Monday, May 18, 2015

Victoria Day Weekend in my Garden

Victoria Day originated in the early 20th century as a way to honor Queen Victoria's birthday. The date varies, but it's always a long weekend to anticipate as the start of summer. Barbecues, parades, and gardening are typical activities.

We uncovered the lemon tree for the summer and found more ripe lemons to harvest as well as blossoms promising lemons for later.

The irises are blooming. They are so pretty when they begin blooming, but if it rains they tend to fall right over. Dry days are in the forecast so I hope they stay upright for as long as the blooms last.

Strawberries are ripening - much earlier than usual. I picked a handful this evening and tossed them into a salad of greens and avocado. Yummy.

The first Secret Rose is blooming. I love the darker pink stain on the petals and its wonderful fragrance - sweet and fruity - faintly evocative of apples. There's been no rain - this photo was taken after the watering system was activated for the first time this season.

Linking with Mosaic Monday, hosted by Judith of Lavender Cottage Gardening.


  1. How lovely to have lemons. We don't need a watering system at the moment, it just falls out of the sky, torrentially!

  2. Lovely fruits, the lemons and strawberries are yummy.The iris is beautiful and I love the rose. Gorgeous post, enjoy your day!

  3. I'm having to activate my personal watering system of pulling out the hose on these dry stretches we're having. What a treat to have the lemons and those strawberries! Have a great week.

  4. So beautiful! And fresh lemons and strawberries too! Would you believe it's stillllll snowing here? How I wish I could pop by for a little visit at your house. :)

  5. Lorrie, you live in Eden. I live in H (ok- the desert). Love the lushness.


  6. Glorious photos! The irises and the rose...gorgeous.

    1. Started getting skitzy so I hit publish and will now finish up. I had it in my thinking that Victoria Day and Memorial Day in the U.S. were celebrated on the same long weekend. Not so I see as Memorial Day will be this coming weekend. Hope that sunny days keep your irises upright. Mine are just getting their buds so I will enjoy yours.

  7. Loving the 'fruits' of your garden! Lemons? Who knew. It's like you are living on the Mediterranean Sea.

  8. How I'd enjoy picking fresh lemons from the backyard Lorrie! We're short on rain this spring and could really use a good dousing. The Secret Rose is stunning with the darker pink ruffled edges, I hope to see more of it in your posts.
    Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday.

  9. Strawberries of your very own - how wonderful. I read your strawberry Mason jar post. I had to laugh. I read where someone called them her "Redneck Waterford". That always makes me laugh out loud.


  10. Hello Lorrie, How lovely to see your collage pictures of your Lemon tree and and its blossom. I assume you keep it indoors or in a heated greenhouse ? What a pretty rose, is it a bush plant . We've recently planted three climbers 2 different pink varieties on an arbour and a white one against a stone wall, I'm waiting patiently for the buds to open, but our weather seems to be so changeable at the moment.

  11. Delightful photos. I can tell you are enjoying all that is growing now. the rose is spectacular!

  12. I though of all my Canadian friends when I looked at the calendar yesterday and saw Victoria Day on it! I hope you had a nice day!

    I love your beautiful iris, they are our state flower here in TN.

  13. Lemons, roses and strawberries - you have the makings of a wonderful tea party or the ne for a best-seller!

  14. Lovely garden photos! Your lemons made me so happy! I love lemons and recently have fallen in love with a refreshing mix of lemon and strawberries, with a bit of sweetener! So good!

    That rose is stunning too!


  15. That is one gorgeous rose! I love the color! I am still so totally impressed with your lemon growing skills:)
    Blessings, Aimee

  16. Wonderful photos, Lorrie!
    I too like especially much the lovely rose!

  17. That's a beautiful rose. I love iris and your strawberries are far ahead of mine which are still just flowers :)

  18. That's a beautiful rose. I love iris and your strawberries are far ahead of mine which are still just flowers :)

  19. I, too, am always amazed at your lemons! It seems so exotic to grow your own lemons!
    Strawberries are growing here too, which may not be "exotic" but quite delicious! :)

  20. Your garden looks lovely Lorrie! Everything did come early this year, didn't it? We've sure had some wonderful weather!

  21. Fresh lemons! how lucky! I have been drinking warm lemon water for a few months now and picking fresh lemons from my own tree!! THat would be awesome! Lovely blooms in your garden pretty!!

  22. Lorrie- I just realized that your blog fell off my side bar when I lost so many things. Anyway, you are back in place now so I don't miss any posts. Your gardens are just beautiful and that last one of the rose with the droplets on it is magazine worthy. LOVE it! xo Diana

  23. Your berries look luscious! They are picking the very first flats of berries in Vernon already..but my sister's farm will still be a few weeks from now.

    That rose, Lorrie....that ROSE! I'm in love, and it's stunning.


  24. And they had just wheeled the trees out of the Orangeries in the various parks when we were in Paris, so you're oh so in tune with your French gardening self. . . ;-)

  25. Just lovely . . . lemons, strawberries, roses, beautiful!!!


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