Monday, June 20, 2016

Fathers, Forest and Beach

Four of the finest fathers I know - my own father, my husband, our son and son-in-law. Our daughter and son-in-law were camping for the weekend, so the rest of us (minus the Vancouver lovelies) drove up for lunch on Sunday.

Although the weather was cooler than we'd hoped, fun was had by all. Travis blew bubbles for the littles. Don't they look magical in the forest?

What fun to try and catch a bubble before it pops. Miss A caught several with her mouth and confessed that they didn't taste all that wonderful. 

While the grandchildren tried to catch bubbles, I caught some ocean spray (holodiscus discolor) with my lens. And some pretty "bubbles" in the background.

After lunch ("We're eating al fresco," said Miss A, demonstrating a newly learned word), we headed off to the beach. The tide was out and the sand stretched far into the distance. However, the girls wanted to plop down immediately to start their sand castle. We convinced them to wander a bit further, to the edge of a tide pool. 

These cute little feet splashed and ran... 

and sat on top of the sand pile accompanied by plenty of giggles. 

Kite flying was popular that day. 

Success! We (my parents and Tim and I) didn't linger very long on the beach. It was chilly. But as we drove the 2 hours homewards, the sun began to shine and the evening was warm and lovely. I hope it was the same for those who stayed longer.

How was your Father's Day weekend? 


  1. Oh a day at the beach with bubbles is just perfect. We had family in our backyard for a barbecue. The corn on the cob was so delicious.

  2. Anonymous6:12 PM

    Looks like you had a lovely Father's Day. The photo of the father's in your life is so nice. It will be a treasure for sure. The bubbles in the forest are very magical!
    Hope your week is starting well!

  3. Such a nice photo of the four guys at the top and the bubbles in the forest are magical. Made me think right away of fairies. :-)
    Our grandson came for BBQ on father's day and tomorrow we celebrate with our youngest daughter who had to work all weekend. Previously we attended a Blue Jays game as daughter #1's gift to her dad.

  4. Your first photo is sure to become a family favourite. Your pictures all attest to the fact that sunlight is not necessary for a good day at the beach! We celebrated Father's day and my father's birthday by taking a picnic supper to the care facility, setting tables with cloths and flowers and enjoying an evening with 4 generations. As I said to a friend, it was a little like a picnic in a Tuscan convent with the rosemary chicken and the bright yellows and blues of the nappery!

  5. I spent the day on my own, the family patriarch working hard all day in a hotel room far across the country, but we do let him know regularly what a great dad he's been to our kids and a fab granddad to their kids. . . I love that top photo of your family's dads!

  6. What a lovely enchanting day - the magic of little kids can't beat. The photos are wonderful - and I love your header. We spent the day with our daughters and their family - a nice brunch - time on the deck and water balloons for the boys. Just delightful.

  7. The photo of the four fathers is one to go on the mantelpiece :)
    Lovely family times.
    Funny isn't it, how kids always get 'stuck' on the first bit of beach they come to!

  8. Anonymous4:36 AM

    Fabulous family weekend with great Father photo and fun with the grands. A day doesn't get much better than that even when it is chilly. Thanks for sharing because it reminds us all what Father's Day should really be about, bubbles and all. :-)

  9. Anonymous4:39 AM

    Fabulous family weekend with great Father photo and fun with the grands. A day doesn't get much better than that even when it is chilly. Thanks for sharing because it reminds us all what Father's Day should really be about, bubbles and all. :-)

  10. What a lovely day....I felt like I was right there with you...sand in my toes, & all.

    Lorrie that photo of the bubbles against the forest is SPECTACULAR!! You should make it into notecards & sell them!

    Loved the little feet, too. Wonderful day!

  11. What a nice day and a beautiful area to spend Father's day! Love your Fathers photo too. It's hard to imagine cool...when it's so hot here now! But the humidity was low last night for a change so I got to walk. Enjoy your week! Sweet hugs, Diane

  12. What fun to be on the beach, though it does look a little cool!

  13. It's lovely that you were able to spend some time together with your family. The little ones are adorable!


  14. How wonderful for you all to get together to celebrate. You are certainly blessed with beautiful Grandchildren.

  15. Such precious family moments! Love all your photos, especially the bubbles in the forest and those sweet little feet :) xx K

  16. It looks like a beautiful day.

  17. What a perfectly wonderful weekend! Those bubbles absolutely looked like iridescent jewels amongst the trees in the forest. Wonderful photos, one and all!

  18. What a wonderful Fathers Day weekend you had!! Glad you enjoyed it. The beach looks like fun!

  19. We had a lovely weekend too. Your photos are wonderful! The bubbles in the forest! wow!

    Also your header is great!

    Happy Summer!

  20. Your photos tell the story well as do your words. That's a great father picture.
    We ended up canceling our plans due to the patriarch of the family being quite sick with a weird virus.

  21. What a beautiful time you all had! I love the bubbles in the forest. So pretty.

  22. What a fun Father's Day weekend! Love the shot of the bubbles in the forest. Last Saturday, we went to my aunt's house for her birthday BBQ. On Sunday, we went out for sushi!

  23. Oh my, yes! The bubbles DO look magical in the forest and so does your header look magical and lovely. I did not know that it ever got chilly in your corner in June. Learning something new right there. Fun to see the children growing and playing and the family having fun together.

  24. Yes, the bubbles look magical, and you, dear Lorrie, are the one behind the lens, that captures are that magic for us to enjoy! What a fun Father's Day outing and special memories to savor.

  25. Such fun and wonderful photos accompany this heart-warming post. Times of celebration and family togetherness, set against the beauty of creation...beautiful!

    I love the photo of the dads and bubbles-in-the-background shot, but I think my favorite is that of the little baby toes in the sand. Precious. (I tried to get a similar shot on our recent beach outing with family, but my little Paul's toes were too far into the sand. I love it anyway.)

    Happy summer to you! I am sure that you're getting excited about your trip!!

  26. My dear Lorrie, what a wonderful and memorable Father's Day. I just loved the photo of the bubbles and the sweet kids trying to pop them :)

    Enjoy the upcoming weekend. Hugs!

  27. It looks like a wonderful time. The beach looks so inviting and i love the photo of the kids chasing bubbles. How precious!

  28. A wonderful post celebrating family. The children look like they are having fun. Funny how as we age, heat and cold bother us more, but the little ones have fun all the same. Love the bubbles; they make the forest look enchanted.


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