Thursday, June 30, 2016

A Quick Five on Friday

1. My favorite flowers: hydrangeas and roses

2. Looking at the details: light and shadow

3. Getting the house ready for house sitters makes me realize how much I've neglected the cleaning around here. 

4. If I put flowers on the mantel and the table, will that distract our visitors from the windows that need cleaning? I'm going with that plan.

5. Raspberries: Picked today, made into Raspberry Cream Cheese Muffins. Click on the link for the recipe - one I adapted from a magazine.

Red raspberries on a white plate are as much as I'll be doing to celebrate Canada Day this year. I'm so pleased to be a Canadian! Happy Birthday, Canada! 

Linking with Five on Friday, hosted by Amy of Love Made My Home. 


  1. I'm amazed that you found the time to gather together this lovely collection of five beauties this week with your trip looming. Blue hydrangeas are my favourites although I'm also partial to white.
    I wonder if golden raspberries would work as well in your recipe, I might have enough ripe berries to give it a try this weekend before we head off to the Dordogne.
    Have a wonderful vacation!

  2. Beautiful flowers and a delicious treat to round everything out :D

    Mersad Donko Photography

  3. Those muffins look good. I might try them.

  4. Oh this is a gorgeous Five on Friday, I love blue hydrangeas and Roses. The muffins look good too. Have a great trip and good weekend xx

  5. The hydrangeas are stunning . In the Azores they used these plants as field hedges to separate the fields, from a distance it looks like a blue criss cross board, simply stunning. Love red raspberries on a white plate. Crisp and clean x

  6. Ha-ha! That was quick. Everything so lovely. As I'm sure your home is, too. Go and enjoy!

  7. Your house sitters may clean the windows! Hint...hint... Ha!

    Don't work too hard today and happy packing.

  8. Beautiful blooms, I am a great fan of hydrangeas and roses too. Once again, enjoy your trip the windows will still be there when you get back. Take care.

  9. Lovely shade of blue on your hydrangeas. I think a vase of flowers could be quite distracting! Happy Travels!

  10. What a great FIVE things, Lorrie. I LOVE those hydrangeas. Hope you have a great trip. xo Diana

  11. Beautiful flowers. Have a great trip. Happy Canada Day to you. Those muffins look great - make me hungry!

  12. Beautiful hydrangeas, love this shade of blue. And now I'm eager to have ripe raspberries (next month) to make the muffins. They look delicious. Enjoy your holiday weekend!

  13. A lovely five it is! Beautiful hydrangeas...and those muffins look luscious!
    Happy packing and cleaning and preparing...but mostly, happy anticipating!

  14. Happy Canada Day, Lorri!

    Your pretty post is filled with a few of my favourite things: flowers and muffins! I bet both your hydrangea/rose bouquet and batch of Canada day inspired sweets are equally fragrant!


  15. Hope you have a good day for Canada day. Love your hydrangeas. Have a great weekend :)

  16. Raspberries! Yum! :-)

  17. Beautiful flowers and delicious muffins, that has to be a good combination doesn't it! Happy Canada Day! Thank you for joining in with Five On Friday. I hope you have a fun weekend! xx

  18. Happy Canada Day, Lorrie!

  19. If they're the right kind of house-sitters, they will happily be distracted from flowers, and if they notice any windows that need cleaning, perhaps they'll just make a note to do that for you before you return ;-)

  20. I think that sounds like a good plan. With flowers that pretty, I'd never notice dirty windows.
    Those muffins look delectable. How fabulous to be making them with your own raspberries.

  21. Wishing I was Canadian. Happy Canada Day and Happy Travels!!
    Yes, flowers. Funny, I left a bouquet in my kitchen when we were gone and it was still there when we returned. My housesitter (son) doesn't think about tossing dead flowers. Love hydrangeas and roses.

  22. Just lovely - and beautiful. These days I wish I was a Canadian too (politically) - things are pretty scary down here - the two most hated politicians in the country are running for president - weird.

    Hope your trip is great - and the flowers should distract anyone from a smudgey window. Love the header too.

  23. Happy Canada Day, Lorrie!

    Those roses and hydrangea would distract anyone from anything!

    Have a great trip! Take lots of pictures to share!

  24. Beautiful pictures Lorrie. Love Hydrangeas, especially in the bouquet with the white roses.
    Definately , going to make your muffin recipe, it looks delish.
    If you ever need a house sitter when you travel, I would definately clean your windows.
    Happy Canada Day and safe travels on your trip.

  25. Beautiful pictures Lorrie. Love Hydrangeas, especially in the bouquet with the white roses.
    Definately , going to make your muffin recipe, it looks delish.
    If you ever need a house sitter when you travel, I would definately clean your windows.
    Happy Canada Day and safe travels on your trip.

  26. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Beautiful and yummy five! Have fun on your trip!!

  27. You picked two of my favorite flowers and in my favorite colors.

  28. I like the soft blue shade of your hydrangeas and they pair well with the roses. The muffins look delicious and a possibility when our raspberries are in. Strawberries were picked again this morning and made into a Victoria sponge cake.
    Happy Canada Day.

  29. Mmm, those muffins look absolutely delicious, I'm making a note in case I have too many raspberries. The hydrangeas and roses together are stunning, really dramatic. The roses here have been phenomenal this year. I hope you have a good weekend.

  30. My mouth waters when I see your muffins ! I love them with raspberries !! Yor flower pictures are beautiful !

  31. Wow I love those raspberry muffins, I will have to try them out. Your flowers look beautiful x

  32. Happy Birthday, Canadians. We're having a birthday of our own on July 4th in the USA. So difficult to imagine a conflict between Yankees and Brits, our best allies. Thankfully, now we're all just extended family here in Blogland. Happy July to everyone.

  33. Happy Canada Day, Lorrie!
    Those raspberry cream muffins are calling for me to make them!!
    Also, I read your post on taking your mom to Butchart Gardens for a stroll and tea for free!! Wow, what a wonderful treat and I loved seeing both of your beautiful faces. I'm with my mom right now and celebrated her 87th birthday this past Thursday. What a blessing!

  34. Hydrangeas are one of my favorites as well. Happy belated Canada Day! I must check out your muffin recipe, they look delicious!

  35. Happy belated Canada day! Your flowers are amazing! And the muffins look very tasty as well. Too hot to turn the oven on but when it cools down...

  36. Those flowers are stunning!

  37. I love your choice of flowers. They always have lovely colors.

  38. Canada is a lovely place for sure I've been twice and tell people if the UK sinks that's where they'll find me. Love the colours of the beautiful flowers and those muffins appear to be delicious.


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