Thursday, June 02, 2016

Five Random Things on Friday

1. Placemats stitched awhile ago, now finally on the table. I've had the red cup fabric gently aging and decided it was finally time to use it. Simple channel quilting. Wide mitered border. I enjoy pretty table linens and these fit the bill. 

2. With no arranging or organizing I snapped a photo of my potting bench. The big bucket below is what I use for collecting weeds. The moss wreath dried up and was removed from the front door. I haven't decide what I'll do with it yet. The hanging spade was a gift from my husband one year; it's short and lightweight and is easy for me to use.

3. I finally got my annual pots done last weekend. The daisies welcomed the rain. I'm so glad we have a watering system so I don't have to think about going out there with a watering can or a hose on a daily basis. 

4. I recently finished reading The Heaven Tree Trilogy - set on the Welsh border in the late 12th and early 13th centuries. Lots of historical tidbits are woven into the fictional account of a stone mason and his family. Thoroughly enjoyable.

5. Another flower in the rain - this time the Secret rose. The blooms are large and showy, there's nothing retiring about Secret. Sweetly scented, with a faint hint of apple rounding out the rose fragrance. 

This weekend - a birthday party for a 4-year-old. Some sewing, I hope. A school musical production. A little marking, just to stay caught up before the final onslaught. Just two weeks of classes left, but who's counting? (I am!)

Linking with Five on Friday hosted by Amy of Love Made My Home. 


  1. You and I have the same taste in weed buckets! That made me smile :) !
    Have a great weekend - a birthday party is such a special treat.

  2. We just celebrated an 8th birthday last night. And I have the same bucket for my dead heading or weeding. Your new placemats are lovely.

  3. Oooooo, ♥♥♥ that teacup fabric!! I'm hosting a tea party/teacup exchange for my quilt group next month. Very pretty!

    I laughed out loud when I read "The hanging spade was a gift from my husband one year" Ernie bought me a snow shovel one year!!! He got it because it was very lightweight & curved, thus less strain.

    Enjoy the birthday party & your upcoming school break. My grandkidlets are out already!

  4. I enjoyed catching up with all your news, Lorrie. And I love the placemats. They are so pretty it is almost a shame to cover them with a plate :-)

  5. Love the placemats the fabric was wonderful. Hope you enjoy the party, sounds like fun. Take care.

  6. I particularly loved the potting bench shot, my idea of perfection x

  7. I love love love the pictures of flowers with raindrops on them. They looks so beautiful. Your potting table looks wonderful.

    Have a great weekend

  8. I bet you are so looking forward to the holidays and that much needed extra time! I like the sound of the Edith Pargeter book, I will have to look that one out. Enjoy your garden this weekend:) B x

  9. This looks like a book I would enjoy. It's going on my ongoing list.
    Love the rain touched rose and daises. Very cute placemats. And fun to see your potting bench.

  10. Lovely as always! Your placemats are very pretty, and your potting bench looks picture perfect, funny how things come together like that sometimes isn't it! Hope that the party goes well and that everyone has a lot of fun! Thank you for your support of Five On Friday, I so appreciate it!!! Have a great weekend! xx

  11. Who's counting? You are!

    That is the prettiest rose!

    I wonder what's on your summer reading list?

  12. You have an artistically arranged shed! Apart from the white buckets under the table,it would make a pretty card! :-)

  13. I would be counting! I sure like the black, red, and gray colours in your teacup placemats, Lorrie. I'd love to have a potting bench-so handy.
    Happy Birthday to your little four year old grand!

  14. Great placemats, I've been needing some new ones and been to lazy to make them. You have inspired me. That fabric is wonderful.

  15. Such pretty placemats!

    It sounds like a lovely and varied weekend is in store for you! A birthday party for a 4-year-old is bound to be lots of fun!

  16. I really like your potting bench. The rose is gorgeous and your new placemats are sweet with the teacups. The book sounds like a really good read. Is it 3 stories in one? Enjoy your last 2 weeks of school before summer vacation!

  17. That book sounds like something that I would like. Your potting bench is just perfect and those placemats are beautiful! Love the fabric and your quilting. Enjoy the birthday party! Time flies...

  18. So homey and comforting your post is today. Loved the table mats. What fun! And the flowers, oh my, aren't they beauties. Thanks for the title of that book you've been reading. Sounds like one to seek out for my own burgeoning pile of books to read.

    Wishing you happy weekend...

  19. It goes without saying that I'm a huge fan of your red placemats with the teacups!

    The countdown to summer vacation is on!

  20. I love that photo of your potting bench!

  21. Oh how I love your choice in fabric for those placemats and the flowers you have captured with rain drops are truly beautiful.

  22. Those are great placemats. Do you find ageing the fabric improves it ;) If so, I have some wonderfully aged fabrics in my cupboard! That's a nice corner with the potting bench. I too use a couple of ancient galvanized buckets for collecting weeds. Much more portable than the giant paper garden bags.

  23. Pretty placemats with the teacup fabric. Nice to see your potting bench corner and I like the birdhouse on it. I use plastic handled trugs for weeding but keep a small white pail alongside for stones that continually appear in the garden.

  24. Your placemats are pretty, Lorrie! Roses in the rain are so lovely, aren't they? I'm not a gardener but if I was your potting bench would be something like what I would have; small and well organized. Hope you're enjoying your weekend.


  25. By now you've enjoyed the birthday party, the musical production and the sewing (hopefully)!
    You are so organized. Your potting bench is picture perfect too.

  26. Lovely potting bench. My plants wish for rain. They are so dusty. Even when I use a watering can over them, it's not enough to remove the dust from their leaves. And so hot now. 5:00 p.m. and 45 C. Ugh!


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