

  21. Congratulations to your parents on their anniversary!! How wonderful!!!! Your peonies are beautiful aren't they!!! One of my most favourite flowers!!!! xx

  22. Your parents look fabulous! A very happy Anniversary to them. 60 years is definitely something to celebrate more than once! Your littles are so darling. Peonies are such an amazing flower. Enjoy your weekend!

  23. Congratulations to your parents on their 60th wedding anniversary. They are looking quite young and your mum is very pretty. A great week all round I think. Enjoy the weekend.

  24. Your last two posts are especially wonderful, full of life's blessings captured through your impressive camera skills. How fortunate you are to have both parents still in such good form. Congratulations to them!

  25. Congratulations to your parents! My parents will celebrate their 60th next February. Such a blessing for our grandchildren to meet their great-grandparents. Your little Missies have sweet twinkles. Life is full when one has family and friends to share it with. xo Carole

  26. Congratulations to your parents! They are such an attractive couple!! And all your pictures are wonderful. Those girls are adorable. And, of course, I looove the flowers. Wish peonies would grow down here on the Gulf of Mexico....... but nooooo. Have to buy them at the store and we only get them for a couple of weeks. Great post. Thanks for commenting on mine the other day. I'm such a bad blogger now.......

  27. Congrats to your Mom and Dad, that is a accomplishment! And a wonderful reason to celebrate!

    I think you have a budding artist, and a gardener on your hands.


  28. Congrats to your Mom and Dad, that is a accomplishment! And a wonderful reason to celebrate!

    I think you have a budding artist, and a gardener on your hands.


  29. Lorrie,
    When I see the beauty of your family it is a precious reminder of the miraculous blessings from above.
    I hope you have had a splendid weekend.
    Thank you for your thoughts and upbeat outlook on moving, very inspirational for me.

  30. Your granddaughters are so cute!!

  31. Your granddaughters are so cute!!

  32. I LOVE that photo of your parents. Sixty years of marriage is such a blessing to behold. Your grands are adorable and I see that we are both called. "Nana".

  33. I don't think that gardening can get any better than seeing a beautiful little child hugging a flower! So cute!

  34. I don't think that gardening can get any better than seeing a beautiful little child hugging a flower! So cute!


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