Thursday, June 30, 2016

Summer Days Make Me Feel Fine

School's out! Grades are in, files sorted, desks cleaned out. I even had time to send some material for printing and laminating for next year! Now it's time to play!

The sun returned this week. The three munchkins above, along with a parent or two and yours truly, went raspberry picking at a U-pick farm yesterday. Such lovely big juicy berries. I didn't get any as we have enough with our own canes here. And I forgot to take my camera along, so there are no photos of little ones reaching up to pick and then plop fat berries into containers. 

Sunshine and water are the perfect summer combination. Nana filled the pool. Mister F waded in wearing socks and pants, so we let him stay that way. He minded not a whit. The girls poured, splashed, slid, and screamed. We followed up with lunch and homemade fudgesicles on the deck. Ahh, summer.

This morning I wandered out to the garden, enjoying the freedom of not having to be anywhere at a particular time. I filled my breakfast bowl with blueberries and attempted to take a photo. The light was so pretty, all dappled and clear. 
I crouched down. Just as I clicked the camera button, the sprinkler system came on and water sprayed onto my legs. Shock! Hence the swing of the lens cover.

The light wasn't quite so great here, but I didn't get any wetter. I added some cottage cheese and chopped nuts to the berries and enjoyed them with tea. 

Now what? Oh, there's a lot list of things to do. We leave for London and Paris on Saturday. House sitters are coming. Cleaning needs doing. Packing. Last minute shopping. Paying bills. So, I'm off to start ticking things off my very long list. Catch you later.


  1. Lorrie, I hope you have a really wonderful time on your holiday!

  2. Good times ahead! (and now)…have a wonderful trip and we'll enjoy some of the photos, I'm sure. And wow that's quite a blue berry picture! They look delicious.

  3. Your own, homegrown, blues look luscious! Hope some other lucky picker will get some whilst you're gone and they won't be wasted.

    Again Lori, have a really marvelous trip - I'm sure you will - and take lots of photos to keep us happy!
    Bon voyage - Mary x

  4. ah, it's blueberry time, Lorrie. I do love blueberries. And, isn't it extra nice that they are good for you, too.

  5. Oh wonderful! I had already forgotten that you are jetting off. I am much happier about you going to England and France than anywhere else. Dear friends left today for Turkey. That is not quite so exciting, but they are looking forward to spending time on the Aegean.

    What a happy photo of the grands enjoying summertime.

    Have a fabulous vacation!

  6. Your Grandchildren certainly seem to be enjoying the pool, such fun. Have a wonderful break away, exciting times.

  7. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Oh boy, I'm so excited for you about your trip! I will enjoy seeing what you see and want to share! Enjoy...

  8. Your trip sounds wonderful! Bucket list trips for me!

  9. I hope you are having a great summer yourself. The little ones are delightful.

    Lorrie, I see you have stopped following me. Is that Google’s doing?

  10. Have a wonderful adventure in Paris and London. I will look forward to hearing all about it when you return. How fun to enjoy a summer day with your grandchildren. Those are the best.

  11. Just getting back to blogland a bit and had to check in. You are going to London and Paris? You lucky girl, you! Cute pictures of the kiddos---socks, pants and watered down one and all. Love your blueberries even if you did get a bit of a sprinkle taking the xo Diana

  12. You are sure to get all done as I think you must be very efficient. In any case, you will be as ready as you need to be for your flight and will fly off no matter how much (or how little) gets done. You are sure to have a wonderful time!

  13. You are sure to get all done as I think you must be very efficient. In any case, you will be as ready as you need to be for your flight and will fly off no matter how much (or how little) gets done. You are sure to have a wonderful time!

  14. Oh...what fun you will have on your summer adventure! Looking forward to hearing all about it right here.

  15. Homemade fudgesicles sound amazing! Happy and safe travels across the pond!

  16. I used to make fudgesicles for my kids, but it's been a long long time... maybe I should whip up a batch for myself.

    Have a wonderful trip!

  17. Hope you have a much deserved wonderful vacation.

  18. Have a fun, safe trip! Looking forward to your pics.


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