Tuesday, June 02, 2015

Deck Days

The setting sun glares down on our deck during the precise hours we prefer using it. Our hope is that the foliage will someday provide some reprieve. In the meantime, we splurged on this gazebo recently. The curtains can be partially drawn to block out the sun's glare, leaving us to enjoy our dinner al fresco.

The thought of sitting outdoors in the cool of the day (or the heat of it) prompted a further splurge on a set of outdoor furniture. Over the weekend we played with furniture arrangement and where the flower pots look best. This was one iteration. It's a little different already.

We've enjoyed chatting out here in the evening, just the two of us.

The furniture came in a VERY big cardboard box - just a wee bit too big to fit into our Tahoe. The staff at Sears were very accommodating and unpacked everything for us, then loaded it into the vehicle.

Tim probably wishes he had gone alone to pick it up because I took one look at that huge box and thought, "playhouse!" 

So the box was dismantled and folded to fit into the Tahoe.  Sweet man of mine.

Yesterday morning before the grands came over for their play date, I wrestled with the cardboard, trying to get the box back together. It took some effort - the thing is huge and unwieldy. 

Every fort/playhouse needs a few windows, so I quickly cut them in a variety of shapes. 

And oh, what fun! I introduced the box, deliberately not using words like playhouse or fort. The "doors" were open and I didn't show how to close them. But these little ones use their imaginations - first the box was an elevator and it didn't take long to figure out the doors. 

It was great for playing peek-a-boo - either Nana or the grands ran around the outside of the box, while the other stayed inside.

The box is too big to go into the house, so it will stay on the deck for as long as it lasts - covered now by a tarp in case of rain. 

Sometimes the simplest things bring much joy. A cardboard box. Or a condiment dispenser for squirting water. A big yellow ball. 

These are the kind of days I dreamed of, when I first became a Nana. Days of play and fun and imagination.



  1. Of course you had to bring that box home.

    What would fill me with joy would be little precious grands like yours. I don't mention it to the kids, but they know I am hoping they have children soon.

  2. Smiling here...as I read this post. What joy there is in simple things for the wee ones. And what joy there is in being a 'Nana'!

  3. Love your deck, it looks like it's going to be a wonderful and peaceful place to sit. Have you thought of growing some annual vines around there? Beans even, scarlet runners grow so swiftly...and they give extra shade.

    The girls look like they are completely delighted with the box, a wonderful idea.


  4. Love your deck, it looks like it's going to be a wonderful and peaceful place to sit. Have you thought of growing some annual vines around there? Beans even, scarlet runners grow so swiftly...and they give extra shade.

    The girls look like they are completely delighted with the box, a wonderful idea.


  5. Love it! I think the same thing when I se a big box! I remember trying to make a boat out of wooden boxes as a child and thinking we could take it down to the pond... I still see the picture in my mind of it floating on there... the dream that never happened. =)
    Your patio looks great!

  6. Lorrie- You are absolutely right! Your kids are all just adorable. You are a good Nana!! Those are the days that I dreamed about, too, and now get to experience. They are so much fun. And, yes, it is the simple things that bring the most pleasure sometimes. We have that little kiddie wading pool and water squirters and happy kids doing easy things. xo Diana

  7. That is so nice that you got a gazebo to use on your deck. It will give you many hours of pleasure there I'm sure. Sweet photos of your grandkids. Sometimes it's just the simple things that bring more pleasure and fun for them. There's nothing like a big box to play in and one's imagination. Sadly, we are missing out on these special times with our grandkids so far away. I really do miss the fact that we can't do things with them and only get short visits every 6 months or so. Enjoy every minute Lorrie. You are blessed. (I know you know that too.) :)

  8. Looks like a great spot to sit and enjoy a meal or conversations. Boxes provide so much fun and imagination. How great to have such a large one. We (I think) are finally going to put our patio covers up this weekend.

  9. There is nothing more fun than a big ol' cardboard box to occupy a few kiddos! We have the same issue with our deck and the hot sun and have thought about getting one of those tents. Does it do a pretty good job of keeping it cool?

  10. The wonderful world of discovery! Isn't it lovely to see the little ones work things out and enjoy imaginary play. I love your deck area, and what a lovely place to sit and relax xx

  11. Your deck is lovely!!!! I think that a big cardboard box is always a great toy for young children isn't it! xx

  12. You will be able to watch the pink full moon tonight from your balcony. Boxes are always the best playhouses. I dream of days like yours when I become a Grandmother.

  13. Don't you just love that kids like a big box better than an expensive plastic toy made in China from the toy store? And how smart you were to not tell them it was a playhouse! I don't think I would have thought of that, but much better!

    I love your little aerie gazebo, and it must be romantic to pull the curtains. Listening to the rain inside it will be magical!

    Could those kids be any cuter? I think not!

  14. Give a child a big box and see what happens! It becomes so many things, a boat, a cave, a place for tea. I'd love to be that age again!

  15. I love the days of play. How special to have the box for them to play in.
    Love the new furniture too.

  16. Bringing home that box was the best thing you could have done . . . the kids love it as much as you love your new decorated deck :) I love seeing children playing in ways that stimulate their imagination and being outside in the sunshine . . . better yet! Looks like your summer is off to a very nice start.

  17. Oh, a big box is such fun!! I have wonderful memories of my own children and my grandchildren playing for hours in such a box. I remember one box that was a house, then a tent, then a "pastry." I am not sure why it was a "pastry" other than the fact that it was flat. :)

    Imaginations run free in a cardboard box!

  18. Isn't it wonderful!

  19. Big boxes are so much fun! Your post reminded me of many happy memories I had nearly forgotten. Your deck looks like the perfect space to enjoy breakfast, dinner, lunch, conversation, and elevators.

  20. Cardboard boxes for the win! Sometimes (often!) I wonder why we ever think we need to buy toys . . .

    I love your gazebo -- looks like it could be the perfect reading spot on a summer day. . .

  21. Anonymous4:31 AM

    The days of cardboard boxes are some of the best memories I have. My granddaughter's imagination as to windows, doors, wallpaper, etc. was amazing. Love the smiles on your happy little munchkins and your deck looks lovely.

  22. ahhh, this so brings good memories to me. our boy and girl had big box playhouses...then, the grands. They are all grown now and 3 little great-grands are playing in boxes. So much fun...When we didn't have a big box, out came the card table and sheets to drape over it and, walla, a fort/playhouse was born.

  23. Lovely photo's of your grandchildren Lori! Hope we will have your beautiful weather soon!

    Madelief x

  24. When I saw that first photo of your granddaughter I instantly thought little Lorrie. I think it is the pretty blue eyes that you both seem to share.
    Your deck looks like the ideal spot for all ages. The furniture is so attractive and the awning will serve you well. We splurged on a retractable awning a few years ago and it was one of our smarter splurges. Love that you thought to rescue the box. Obviously a smart move :).

  25. Hi Lorrie, Your grans are truly beautiful. I remember my boys playing in boxes. They liked them better than toys. You are so blessed to have the grans close by.

  26. ah the days of summer! I love your deck. It looks like a wonderful place to sit and chat. And kids and a cardboard box - absolutely! Who needs electronic toys? We bought a new fridge & freezer last summer and our grandsons had tons of fun with that box, cutting, painting etc. The elder one said it was the best play day ever! Happy days Lorrie and thank you for stopping by my blog this week.

  27. Your deck looks nice! We have a gazebo on ours too! Makes it so nice to sit out there now. My kid took a box like that and made a TARDIS a few years ago. They had lots of fun with it. Kids do love simple things. It's a good lesson for us all!


  28. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Lovely, one has to make the most of summer here!!! Clarice


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